View Full Version : spiderbox or protek box

17-10-2011, 05:48 PM
this might sound like a stupid question but bieng a newb in all this st uff im clueless
(here goes)
im using a mates spiderbox at mo (7000hd) i understand the cs bit but when i go to use a different satelite i notice i cant get certain channels that apparently i should
so i was mentioning it on a site and was told to get a protek hd as this would pick up the channels (footy like nova ect)
ive got the full softcams software for spider
is it possible that the protek can actually receive more channels than the spider box
thx in advance

17-10-2011, 06:07 PM
The Spiderbox gets far more channels than the Protek receivers on the whole, the protek can get the Sly Premiere channels on Astra and maybe a few more Nova channels on Hotbird, but they get nothing on any Sat between Thor @ 0.8 West and Hispasat, and if the person who gave you that info cares to check Bouquets available, he should be able to tell you that all the bouquets are on Eastern Sats, nothing on West Sats, so it is very easy to see that the Spiderbox clears far more channels than the Protek, whether it be football, films or any others you may care to mention, there are far more football channels available on Thor and Hispasat than the protek can clear, and btw I have the Protek 9700 HD & Spiderbox 9000 HD. I hope that this is of some help to you.

17-10-2011, 06:19 PM
Spiderbox servers seem to be always be down or partly down whenever I read this forum, resulting in lots of complaints.

I have not experienced any such major outage on my Protek, but sometimes a small number of channels may be off air for a short time, but it's not a regular thing as which seems to affect the Spiderbox.

17-10-2011, 06:36 PM
OK, the Protek server is more stable than that of the Spiderbox at the moment, but the main point of the OP's post is could he clear more channels with Protek than the Spiderbox, and with all things being equal on the server situation, the Protek has never cleared more channels than the spiderbox, and if the spiderbox server is restored to what is was before the current problems then once again it would clear far more channels than the Protek and have more stability, and have a bigger arc from which Sats it can receiver available channels from.

17-10-2011, 06:44 PM
I don't see the point in having loads of channels if half the time they are not working.

I would rather have 10 good channels that works all the time, than 100 that only work now and again.

17-10-2011, 07:12 PM
BUY BOTH ??? Everyone is HAPPY ?????????

Same Old **** ?? Cannot be bothered with this Anymore !!! You pay take the RISK :sifone:

Fooking Close this Thread !!!!! Had a bad day:o13:

17-10-2011, 08:17 PM
Do have to side with Rabby - bad day or not and I have written it all before. The hobby, the fun of not knowing and the aim of the true pirates - to bring the cost down!! Look at the price of monopoly bouquets in Italy, france and Germany and it will soon be so here. It is a disgrace that we cant watch the national teams play free to air, etc etc - Ill shut up now and go back and watch V for Vendetta or vengeance - can never remember which - LOL Brain

keith mawer
17-10-2011, 08:24 PM
ok may i add my opinion ,,
its fantastic ,, never had a problem 100% perfect........ there we go
the spider is the 9th wonder of the world....

17-10-2011, 08:33 PM
ok may i add my opinion ,,
its fantastic ,, never had a problem 100% perfect........ there we go
the spider is the 9th wonder of the world....

So what happened with number 8 ?????????????

17-10-2011, 08:42 PM
as far as I am concerned this thread is a lod of b**l*x

buy a box for what you get from it , and no other reason , its not a fecking p**sing contest ffs

I dont remember protek having a bust so if they had maybe the stakes would be different

and as I own 2 spiders ( and no protek ) I dont have a problem with spiders , and havent missed f*ck all for over 18 months

on any forum you will get those that moan posting , and them that dont wont post

fwck all wrong with spiderbox , end of

most users troubles are self inflicted - end of

I am a happy and contented spider owner - end of

so f**k protek , and feck those that think its good just because it hasnt been busted yet , lets see what they say after they get busted

spiderbox is worth the money for sport tv liga inglesi on 30w alone ( no proteks get that one )

never mind whatever else it gets ( and I published a list on here recently of what is open )

stop talking through your arses and give your mouths a chance ffs !!

I dont own a protek , dont want one and couldnt give a flying f**k about them

buy what you want for the reasons you effing want it

receiving more channels has nothing to do with anything , DECODING them is what counts ;)

nuff said

17-10-2011, 08:52 PM
Saying no MORE ? ECK [ You have made my bad day ] Happy:cheers2:

17-10-2011, 08:53 PM
why not just buy Both ?

as you can have the best of both servers, oups world !

17-10-2011, 08:59 PM
receiving more channels has nothing to do with anything , DECODING them is what counts

nuff said.
With you there M8 - each to his own taste. But isnt the key word decoding..... many meanings i feel.I should close the thread M8. Cheers - Brain

17-10-2011, 09:07 PM
ok may i add my opinion ,,
its fantastic ,, never had a problem 100% perfect........ there we go
the spider is the 9th wonder of the world....

And there it is:-

They say there's seven wonders in the world
But what they say is out of date
There's no more seven wonders in the world
I just met number eight

Jimmy Clanton lyrics " venus in blue jeans " 1962

Easy to cut and paste!!!!!!!

