View Full Version : 5000SD receivers connecting, yes or no?

11-11-2011, 12:46 AM
This info was posted on the other forum by Anrakh:

If you have or have no connection to ethernet with a 5000SD box, please give details in this thread.

a. When did you purchase the box?
b. How is it connected to the router?
c. Which patch do you use?
d. What is your location? - exact details are not needed, just Central, N, S, E, or W of the country you live in.
e. Which ISP do you have?
f. Is it connected?
We need this information if we are to progress with solving the problem.

Some members on the other forum have started giving the required info, maybe members on this forum could do the same.

11-11-2011, 02:01 PM
It would appear the no members of this forum are having problems Connecting with their Spiderbox 5000 receivers, or maybe they think that the info posted above is a hoax, could someone who uses the other forum confirm that the above info is genuine, and that it is in the best interests of members who do have this receiver and are having problems to supply the info requested, to enable Boxer26 & Team to find the solution to your problems.

11-11-2011, 09:51 PM
This info has just been posted by Anrakh on the other forum:

OK, I have just received word that an incompatibilty has been found and that a patch fix should be coming soon. They need some time to get it sorted, but I'm afraid I haven't got any kind of time frame yet.
I'll keep you all updated when I hear more.

That was in reply to those that gave the info requested in post#1 here.

12-11-2011, 09:54 PM
Hi Aldo,
I have a Spiderbox 5000SD and for the last two days have no hard wire ethernet connection.

Purchased box February 2011
Connection is hard wire to router via RG45
Darkman Patch SD5000-2.23.3-5 11/08/10
I am in the central UK area
Tiscali now Talk Talk
Seems like it is connected (flashing ethernet lights and can download latest SW but box does not flash write file)

Hope this helps could you pass this on to Anrakh

Many Thanks

12-11-2011, 11:32 PM
Hi M8

Sorry but the thread has been closed by Anrakh:

People.. there's no need to keep posting. We know now that all are disconnected.

I'll close this now with the quote of my post above. (and the quote is I'll keep you all updated when I hear more.)

I think that when a solution has been found, it will be posted on the other forum, and that Anrakh or someone else will post the info on this forum. Fingers crossed you will have a solution to your problem soon, as soon as I see the solution I will post the info here so that you know when it has arrived.

14-11-2011, 12:37 PM
The new patch for the 5000SD receiver has just been posted on the other forum.. The file posted by bob can be found here:


17-11-2011, 01:01 AM

i've loaded the new patch, however still no ethernet connection, just comes up not connected all the time......i'm with *** (now talk talk)
and the connection/adsl modem has served me without problem for 3 years so I don't think it's that, when I get time i'll investigate further and let everyone know
the outcome....my location is Derby (midlands again) my receiver was purchased and connected june 2011,
my other gear (octagon & Televes) still connect fine.....


17-11-2011, 02:32 AM
Hi M8

Did you follow all of the instructions as posted by bob here, if not you will have to install the patch again and follow every step in the setup procedure:


and as you are having problems with your ethernet connection step 1. is very important.

which of these patches did you install:


or this one:


18-11-2011, 10:17 PM
Same here wont connect.

I have tried both patches.

I can ping my box from the PC but it is not showing any connection with my Cline

18-11-2011, 10:24 PM
Same here wont connect.

I have tried both patches.

I can ping my box from the PC but it is not showing any connection with my Cline

this thread has nothing to do with c lines , its about the ethernet "gift" and using the new patch 2.30

start your own thread if you wish to discuss technical details about using cccam

18-11-2011, 11:01 PM
Aldo started this thread when I was researching who was not connecting. We found the problem and Magic fixed it with a couple of new patches. There is no longer a system problem and the thread now really serves no purpose.
I think it can be closed now!?

19-11-2011, 12:39 PM
Sorry guys,
got a bit confused on this.

Yes gift is back working here fine.

19-11-2011, 12:55 PM
ok , just waiting for misty to post back before I close this thread as its only about the new patch v2.30 and ethernet logon issues , nothing else

in theory the new v2.30 patch solved it

19-11-2011, 11:31 PM
Just a quick thankyou to everybody who has helped.......i'm back on now with no problems at all, as specified many times,ensure the full correct procedure for installing patches, as a bit of added info........my old bt modem did not seem to provide a reliable connection and when my connection went down I switched to a belkin 4 port and this has provided a much better connection so far.....:respect-050::respect-050::woohoo-022:

thanks again for all the hard work that goes into this forum........misty