View Full Version : Spider Forum very quiet might be a good

18-10-2011, 04:31 PM
Spider Forum very quiet might be a good time to ask has anyone else got clitching on 19e C*** + Frisson, Emotion etc etc. mine first started after the Sept. update just put up with it, however i thought it might go after the latest October update but still happening. The picture would suddenly freeze then go back to normal and sometimes show scrambled sign but picture still showing then straight away go back to normal, only happening on the Cine + French programmes. What i have done so far to try and resolve, well i delete and rescanned the programmes. Another idea i tried was turning off ethernet and also network then exit after it said data-updated i then went back and turned all on again that is after reboot also have rebooted my router, however none have worked. Have to say not had problems with any other channels any suggestion would be appreciated.

18-10-2011, 04:33 PM
Spider Forum very quiet might be a good time to ask has anyone else got clitching on 19e C*** + Frisson, Emotion etc etc. mine first started after the Sept. update just put up with it, however i thought it might go after the latest October update but still happening. The picture would suddenly freeze then go back to normal and sometimes show scrambled sign but picture still showing then straight away go back to normal, only happening on the Cine + French programmes. What i have done so far to try and resolve, well i delete and rescanned the programmes. Another idea i tried was turning off ethernet and also network then exit after it said data-updated i then went back and turned all on again that is after reboot also have rebooted my router, however none have worked. Have to say not had problems with any other channels any suggestion would be appreciated.

turn ucas off and try ethernet only

18-10-2011, 05:20 PM
Thanks echelon with reference to your suggestion, i had an idea this might had something to do with UCAS as i think these channels were on UCAS but went to erthenet after Sept. update. After the Sept. update when i checked the data imformation for the Cine + channels it came up UCAS then would suddenly change to erthernet which i wondered happened after a cltch as thou both were trying to open the same channels. Have a friend coming around this evening so dont have time to try your suggestion until later but i was certainly pleased you suggested the UCAS as it confirmed the battle going on inside my receiver, will confirm later the outcome. Best johnhenry :chinese-bow-005:

18-10-2011, 05:24 PM
Thanks echelon with reference to your suggestion, i had an idea this might had something to do with UCAS as i think these channels were on UCAS but went to erthenet after Sept. update. After the Sept. update when i checked the data imformation for the Cine + channels it came up UCAS then would suddenly change to erthernet which i wondered happened after a cltch as thou both were trying to open the same channels. Have a friend coming around this evening so dont have time to try your suggestion until later but i was certainly pleased you suggested the UCAS as it confirmed the battle going on inside my receiver, will confirm later the outcome. Best johnhenry :chinese-bow-005:

that is my understanding of the dilemma too , you have to use one method or the other , but the receiver is confused when both are in use

its also been widely reported on the net and turning ucas off was the solution given

18-10-2011, 07:37 PM
Some of the C+ France basic channels are on ucas the rest of the ones opening are on ethernet, as you pointed out there probably could be a conflict, turn one or the other off if you have a prob.

Mines working ok without turning either off.

The reason why the spider scene is quiet is because the spider by and large is working fairly well at the moment ! last saturday was an excellent day with loads of footy on.

18-10-2011, 11:24 PM
Well thankyou echelon your suggestion was successful no clitching after UCAS turned off a pleasure to watch now plus the French Channels are now worth recording allowing me to improve my French. Best johnhenry :respect-066:

TonyO i have to agree with you m8 we ( see i learnt some French already ) have so much now to watch with every thing running smoothly things are certainly quiet which can only be for the best have to say Spider Box is a brilliant piece of kit.

18-10-2011, 11:35 PM
Well thankyou echelon your suggestion was successful no clitching after UCAS turned off a pleasure to watch now plus the French Channels are now worth recording allowing me to improve my French. Best johnhenry :respect-066:

TonyO i have to agree with you m8 we ( see i learnt some French already ) have so much now to watch with every thing running smoothly things are certainly quiet which can only be for the best have to say Spider Box is a brilliant piece of kit.

have to agree with you both that its really settled down recently and owners cannot be anything but impressed , hence my outburst in the HD receivers forum last night ;)

also goes to show that some "faults" are not faults , just simple conflicts which is why we have a forum , to disseminate knowledge and experiences

19-10-2011, 12:11 AM
that is my understanding of the dilemma too , you have to use one method or the other , but the receiver is confused when both are in use

its also been widely reported on the net and turning ucas off was the solution givenseems the reciever is confused as you say echelon, and then add to this if you have your own supplier too, hmmm.

From my experience so far, turn ucas off and ethernet off if you have own supplier, and if you don't, then leave ethernet on and ucas off.


