View Full Version : what is the full setting for hooking xp to spider, 112500 baud but ..

29-10-2011, 12:06 AM
its a spider 9000hd

I want to use recovery tool with an xp laptop and usb serial, needs must, i can set baud rate at 115200, but what about data bits, parity, stop bits, flow control?

and how long do i wait to see it connect or will it say connected?


29-10-2011, 12:56 AM
Hi M8

The full instructions are included in the zip file with the recovery tool:

1. Switch off STB
2. Run downloadin.exe on PC
3. Select COM port and Press connect button
4. Press "Choose fule" and select the attached spider_rs232.bin
5. Switch on STB
6. you will see the progress status on PC
7. STB will auto-reboot after finishing the downloading.

The only other thing mentioned on the other forum is:

set baud rate at 115200 on your com port in device manager - (if it is not already set.)

29-10-2011, 01:16 AM
its a spider 9000hd

I want to use recovery tool with an xp laptop and usb serial, needs must, i can set baud rate at 112500, but what about data bits, parity, stop bits, flow control?

and how long do i wait to see it connect or will it say connected?


Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None

Should take between 10-15 minutes to complete. You'll see the progress bar increment.

29-10-2011, 08:50 AM
the above information is 100% correct

I tested this idea 2 days ago using my laptop with win7 professional and a usb adapter using a null modem cable on a tm1500 and a ct1500 to try and reflash and change the softcams etc , it failed to connect and said "turn your receiver on" , but plugging a serial mouse worked fine , and win7 pro reported the port correctly , could be changed to com1 or com 2 and the details HDA5 posted were followed exactly too , but it always ended in failure !

so it failed completely in win 7 pro , and yet a serial mouse operated properly

then I tried an old and trusty HP laptop I repaired this year , one that contains a built in serial port and is running XP , and just used the null modem cable , no usb adapter. this worked flawlessly using 115200 as the baud speed to both reflash the boxes , and to add the softcam keys and saved channel lists

I have also used this same xp HP laptop to reflash netgear routers , sagem routers and anything else requiring the use of a serial port and a null modem cable
I think its an idea for people to have an older and very cheap laptop running xp for doing these tasks with null modem cables and many can be sourced quite cheaply nowadays

the one I used was a HP NC6120 but many similar models exist by HP and DELL and TOSHIBA and other similar manufacturers

the one I use has a faulty screen as it has a thin line across the middle , but it doesnt stop me seeing what I am doing , can be used to download files , browse instructions on or offline , surf the net , patch boxes and routers etc , probably cost me around £25 in total , and recently I was given an old DELL running XP with built in serial port free of charge , I reinstalled XP and that works ok AFAIK so maybe I will try it on the TM or the CT receivers and see how that one goes

its also worth noting that a lot of the old and cheap HP EVO desktop pc,s running XP can also be used for this and they have built in com ports too
examples are the d5s , d500 , d510 , d520 , d530 , or similar EVO desktops , possibly similar towers too

some people have reported that only win7 PRO and win 7 ULTIMATE have the flashing abilities as the other versions are cut down with missing features , and any VISTA has been reported to give better results than win7 in many cases , although XP is the best os by a mile for this

lastly , it is a well known fact that you can get timing errors using usb adapters in this manner , especially with vista and win7 , leading to incomplete or bad flashes , which is why it is ALWAYS RECOMMENDED that users use an xp pc or laptop with proper com port built in as standard , and a null modem cable

30-10-2011, 08:56 PM
an update, in the end.... a desktop pc was used with xp and now all sorted.

thank you all


30-10-2011, 09:06 PM

Long time since I Used a [ usb serial ] But they do work iff you set them up right ?? But see you have things all sorted !!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice one