View Full Version : Is the server down?

14-10-2011, 10:13 AM
Still in my first week - so still trying to read all the signs. Everything working OK last night - furtled with the epg, but couldn't get anything useful, viewed a bit still everything OK. Got up this morning and nothing cleared - looked into "Ethernet" and it was stuck on "Connecting...". After 10 mins tried a factory reset, reload channel list, softcam, USALS data etc - but still just "Connecting...". My router shows connection to the SB with a small amoubt of traffic (so connection to the router is not the problem) hence the question "Is the server down" . . . . or is it something at my end?

14-10-2011, 10:15 AM
no, just some channels on various satellites

14-10-2011, 10:35 AM
Not worth me looking for any channels, since I am not connected on ethernet - so I will get none! I have done a factory reset on SB, a reboot of the router - but still nothing. Running out of ideas.

14-10-2011, 10:59 AM
Not worth me looking for any channels, since I am not connected on ethernet - so I will get none! I have done a factory reset on SB, a reboot of the router - but still nothing. Running out of ideas.

no the server is not down , just a few channels are at the moment

you need to fix that "connecting" issue , check your ip settings are correct , and your mac address too

reboot the router as well

until the ethernet connection is fixed you wont decode anything apart from ucas

14-10-2011, 11:22 AM
Just about run out of ideas now. Router rebooted, factory reset, patch reloaded, factory reset, USALS and data reloaded. Checked router which allocates a fixed ip to SB based on its mac address - correct ip assigned - so mac not changed. Still just "Connecting.....". Out of ideas. Youtube also down (assumed that is via the server anyway), will try to get a cs trial line to see if that works. If it does then, for some reason, the server I would connect to (not sure whether everyone connects to the same server - no ip info to tell me) is not talking to me!

14-10-2011, 11:32 AM
its the same server , and mine is on right this minute as I type this , so its not the server

double check the mac address with the one inside the box by looking through the top vent , do not assume its correct

you may need to reconfigure the router to allow the box to communicate once more , as it sounds like a router firewall issue to me

try loading the old patch after a factory reset and see if that works ok first , then try the new upgrade from yesterday again

14-10-2011, 11:44 AM
Thanks for hanging on in there echelon. Firstly my router reserves static ips based on mac addresses and has allocated the correct ip - therefore mac has not changed - checking in "Network" the mac listed is the one in use since new (only Monday). Other than setting a static ip in the router for SB no other router configuration was necessary. "Old patch" - not sure what you mean the box is a 9900 and was only delivered last week, the only patch installed is the Oct11 one. "New upgrade from yesterday" - what's that???

14-10-2011, 11:49 AM
The new upgrade that echelon referred to can be found here:


Please follow the installation procedure in post#3

14-10-2011, 11:51 AM
time waits for no man in this game paulus ;)

14-10-2011, 12:25 PM
Hang on echelon . . the instruction said "may" and "end of the month". However . . . . . . I have now installed the new patch and it is worse!! I now just show NOT CONNECTED in Ethernet - in fact it makes no attempt after switching comms on. Yet Youtube now works!! Unless there is a specific port getting blocked I don't know where to try now? Final thought is whether my ISP is blocking access via DNS, anyone any thoughts about using an open DNS? Or am I now REALLY clutching at straws?

14-10-2011, 12:50 PM
Well knock me down with a feather duster! From "Not connected" I tried with a click on "Register" and I got my old "Connecting....." back. However 5 mins later still "Connecting....". In frustration turned connection off then back again and instantly everything jumped into life!! Problem solved - don't know how - suspect will be doing a lot of pottering if this is anything to go by. Thanks for your help guys.

14-10-2011, 01:57 PM
although I agree with the "end of the month" scenario , in your case I was hoping the new patch would fix your connection problem , as you have a 9900 which I dont ! as I dont have a 9900 I have no way of testing one , so I thought that this new patch may fix your problem

its a learning curve for all of us , but you cannot assume you have the latest patch no matter if the box is a week old or a year old

it would appear you put the new patch in and youtube then worked , and re-registering your mac ID seems to have fixed your login problems after a reboot

so assuming you are on the new patch and the connection is ok and youtube is ok , it seems you are sorted , which is the main point of the exercise

14-10-2011, 04:04 PM
I have a SpiderboxHD 9900 and can confirm the Mandatory Upgrade Ethernet patch
has indeed improved the Ethernet Connection

The previous patch had issues connecting.

there are still a few bugs in the 9900 but it's work in progress
as it's still early days for this model.

as it is I'm a happy chappy with the improved connection

14-10-2011, 09:30 PM
Well knock me down with a feather duster! From "Not connected" I tried with a click on "Register" and I got my old "Connecting....." back. However 5 mins later still "Connecting....". In frustration turned connection off then back again and instantly everything jumped into life!! Problem solved - don't know how - suspect will be doing a lot of pottering if this is anything to go by. Thanks for your help guys.

just do exit.....do not need wait so long ......if no

Reboot the box... switch off the Ethernet ,exit and go back to Ethernet and switch on should be ok..

14-10-2011, 09:44 PM

What about the [ 3D ] Channels m8??? Fook the [ HD ]:sifone:

15-10-2011, 09:08 AM
Thanks Darkman - there clearly are some connection gremlins in the 9900, and I am glad that you are aware of them and working on them. Can I add one more, I have configured a couple of c-lines to very reliable servers, however randomly they get disconnected and it takes more furtling to get them to reconnect. Can we make these connections more stable please - currently using the PVR facility is useless when you come back to a "Scrambled Channel" half way through because of a disconnection.

15-10-2011, 09:46 AM
when i use c-lines i turn ethernet off and all other c-lines except the one i am using for a particular channel as it seems in my oppinion that they all try to decode the same channel at the same time and cause conflicts,glitching,freezing,disc onnections,try for yourself,may work may not


15-10-2011, 09:50 AM
when i use c-lines i turn ethernet off and all other c-lines except the one i am using for a particular channel as it seems in my oppinion that they all try to decode the same channel at the same time and cause conflicts,glitching,freezing,disc onnections,try for yourself,may work may not


or use the priority option so that one is more important than the other

its also worth noting that some servers "time out" and disconnect you when you are idle for some time , so although the server may be reliable , they may need to alter the "keep alive" option to stop the connection being dropped , in that case a dual line option works better ;)

15-10-2011, 10:10 AM
or use the priority option so that one is more important than the other

its also worth noting that some servers "time out" and disconnect you when you are idle for some time , so although the server may be reliable , they may need to alter the "keep alive" option to stop the connection being dropped , in that case a dual line option works better ;)

forgot about the priority option
as for the dual line option never heard of that so i have learnt something new.

15-10-2011, 10:13 AM
forgot about the priority option
as for the dual line option never heard of that so i have learnt something new.

they dont both drop at the same time , so one is always running to take over from the other one ;)

nuff said

15-10-2011, 12:16 PM

What about the [ 3D ] Channels m8??? Fook the [ HD ]:sifone:

We are Looking for 4D M8.lol

15-10-2011, 12:20 PM
Thanks Darkman - there clearly are some connection gremlins in the 9900, and I am glad that you are aware of them and working on them. Can I add one more, I have configured a couple of c-lines to very reliable servers, however randomly they get disconnected and it takes more furtling to get them to reconnect. Can we make these connections more stable please - currently using the PVR facility is useless when you come back to a "Scrambled Channel" half way through because of a disconnection.

The Cccam if lose connection has timer inside Auto reconnect.. many times depend even from Other Part to be Honest or Time out Internet issue or configuration of other sides.. ..Any way we all ways will see to improve thinks if is possible why not.

15-10-2011, 01:05 PM
I still think there is some issue with the 9900 comms. I turned Ethernet off, and have just one c-line active, yet the SB disconnects randomly (like every 5-45 mins). There is no "Connect" button - so you are left furtling about trying to get the connection to re-establish. I do hope this is being worked on. Regarding "priority option", not found this yet - where is this set?

15-10-2011, 01:12 PM
I still think there is some issue with the 9900 comms. I turned Ethernet off, and have just one c-line active, yet the SB disconnects randomly (like every 5-45 mins). There is no "Connect" button - so you are left furtling about trying to get the connection to re-establish. I do hope this is being worked on. Regarding "priority option", not found this yet - where is this set?

there may be some niggles with the 9900 but what I said and what dm said is basically correct , the auto reconnect should work just fine but it all depends on the ppl running the srvr as to how the idle time is handled before AND AFTER you are kicked , not a spiderbox issue , and as I also said but will reiterate once more ,

a dual line facility overcomes those dropout issues so not sure why you have totally ignored my advice

as for the priority option , its mentioned in the guides , I know this because I posted it there , so if you dont know about it its because YOU have not read MY guides !!

and bear in mind an N line works a lot better than a C line too

seems to be a pattern of not reading or not listening developing here , and I dont think I am to blame ;)

you being the newbie to the spider , should be reading everything in sight with avarice , and dont try to tell those of us who have had one a lot longer how things stand , especially when people like me wrote the guides for spiderbox newbies to read and digest (you have been here 7 years so must have read something by now !)

maybe your srvrs are not as reliable as you think , and maybe their idle times before "throwing out time" need adjusting ?

and a menu-reboot is what forces a reconnect ! (although the spiderbox will auto reconnect after a few minutes have elapsed)

its worth bearing in mind that we dont allow srvr chat on here , so pointing this out to you "in general" , as I did when mister-t took note !!

nuff said