View Full Version : mega help needed please

chrissy cee
13-11-2011, 05:54 PM
i know this will raise a groan and i appologise in advance.
Just recieved my spidey 5000sd and the shop i purchased it from said the gift was installed and 16e was the plc to be.
UMMMMMMMMMMMM am i missing something - not a lot going on at all really - have moved away from my technomate 5000
with diablo 2.3 light to this reciever and at the mo i cant seem to get to grips with things - have found the network menu and
have a superb pic across the sat range perhaps i am getting all i am supposed to but thought i woud ask and once again - sorry - kind regards chris
5000sd - 80cm cleardish universal lnb stab usals head

13-11-2011, 06:40 PM
I myself would think theres more on 13 east. but in saying that theres loads across the spectrum, but not that many on 16 east anyway. unless im missing somethink.

13-11-2011, 07:00 PM
Hi M8

The 16 east position has seen many changes in the last week or so, you may have the old Sats in your channel list, you can get the latest info on that sat position in this thread, especially in the later stages of it.


13-11-2011, 07:11 PM
I think if you look in the attached link it may help you.


13-11-2011, 08:08 PM
you just happened to pick the worst week in 10 years to be checking 16e

happily its better now but its been a start again job for all of us , so whatever channels you had want scrapping and start again , same as we all have had to do

chrissy cee
13-11-2011, 10:15 PM
thankyou all so much for your help and advice gr8 forum - with good sound and sensible comments - chris