View Full Version : Softcams with Technomates

25-10-2011, 12:47 PM
I think I'm correct in mentioning that despite our colleague powercisco's claims on the latest softcam he posted here:

....that some of the packages labelled 'OK' in fact do NOT open with a majority of the Technomate range, e.g. Zee tv 13E and Sitel 16E not at all.
Others, e.g. C+ Ned 19E only opens with certain patches, e.g. patch 737P on TM6900HD Super, but not with 741P

We do still await new Phantom patches to remedy this situation to enable all packages on the softcam to open with the most recent patch!:respect-037:

25-10-2011, 07:31 PM
yes you are right mate i ask the same question and was told to ask the guy who posted the softcam..and i did. the answer was ,,you couldn't open zee tv because keys was old..now iv'e just loaded the latest softcam but no go with zee tv...

26-10-2011, 09:37 AM
A lot of these Softcams for Technomates seem to be posted without testing. I only use to update my sons TM6900HD if I’ve not got the time to update the keys myself, Not working well sometime this is bound to happen, but in the in the last few weeks it’s been more and more. Bobs seem to work, when he posts.

26-10-2011, 09:56 AM
doesnt really make much difference when you use a patch that doesnt allow the decryption

it seems some members think that just because keys are known the channels will open , and they forget that the patches have to be altered to accomodate the new hack that allows the latest keys to function

you cannot have the grand national run by horses with no jockeys , or jockeys with no horses , its only when you pair both of them up you have a chance at the winning post :D

personally it makes no difference to me if they include the key or dont include it , but I say include it on the basis that its already there if the patchmakers catch up , and just ignore it if it does not work due to old patches not allowing it. its not doing any harm by being in there !!

pythagoras may have wanted perfection in his theorem , but had to settle for the recurring answer instead

sometimes members can be too pedantic for their own good !

26-10-2011, 11:00 AM
This is exactly what I was saying at the start mate:- "We do still await new Phantom patches to remedy this situation to enable all packages on the softcam to open with the most recent patch!" - so looking forward to new patches when Phantom can manage it!

26-10-2011, 11:32 AM
This is exactly what I was saying at the start mate:- "We do still await new Phantom patches to remedy this situation to enable all packages on the softcam to open with the most recent patch!" - so looking forward to new patches when Phantom can manage it!

I agree , and that is the point

instead of people whingeing about the new keys being included in the softcam , they should task the patchmakers to make the patches to support it

ie:- put the effort in where it has the best outcome , not complain about something new being in there

it may well be that the same softcam works on similar boxes with new patches like the clarketech 1500 I own , so maybe less whingeing about the keys is called for here ?

and do not assume tm softcams are only for tm`s !!!

26-10-2011, 12:38 PM

Maybe some good news on the horizon for TM owners. Having installed the latest patch for my receiver Tm 5400+super, 153p the other day and todays latest softcam, Zee tv now opens.
No such luck with sitel,Alfa TV etc on 16e 12525 H 30000. But Rome wasn't built in a day was it!
Many thanks to all concerned, Job well done.:respect-064:

26-10-2011, 02:56 PM

Maybe some good news on the horizon for TM owners. Having installed the latest patch for my receiver Tm 5400+super, 153p the other day and todays latest softcam, Zee tv now opens.
No such luck with sitel,Alfa TV etc on 16e 12525 H 30000. But Rome wasn't built in a day was it!
Many thanks to all concerned, Job well done.:respect-064:

yeah , seems to be a few new patches about , there is a new CT1500 firmware this week , but the last TM1500 patch was january 2011 !!

26-10-2011, 07:05 PM
is it sin to ask a question? very time somebody ask a question at least one member will jump on,,for god sake i only ask because it said zee tv ok...and i thought i missid something,,echelon you seem to be very annoyed mate.it was just a question...sorry mate i won't ask again..

26-10-2011, 07:17 PM
is it sin to ask a question? very time somebody ask a question at least one member will jump on,,for god sake i only ask because it said zee tv ok...and i thought i missid something,,echelon you seem to be very annoyed mate.it was just a question...sorry mate i won't ask again..

