View Full Version : DM800SE clone,sim 2.10 best most stable image?

06-11-2011, 11:25 AM
need to pick you 800 guys brains please.

my mate has just bought an 800 clone with sim 2.10 and as ive not moved into HD yet i would like to know the best most stable image for this box,that still has the most features,as ive been landed with the job of setting it all up for him.

i presume dreamup is needed for the first flash like the SD boxes im used to ?

anything i need to watch out for ? pitfalls ect and any tips would be greatly appreciated.

i seem to recall setting up the sats for the first time is different with E2 ? he uses usals and a diseqc motor you see and i use a vbox and actuator,so im a bit unsure with this part of the setup.


06-11-2011, 11:34 AM
Is it the SE or normal 800 m8 ?
If it is the normal one then Nemesis image is the best I have found for the clone.

06-11-2011, 11:59 AM
Hi Ian,

i presume dreamup is needed for the first flash like the SD boxes im used to ?
no just hold in the front power button before powering up the box, wait for the display to show 'stop'
then you can release the button. Next the display will show you the box's ip addy
enter this into your web browser and then click on firmware upgrade at the bottom of the page.
navigate to your .nfi image, select it and then 'flash'
'reboot' to complete

i seem to recall setting up the sats for the first time is different with E2 ? he uses usals and a diseqc motor you see and i use a vbox and actuator,so im a bit unsure with this part of the setup.
use the setup wiz.
when you get to the dish settings change configuration mode to 'simple'
then mode to 'positioner' then enter his lat and long details
select scan sats later and then use dreambox edit to upload channel settings (rather than scan)

I cant help you with clone image info as I haven't used them


Dig Deep
06-11-2011, 04:12 PM
I just installed rami-Maher rm 800 dated nov 11

Works like a "dream" Very stable had it since that that and no reboot needed (so far)

06-11-2011, 07:00 PM
new enigma 2 sat 4fun,great image for it

07-11-2011, 11:28 AM
How did you get on ian ?

07-11-2011, 11:42 AM
its all flashed but i cannot get cccam to work.
it starts ok and is running in telnet but nothing opens.ive checked all the config files and they are all ok,im stuck and out of ideas for now.
the problem is mainly because im doing this remotely i cannot see what this guy can see onscreen and as im not familiar with the 800 its a case of the blind leading the blind when im giving him instructions over my mic through teamviewer.

i can see im going to have to drive there and do it for him at his house.


07-11-2011, 11:48 AM
If you want me to take a look via ftp just shout.
Which image did you load in the end ?

Dig Deep
07-11-2011, 12:36 PM

07-11-2011, 12:46 PM
i used nemesis as you suggested.

yes all chmoded to 755. whats annoting me is im not exactly a newbie,but it just wont bloody open anything.
its starting from the blue button ok and running ok but when i run it from telnet using debug it just states in red that the ecm is not ok,and from my box i can see that he's not connected as a user and no ecm requests are being sent to me.

it has to be something in the 800's menu's thats not set correctly as i cannot see them and i dont know the layout and i have to give instructions based on what the guy is stating he sees onscreen.

one thing though,whats the cardserver?
ive not come across that before,could it be something to do with this thats causing these problems?


07-11-2011, 12:51 PM
cardserver is for Oscam or Newcs.
Did you ftp CCcam in manually ? It is a mips version ?

07-11-2011, 01:59 PM
no i used the extra url and downloaded it from the server,together with the start script and cfg file.i just then added a C line to this cfg file.so yes it must be a mips version because as i said it runs starts and runs ok from the blue button and also from telnet.

i couldnt find the ts panel plugin that you mentioned anywhere.

at the moment its beyond me why it wont work,all ports are open and if the guy plugs his old 7020 back in that works straight away using the same C line.


07-11-2011, 02:26 PM

I have just updated to the latest version.

Also has he given the 800se the same IP as the 7020 ?

07-11-2011, 04:26 PM
The ferrari addons server which I think is included in this plugin has many cams which are simple to install and work well on ferrari sim and original boxes, however I am pretty sure that due to the clash of interests between 2.1 and ferrari the addons are deliberately made to not work on 2.1 boxes.
The blue panel in nemesis image has both softcams and cardservers, the ferrari version 2.3 SVN 094 has mgcamd and DCCamd installed, CCcam goes in softcams as well, and as sonic says oscam and newcs go in cardserver.
I am sure ian will find out what is wrong, it cant be much, but it is difficult trying remotely especially if the owner does not have too much knowledge.

07-11-2011, 04:45 PM
The ferrari addons server which I think is included in this plugin has many cams which are simple to install and work well on ferrari sim and original boxes, however I am pretty sure that due to the clash of interests between 2.1 and ferrari the addons are deliberately made to not work on 2.1 boxes.

No, don't think so, as it's not actually done by the Ferrari team, just someone from the forum. Most of the plugins appear to be general ones lifted from other teams' websites. And isn't the ferrai addons manager only added to ferrari patched images, Ian will have used the sim 2.1 image.

I've had this problem with cccam from a patched image's server in the past, i've only ever 'fixed' the problem by using one of the others in the Ferrari addons server.....but then my clone is a ferrari. :redface:

May be better trying the tunisiasat addons plugin, as there are some sim 2.1 specific plugins on there iirc.

07-11-2011, 04:57 PM
yes Mat the same ip with his old 7020 with it turned off of course,tried both DMZ and opening ports,neither made a difference and of course tried a different LAN ip too

thanks dave im sorry you also had problems but glad to hear its not just me because i was beginning to think i was loosing my mind.

so being a novice to this 800se are you guys saying i can use this Ferrari addons server even if its not a Ferrari sim ?
and how can i get the guy to find out if it is a Ferrari sim or not ?

if i cannot use the Ferrari any tips on where to find this Tunisiasat addons plugin ?


07-11-2011, 05:06 PM
Link for the addon is in post 13 ian :respect-051:

07-11-2011, 05:15 PM
thanks buddy.

i became a bit confused from the posts above with just exactly i could and couldnt use with his 2.10 sim.

so i just FTP this file to tmp and then get him to install it from his remote ?
that will be fun lol.

07-11-2011, 05:26 PM
LOL or you could ftp to tmp and install via telnet

07-11-2011, 05:33 PM
i think in the long run thats what i will have to do because ive never seen the menus on an 800 and he doesnt know how to use them,as i said earlier,the blind leading the blind.

do you happen to know the correct commands to install this addon from telnet mate?


07-11-2011, 05:40 PM
Try this

opkg -force-overwrite /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-tspanel_4.0_mipsel.ipk

07-11-2011, 05:56 PM
The post above is what I used but you may need this one for a fresh install

ipkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-tspanel_4.0_mipsel.ipk

07-11-2011, 07:18 PM
cheers buddy

i will let you know after ive attempted this again.


07-11-2011, 08:18 PM

whats this new bootloader SSL84 that claims will work with all images ?
would this solve his problems as he could use an unpatched image and if so,how do i flash it to his box?


Dig Deep
08-11-2011, 06:07 AM
The image that I posted will upgrade to 84

08-11-2011, 10:26 AM
what image is that dig deep ?

and where would i find it?


23-04-2013, 09:47 PM
tsimage is a good one and any image by rami maher is always good. can't fault them. no disrespect to any of the other developers!