View Full Version : Adding New Satellites And Tweaking Sat Positions using USALS

chris B
14-10-2011, 10:52 PM
Hi guys,

I have been reading through the Spider 9000HD user manual and the Satpimps Guides and FAQ's but cannot find any answers relating to the above.

Can anybody enlighten me as to whether it's possible to tweak and store sat positions whilts using USALS??..... I've concluded that itprobably isn't possible?

I have been trying to tweak Sirius 2/3 setting at 5E back to Astra 4A at 4.8E by using store sat position command......but after exiting the menu, this motor just returns to the original 5E position set via USALS......Will this option only work if you store the position under DiSEqC motor setting?

Also, under the Installations - motor set up - sattelites heading..... It appears that yYou have the facilty to add new sats (Newsat 1 to Newsat 8 availlability)

Can anybody provide me with an idiots guide as to how I can store new sattelite positions using this option please?



15-10-2011, 02:28 AM
Please try the following procedure, posted on the other forum by william1:

Adding a Satellite to the Spiderbox data base

Go to Installations **** Satellite ****look through the list of stored satellites if the satellite you require is there then click on it & scan an active transponder for the satellite to become active,
If the satellite is a new one that is not in the data base then you can add it,
Find a vacant slot then name the satellite & save it **** now go manual scan & add a known active transponder & scan for the new satellite for it to become active.

15-10-2011, 09:58 AM
Hi guys,

I have been reading through the Spider 9000HD user manual and the Satpimps Guides and FAQ's but cannot find any answers relating to the above.

Can anybody enlighten me as to whether it's possible to tweak and store sat positions whilts using USALS??..... I've concluded that itprobably isn't possible?

I have been trying to tweak Sirius 2/3 setting at 5E back to Astra 4A at 4.8E by using store sat position command......but after exiting the menu, this motor just returns to the original 5E position set via USALS......Will this option only work if you store the position under DiSEqC motor setting?

Also, under the Installations - motor set up - sattelites heading..... It appears that yYou have the facilty to add new sats (Newsat 1 to Newsat 8 availlability)

Can anybody provide me with an idiots guide as to how I can store new sattelite positions using this option please?



note 2 things as well

1) if you tweak the usals position by altering the position from say 5e to 4.8e , it means the gift wont work ( there arent any on this position )
so if you altered 16e to 15.8e you wont open tring or any others like that , same applies to altering 0.8w or 19.2e , so be aware its not a good idea on some sats

2) you cannot fine tune and save in usals , so use diseqc v1.2 , fine tune , and store , and use diseqc v1.2 for accurate positioning

if using usals , try keeping the sats as they should be and fine tune your longitude for optimum results across the range

chris B
15-10-2011, 10:45 AM
Thanks guys,

I Knew about the 16E and 15.8E gift scenario, but didn't appreciate this was also the case for other sat positions.

The tweaking on USALS makes perfect sense also, and I have tried the longitude tweak but it upsets the others a little more for the benefit of 1 sat only.

If I revert to DisEsQ is there a thread which tells me which frequencies are best used for fine tuning each sat position?

Or should I just try to find a tp from each sat with a weaker signal for fine tuning.



15-10-2011, 10:50 AM
Thanks guys,

I Knew about the 16E and 15.8E gift scenario, but didn't appreciate this was also the case for other sat positions.

The tweaking on USALS makes perfect sense also, and I have tried the longitude tweak but it upsets the others a little more for the benefit of 1 sat only.

If I revert to DisEsQ is there a thread which tells me which frequencies are best used for fine tuning each sat position?

Or should I just try to find a tp from each sat with a weaker signal for fine tuning.



sometimes we publish the william1 channel list guide for each satellite for precisely that purpose


or just do as you say fine tuning a few weaker fta channels and transponder on each sat in diseqc

if using my list the first few on each satellite are fta and I use these for fine tuning

if the satellite giving trouble isnt using the gift it doesnt matter what you set it to in usals , just the s+ sats only that require a precise position

if you revert to diseqc v1.2 and save and store manually , just use diseqc instead of usals