View Full Version : query re:- sport1 19.2 east

05-11-2011, 08:42 PM

astra 19.2 - hope this is the right section 2 ask

channel --> sport1 - 12480v - 27500 -3/4 is supposed 2 b in the clear

but using my humax irci 5400 patched i have a problem with picture and sound breaking up is there an answer to correct this problem

signal and qualty is good and other FTA channels on this bird r ok


05-11-2011, 10:46 PM
Sport 1 Germany is a FTA, Free to Air channel, if the picture, and sound, is breaking up then either it's a problem your end or the station is experiencing problems.
What are your signal strength/quality readings?

06-11-2011, 12:12 AM

thx Mickha

signal strenght is about 80% and quality about 30%

will check out LNB tomorrow and try another humax irci 5400 patched


06-11-2011, 12:47 AM
That quality reading is very poor, considering how powerful Astra 1, 19.2E, is, depending on your general location and size of dish.
Is it a fixed dish or motorized set up?

06-11-2011, 10:07 AM
have same problem on my humax 5400. signal level is 50 per cent and signal quality is sometimes 90 per cent but playing up and down..sometimes signal level going down to 20 per cent. i have a one metre motorised dish and always trying to fine tune on channel but with no luck whatsoever.would appreciate some help too. thanks all. i am located in Malta.

06-11-2011, 10:19 AM
moved to dish forum

no problem at all here in the uk using a spiderbox on td110 triax dish and 0.2 lnb , signal 72% and quality 86% , stable with excellent lock

its also ok on an 80cm multi lnb system so in the uk a 39cm or 59cm dish should be ample

has to be a problem with your boxes , dish alignments , or locations

not sure what sort of reception you would get in malta , so check lyng sat maps

here in the uk there should be no problem at all , but Malta !! for a german channel !! maybe not

conclusion , live in uk and use a spiderbox :D

or as Phil and Kirsty WOULD SAY , Location, Location, Location

06-11-2011, 10:27 AM

thx all

using motorized set up 1 metre dish

will try another humax irci 5400 patched today/2 nite and then if that does not solve prob - will try another LNB

BTW all FTA channels on transponder with sport 1 on (formely DSF) r ok - will double check to make sure 2 nite


06-11-2011, 10:36 AM
Thease are the other FTA channels, on the same frequency, what are you signal strength/quality readings?
Sonnenklar TV
HSE 24
Glück TV
Regio TV
Tele 5 (Germany)
DMAX Deutschland
HSE 24 Trend
Equi 8 TV
Mein TV Shop
Sport 1 (Germany)

06-11-2011, 10:48 AM
These are the other FTA channels, on the same frequency, what are you signal strength/quality readings?
Sonnenklar TV
HSE 24
Glück TV
Regio TV
Tele 5 (Germany)
DMAX Deutschland
HSE 24 Trend
Equi 8 TV
Mein TV Shop
Sport 1 (Germany)

SAME problem on all these above mentioned channels, so that means it is a problem with this frequency since all other channels are all right.
thanks all for help. don't see any way out of this then. regards to all.

06-11-2011, 10:53 AM
hi mickha

am not back at my partners house until 2nite where i use this motorized set up - at my house have only 13 east and 5 east fixed dish set up as motor went **** up and i have not yet replaced motor - costs etc


06-11-2011, 11:41 AM
This sounds like the curse of the DECT phone to me. Try unplugging the power from any cordless phone bases in the vicinity, see if the channels come back.

DECT phones are known to interfere with 11630-11650MHz transponders on low band, and 12480-12500MHz transponders on high band.

If it cures the problem, try routing the sat cable well away from the phone base station, and any phone wiring.

06-11-2011, 12:00 PM
Sparky_dog you are a genius. unplugged power from cordless phone and stations are all clear. thanks a lot mate. you are just great. best regards .

06-11-2011, 12:01 PM
I'd go with Sparky_dog on this.

Simple quick check: turn off the DECT base station move the handset well away.

If you haven't got a DECT phone, are you close to a neighbours house that does have one?
If yes, is your dish near to his phone base station?
If yes again, you may need better coax - top quality double screened - or a worst case, re-site the dish.

Oooops posted at the same time as the one above - never mind.

06-11-2011, 12:19 PM
thanks to you too Detlef, problem solved, cordless to blame. never to late to learn. regards and thanks a lot friend.