View Full Version : EMP 8x1 DiSEqC problem

11-10-2011, 05:28 PM
Hi all,

I have just tried to add another LNB to my multi-bracket and have come back inside to find that I am no longer receiving any signal for all of my other sats through my 8x1 switch.

How have I managed to mess up the switch?? And is there anything I can do to resurrect it? Everything works fine when I link it direct to the receiver so it must be this.


11-10-2011, 07:11 PM
Mate hate to say it but its sounds fooked to me. Over the years I have "killed" two EMP 8-1 switches doing what you did. You never ever mess with any switch while the receiver is on. I did it again on Sunday with a chess 4-1 diseqc switch I added another feed to input 4 while it was live and killed that ouput.

11-10-2011, 09:05 PM
Thanks keano, I was sure I turned everything off cause that was my first thought. 24 month warranty so back it goes