I was annoyed because YOU asked me a question about somebody elses softcam , after I had answered the original posters question

surely its obvious that YOU should be checking if that softcam is valid for ANY technomate or similar receiver first before complaining about it

and surely YOU have been here long enough to realise there is more to opening channels then just adding keys , like patches for instance

frankly , after 7 years here you should know better , and when asking a question think about the implication and depth of what it is you are asking , and then ask the people who you should be asking instead of hi jacking a thread with your own questions , just because it doesnt open a channel you want it too


the correct question you should have been asking is

when will the patchmakers support the channels opened by the softcam , and ask that fileguy who makes them , in your case the tm1500 , in holmroads case the tm6000

not complain because somebody like powercisco or bob has included zee tv inside a tmsoftcam and you dont like it , you are not a fileguy and never make a contribution like files or softcams of your own , so dont criticise other members hard work , powercisco posts glenn files , and if they think that a technomate of any model will do the job they are free to post about it ( probably the tm5402 thinking about it )

its got nothing to do with me that the last patch for your tm1500 was january 2011 !!

now read and digest post number 7 again

its your attitude that stinks m8 , after 7 years you appear to have tunnel vision and forgotten what this hobby is all about

nuff said

26-10-2011, 07:53 PM
I think I'm correct in mentioning that despite our colleague powercisco's claims on the latest softcam he posted here:

....that some of the packages labelled 'OK' in fact do NOT open with a majority of the Technomate range, e.g. Zee tv 13E and Sitel 16E not at all.
Others, e.g. C+ Ned 19E only opens with certain patches, e.g. patch 737P on TM6900HD Super, but not with 741P

We do still await new Phantom patches to remedy this situation to enable all packages on the softcam to open with the most recent patch!:respect-037:

powercisco does not claim it opens zee tv

he posts files by glenn911 and the zee tv keys are added into it , probably for the tm5000 owners , and the tmsoftcams are then posted in the tm section , with the addendum of all the models it is suitable for , same as happens when satpaul publishes channel lists

that does not mean the patches are up to date in order to take advantage of said keys , lets get that made clear

so no it wont open on a tm6000 , or on munir`s tm1500 , as new patches are required

so your opening assumptions are flawed , but your later assumption that you require new patches is correct

the same applies to any patches , patches need keys , and keys need patches

but bob and powercisco have every right to publish those files in the tm forum , let there be no mistake about that , and allowed to name the models the files are suitable for , and anyone spitting the dummy and throwing the toys out of the pram like munir will be reprimanded

I am amazed at some of you on here , you get amyben08 complaining if the tmsoftcams arent posted , and others complaining when they are

some of the members here need to grow up , stop relying on others and maybe learn a few tricks of their own

so thats one member now reprimanded , hopefully the rest will see sense because I am sick of the squabbling in this tm section

27-10-2011, 12:08 PM
Well I didnt expect all THAT regarding my original post where my whole intention was simply to inform those in our midst who might not understand why the latest softcam was supposed to open all these packages - but didnt!
i.e. My only intention was to INFORM people that it was quite 'normal' here for those packages NOT to open and why!
That'a ALL I was trying to do, pure and simlple:respect-055:

27-10-2011, 12:21 PM
Well I didnt expect all THAT regarding my original post where my whole intention was simply to inform those in our midst who might not understand why the latest softcam was supposed to open all these packages - but didnt!
i.e. My only intention was to INFORM people that it was quite 'normal' here for those packages NOT to open and why!
That'a ALL I was trying to do, pure and simlple:respect-055:

just a shame that munir did not do the same in the tm1000 forum , instead of complaining about it not working in the main tm forum or the tm6000 forum , and then having the cheek to ask ME about it in the tm forum , and then having more cheek to complain about it further in this thread becuse I told him where to get off in that other thread

the fileguys and admins and mods are not the bad guys here

and my advice is that when somebody asks a question they should not name and antagoniose another person , especially me , members should just make a general post in the correct section regarding their particular problem

we do not want fileguys to quit posting because some other member is on their backs about their posts

27-10-2011, 12:34 PM
I think I'm correct in mentioning that despite our colleague powercisco's claims on the latest softcam he posted here:

this is out of order in the way it is worded , and is tantamount to defamation

it is not powerciscos claims

it is a valid list of receivers that would accept those keys if suitably patched

it is not a claim , it is a statement of fact

the only claim being made here in your original post is that your receiver needs a suitable patch in order to use it completely on your box

so I object to your wording and insinuation in post 1 , especially in naming names and stating it is an actual claim by the poster

definition of the word claim = to assert or maintain as a fact !!

he is not claiming it actually works with your boxes , he is claiming that glen is claiming that it is a file suitable for the boxes in the model list he provided and contains the working keys for the listed packages

Glenn_911TM Softcam All / 26.10.2011

For Technomates Series 1000, 3000, 5200, 5300, 5400, 5600, 6800, 6900 and Super

Thanks Glenn

now that BOB has posted tmsoftcam keys in the same thread , are we now going to say that he CLAIMS that the keys will open zee tv on 13e on a tm6900 or my tm1500 ? I think not !!

27-10-2011, 04:44 PM
good news on the horizon Clarketec box have new patches today so tm will follow ?