View Full Version : Foehn & Hirsch GPS35LS & tomtom

25-10-2011, 04:44 PM
Hi all...

I was thinking of getting a Foehn & Hirsch GPS35LS and then installing tomtom on this... I used to have a Navigo v2 (which has a cracked screen now) which with the help of the PC tailor used i managed to install tomtom on it.
Is it possible to get TomTom running on this GPS35LS unit.. and does anyone know how to do it?

Thanks in advance guys :)

25-10-2011, 05:19 PM
works fine , details are in my posts and also the sticky threads too

clearly you havent bother reading them ;)

25-10-2011, 05:29 PM
i did read them.. thought they were for the earlier navigo versions sorry

25-10-2011, 05:33 PM
i did read them.. thought they were for the earlier navigo versions sorry

some were , but not all

some of them clearly state they are for the f+h 3.5 inch V3

and some of my posts also mention the V3 f+h too

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?150383-navigo-menu-files-tools-games-etc post 4



25-10-2011, 05:37 PM
is the F&H V3 not different to the GPS35LS... or are they the same? (sorry for the stupid questions)

25-10-2011, 05:43 PM
is the F&H V3 not different to the GPS35LS... or are they the same? (sorry for the stupid questions)

actually , its not a stupid question , and maybe it would have been better if post 1 had made it clearer

having checked that one on ebuyer ( and your post of today over there ) , its clearly NOT the same as the f+h V3 that I am talking about , its more like the RAC one I posted about on here , where I got igo8 working but failed to get tomtom working


so as I dont have access to this latest model I will stand corrected to a point in that my f+h 3.5 inch satnavs do work for tom tom ( I have modified several ) , as will a 4.5 inch f+h , but I cannot say for sure that the latest incarnation will work , as I have no idea if it will work using mobilenavigator on a memory card ( where its actually tom tom and not turbodog or whatever ) , or if the registry hack allows you to use the V3 menu I posted for the older model

hopefully you will get a reply from an actual owner that tells you the score on that particular model , as opposed to the v1 , v2 and v3 models , all of which allowed the hack

maybe its a v4 , or v5 , or something completely different

01-11-2011, 03:46 PM

At £39.99 its tempting and nearly bought one myself but it runs CE6.0 and most people (myself included) prefers to run TomTom primary instead of other software, so best of getting a satnav which has CE5 on it.

01-11-2011, 04:23 PM
I ended up getting a nanman moov m400 and managed to get tomtom onto it.
Apparantely you can get tomtom onto win CE 6 based units using Mortscript but there are some MAJOR limitations and problems doing it this way.
Problems/limitations include:
You can't save favourites and some other settings
It always starts with the same route loaded
You need to keep a route in memory when switching off
It corrupts itself regularly and needs to be reinstalled from a pc
It's more complicated to install than wince 5

02-12-2011, 11:25 PM
Ebuyer state it is CE 6 - but today when I got mine delivered it is CE 5.0!!!

You may also be interested in how I got this to run other exe's - see https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?152984-Foehn-amp-Hirsch-GPS35LS-Having-trouble