17-10-2011, 09:10 PM

DONE THE LOT[ MIGHT COME BACK ] Make things Happen ??

BUT WHY??? [ LEAVE IT THAT ]:reddevil:

17-10-2011, 10:19 PM
Maybe we need a toys thrown out of prams sports channel :D

I agree with RABBY though.... buy both and then you can moan about both if that's what floats your boat. :rolleyes:

17-10-2011, 11:38 PM
i say get a nokia 9600 , oops sorry just woke up


17-10-2011, 11:54 PM
I don't see the point in having loads of channels if half the time they are not working.

I would rather have 10 good channels that works all the time, than 100 that only work now and again.

Then maybe you should have stayed with a Humax or Technomate, or any other receiver that you had before the Protek.

18-10-2011, 12:14 AM
Then maybe you should have stayed with a Humax or Technomate, or any other receiver that you had before the Protek.

Aldo...I am not complaining......just making a point.

It's like going to a supermarket and finding all the special offers are out of stock. :)

18-10-2011, 01:56 AM
i recently got a protek .its got 60 HD channels..shed loads of movie and all the sports inc NFL monday night football (espn over here)..its a mk-1 so can do cccam as well..picture, good, sound good, stable fw and easy to use...soz, don't wanna upset the powers that be..just my 2 cents worth..i love this box!! (previously had an azbox so u can understand why i'm so pleased!!!)

18-10-2011, 05:39 AM
i recently got a protek .its got 60 HD channels..shed loads of movie and all the sports inc NFL monday night football (espn over here)..its a mk-1 so can do cccam as well..picture, good, sound good, stable fw and easy to use...soz, don't wanna upset the powers that be..just my 2 cents worth..i love this box!! (previously had an azbox so u can understand why i'm so pleased!!!)

and as an owner you are entitled to say that about your box and I fully appreciate that it does what you want and you are happy with your purchase , same as I am with mine , but neither of us has both in order to make a fair comparison , unlike ALDO who does and says so in post 2

the difference being that you are not quoting perceived hearsay about matters you know nothing about , unlike some others here who believe in gossip ! ;)

your post was objective , subjective , and is how a post should be in reply to the original question , and its passing on details about the box itself , not some perceived idea of extras that you may or may not be entitled to

if I buy a focus from ford , and then suffer a petrol shortage due to some sort of protest , I dont complain to ford about it !!

so I applaud you for sticking to the facts and answering the OP , not hiding in the gutter discussing hearsay or trying to knock the other box in the comparison tests

Aldo...I am not complaining......just making a point.

It's like going to a supermarket and finding all the special offers are out of stock. :)

you are always complaining , and not making a point but quoting hearsay as facts , you are not actually going to the supermarket yourself but listening to gossip on what others are saying is or isnt at that supermarket at any given point in time

if you really knew what you were talking about with the spider it wouldnt be so bad , but you just wish to knock it at every opportunity and then claim you know the facts when the only fact is that you are trying to score points my trying to make "funny" flippant remarks like the one above

I know nothing about azbox or proteks or many other boxes , so avoid making any points about them at all , especially not hearsay

you wont find members going out of their way to knock the proteks on here , but you have an obsession in knocking the spiderbox at every opportunity , and if you wish I will do an admin search , find all your posts and display your obsession for all to see

you definitely do not have an impartial view on this so dont try making out that you are impartial and dont quote "facts" that arent fact

as you have a protek then stick to talking about the protek , and as you dont have a spiderbox then stay out of the spiderbox threads , and when the thread has both mentioned do as ade1970 does and stick to talking about what you actually know , and not quoting hearsay

18-10-2011, 07:39 AM
this might sound like a stupid question but bieng a newb in all this st uff im clueless
(here goes)
im using a mates spiderbox at mo (7000hd) i understand the cs bit but when i go to use a different satelite i notice i cant get certain channels that apparently i should
so i was mentioning it on a site and was told to get a protek hd as this would pick up the channels (footy like nova ect)
ive got the full softcams software for spider
is it possible that the protek can actually receive more channels than the spider box
thx in advance

this is a list of what is opening on the spiderbox using ethernet ( in post 3 )
( not much ucas listed in there but those open as well , details on them are with the HDsoftcams )


bear in mind that the odd channel here may not open , but its safe to assume that over 90% are open , and I am not going through the list just to amend it for the odd channel

also note there are many channels there that have the footy on them , several in HD , especially on 30w , 0.8w , 13e , 16e and 19e

at the moment only 1 nova sports is open on hotbird , but the footy ones on 30w and 0.8w are better anyway

you will need it to be connected to your router for this to work , otherwise you wont get much with the softcams and ucas alone

and no the protek gift definitely does not get more channels to open than a spiderbox gift , and the gift lists are not the same either

but the protek owners never seem to publish any lists of what their boxes open , I have no idea why ! but the online list is here


it would help us to help you if you mentioned the channels you say you dont open , so we could check for you

so if you would like some REAL HELP from spiderbox owning owners like me , put up a thread in here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?569-SpiderBox-7000-HD and myself and others will attempt to help you get the best from your borrowed spider 7000 , without allowing hearsay from anyone trying to "score points" or members who dont own them or know about them butting in