19-10-2011, 12:17 AM
Some of the C+ France basic channels are on ucas the rest of the ones opening are on ethernet, as you pointed out there probably could be a conflict, turn one or the other off if you have a prob.

Mines working ok without turning either off.

The reason why the spider scene is quiet is because the spider by and large is working fairly well at the moment ! last saturday was an excellent day with loads of footy on.

I can't agree here tony, the reason it is quiet is only partly due to that, the other reason is that a lot of paid suppliers were taken out so people were busy elsewhere..:(

Most of the forums are quiet, in comparison to how they used to be because we no longer rely on keyfiles, keys, bins etc so much.

19-10-2011, 12:24 AM
Counter measures are constantly ongoing, some cracks are hit and some are not.

Its always been like that.

19-10-2011, 02:12 AM
have to agree with you both that its really settled down recently and owners cannot be anything but impressed , hence my outburst in the HD receivers forum last night ;)

also goes to show that some "faults" are not faults , just simple conflicts which is why we have a forum , to disseminate knowledge and experiences

I would have to agree with you there M8, and it just goes to show that even with the Spiderbox Server still not fully functional it still clears far more than the Protek receivers (Unless of course the Users are into the CS Scene)

19-10-2011, 08:46 AM
I would have to agree with you there M8, and it just goes to show that even with the Spiderbox Server still not fully functional it still clears far more than the Protek receivers (Unless of course the Users are into the CS Scene)

yes m8 , and the warning about having multiple sources for decoding has always applied even when we used cams and cards , which is one reason for the prio files on linux boxes

its also a fact that ppl are quick to complain when they perceive a problem , but stay away in droves making no posts when its working properly , causing an imbalanced view ( like papers are always full of bad news ! )

I have 2 spiderboxes and so can usually tell when a post is valid or not ( I have other boxes too ) , and its amazing the number of times I have to correct members for incorrect statements or posts , usually due to their human error , or not reading stickies or other posts

I cannot take the credit for the 19e issue solution as it was posted by others on a different forum , but I read a lot , and reading helps understand the complexities of boxes , usually meaning members like myself rarely post requiring help , as normally the answers are out there

as for the spider , its true that its better to have less channels but stability , as stability should be the number one priority above all else , and the stability over the last few weeks has really improved , such that the channels I have watched have been almost perfect , despite the bad weather :D

I must admit to being a tad annoyed if somebody posts the system is off when I am sat here watching an ethernet channel all day without a hitch , and then I check my other box which is also ok too , smacks of the OP not doing any basic checks , they just see a blank screen and have posted 2 minutes later like a doom and gloom merchant

sometimes the odd channel or two are down , but generally there is something out there for us all , and the down times are rare and short nowadays , which is also true of banks , vermin and sly , nobody gives 24/7/365 service

anyone with cs can watch what they like on any box , as long as the cs is up and running , which is why the dreambox or vu+ rules , but I still love my spiderboxes :D

therefore I will be coming down hard on anyone peddling misinformation or hearsay from now on , facts are what we deal with here and preferably by first hand knowledge , not what someone has read on a forum where its been posted by dubious sources for inaccurate reasons ! ;

so anyone not relating first hand experiences may feel the wrath of khan descend upon them in the form of a VIDIC style red card ;)

19-10-2011, 11:21 AM
I must admit to being a tad annoyed if somebody posts the system is off when I am sat here watching an ethernet channel all day without a hitch , and then I check my other box which is also ok too , smacks of the OP not doing any basic checks , they just see a blank screen and have posted 2 minutes later like a doom and gloom merchant

It's no different now, than when we had the cards, and cams.

Someone will always jump in and say everything is down without checking properly for themselves.

It's correct what you say about people only post on forums when there is a problem, and you never hear from them if everything is working.

I think peoples expectations are much higher now though, with more people expecting 24/7 full availability without understanding all the things that could go wrong.

19-10-2011, 06:52 PM
It's no different now, than when we had the cards, and cams.

Someone will always jump in and say everything is down without checking properly for themselves.

It's correct what you say about people only post on forums when there is a problem, and you never hear from them if everything is working.

yep , typical post here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?152121-JSC-Sports , definitely user error

and another one here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?152125-freezin-on-19.2 not reading the forum

20-10-2011, 05:19 PM
Hi All.
Well I have two Spider box's HD 9000, Yes now again a bit of a hiccup but all in all a great box. In fact money well spend. Hopefully I will not have to upgrade anymore, well for a number of years to come anyway.
I do have other Box's but they are now gathering dust in the cupboard.
Regards :cheers2: