View Full Version : TM Patches.

14-11-2011, 01:05 PM
It would seem from the latest posts that certain TM receivers are effected yet again with providers not opening when a new patch is made available,even when used with the latest available softcam.
The biggest problem is, it does not effect every model in the range,there just does not seem to be any consistency.
Perhaps if information was issued with every new patch which was made available, then the TM owners would be in a position to offer feedback and constructive
criticism as to what does and doesn't work, to the patch makers.
In my case I own a TM 5400+ super receiver.My latest patch was issued with info and everything worked with all providers opening.
Okay, everything for me looks rosy, unfortunately TNT has now become temperamental and only opens some times on the patch. I get around this issue by using my Diablo cam 2 problem solved.
The point I am trying to make is, information is not forthcoming with every new patch which is made available and total apathy kicks in when nothing works and no answers are available from the providers.
I have noticed that on another Forum where feedback is welcomed by the patch makers the information provided by the members appears to go unheeded.
Result apathy.
So what is the answer? We have been spoilt in the past, but our receivers are now no longer deemed to be priority one, in my opinion.The new kid on the block is now the Spider and all the support that goes with it. If you can't beat them join them,there is plenty of support out there. I own one amongst my collection of receivers . Please accept this post as an opinion and not a complaint.Thanks to all the patch makers, without you we would not have a hobby.

14-11-2011, 01:39 PM
I would tend to agree with the above and it seems apathy has replaces enthusiasm in the technomate sections , as I mentioned in another thread by sat-rrstm recently

but at least some of the problems were resolved by the patch maker , and it seems that developments on the technomate tm5402 and blade bm7000s may be helping to shape some of the new patches , as the epg procedures and epg download channels are similar , but until the TM fire is rekindled I just see the tm`s slowly dying apart from the 5402 , as I dont see much improvements in the tm1500 , clarke 1500 or the tm9100 that I personally own either , never mind most of the others

17-11-2011, 02:15 PM
It would seem from the latest posts that certain TM receivers are effected yet again with providers not opening when a new patch is made available,even when used with the latest available softcam.
The biggest problem is, it does not effect every model in the range,there just does not seem to be any consistency.
Perhaps if information was issued with every new patch which was made available, then the TM owners would be in a position to offer feedback and constructive
criticism as to what does and doesn't work, to the patch makers.
In my case I own a TM 5400+ super receiver.My latest patch was issued with info and everything worked with all providers opening.
Okay, everything for me looks rosy, unfortunately TNT has now become temperamental and only opens some times on the patch. I get around this issue by using my Diablo cam 2 problem solved.
The point I am trying to make is, information is not forthcoming with every new patch which is made available and total apathy kicks in when nothing works and no answers are available from the providers.
I have noticed that on another Forum where feedback is welcomed by the patch makers the information provided by the members appears to go unheeded.
Result apathy.
So what is the answer? We have been spoilt in the past, but our receivers are now no longer deemed to be priority one, in my opinion.The new kid on the block is now the Spider and all the support that goes with it. If you can't beat them join them,there is plenty of support out there. I own one amongst my collection of receivers . Please accept this post as an opinion and not a complaint.Thanks to all the patch makers, without you we would not have a hobby.

No no M8 ,do not gave the fault to this forum or others and not to the Spiderbox...to start same way people can fail in Fight..

They are here many TM Fun Boys they fail , i can read their post in different forums ....They trying to believe TM will get UP and support them...but if they have no One and no Team a part some Advertisers haw they will go UP!?
like that M8 not gave the fault to This forum...all ways when Technomate is after some think or new product soon they start moaning..
Why they do not talk much about TM 800....when they call me Slander !?

Gave the fault of TM company is concentrating all ways in Copy products....

Your stb look little old for THEM not for me m8..

Because they try to add 5402.....and others like
They Lost much time even with Linux Tm 800 more then 2 years and they been FAIL....even they do not like say that...But is clear from their coustmers report and their OWN website New Products is been take off.The last News 3rd September 2010 mean all News they sell 5000 pz 6000pz 8000pz lol gone..

Did you ask them what they are after !?
Are they after Hobby or Money..? for sure only Money..

TM 800 is create from NXT and copy Linux Hight quality STB for cheap,but Fail ...Do you know what are they after now !?

They are adverting another Copy Box soon they like put in Market...TM Duo or now they change name Twin with same hardware and even Same Image of Vu Plus Duo...even we all know Duo or Vuplus Distributors are they competitors ...but for the money they have no FACE

But My Friend Publicly i say....if any copy Cut come in Market will face more troubles then money....and they will lose even that 1% name left to that company.

1. They will see legal way and if they using any vu plus image will be some sort of Time **** for thir copy boxes...

TM company one time for ever need Create some think from their Hands not try to base their products all ways to jobs of other people like Vultures.

This is last for you TM owners should know have not left out from any MAN or Forum but from TM company..
This forum has support TM owners for many years and never sold any TM product for last 10 years ,that mean is not The forum supporting TM owners but their Phantom people do not exist.
Please TM boys next time when you like discuss about TM and TM product live the Spiderbox out of this story...is not the Spiderbox fault to TM company...But is the HARD competition Technology the TM company can not follow More. Full Stop.

17-11-2011, 02:22 PM
Glad to see you're feeling better...back to this old and boring fight.



17-11-2011, 02:31 PM
Glad to see you're feeling better...back to this old and boring fight.



M8 ...do not be Sarcastic..

Thread is not For Me ( haw i feel ) and surely not for the fight?

But of for Technomate........if you have any info or any think constructive to discuss do it...

17-11-2011, 02:38 PM
Unfortunately, I know far too well how health is important to anyone, so please forgive me if I offended you.

17-11-2011, 05:09 PM
for my 2 pennies worth, prefer the technomates image quality over the spiderbox - but as has been said before - each to their own.

27-11-2011, 09:34 PM
No no M8 ,do not gave the fault to this forum or others and not to the Spiderbox...to start same way people can fail in Fight..

They are here many TM Fun Boys they fail , i can read their post in different forums ....They trying to believe TM will get UP and support them...but if they have no One and no Team a part some Advertisers haw they will go UP!?
like that M8 not gave the fault to This forum...all ways when Technomate is after some think or new product soon they start moaning..
Why they do not talk much about TM 800....when they call me Slander !?

Gave the fault of TM company is concentrating all ways in Copy products....

Your stb look little old for THEM not for me m8..

Because they try to add 5402.....and others like
They Lost much time even with Linux Tm 800 more then 2 years and they been FAIL....even they do not like say that...But is clear from their coustmers report and their OWN website New Products is been take off.The last News 3rd September 2010 mean all News they sell 5000 pz 6000pz 8000pz lol gone..

Did you ask them what they are after !?
Are they after Hobby or Money..? for sure only Money..

TM 800 is create from NXT and copy Linux Hight quality STB for cheap,but Fail ...Do you know what are they after now !?

They are adverting another Copy Box soon they like put in Market...TM Duo or now they change name Twin with same hardware and even Same Image of Vu Plus Duo...even we all know Duo or Vuplus Distributors are they competitors ...but for the money they have no FACE

But My Friend Publicly i say....if any copy Cut come in Market will face more troubles then money....and they will lose even that 1% name left to that company.

1. They will see legal way and if they using any vu plus image will be some sort of Time **** for thir copy boxes...

TM company one time for ever need Create some think from their Hands not try to base their products all ways to jobs of other people like Vultures.

This is last for you TM owners should know have not left out from any MAN or Forum but from TM company..
This forum has support TM owners for many years and never sold any TM product for last 10 years ,that mean is not The forum supporting TM owners but their Phantom people do not exist.
Please TM boys next time when you like discuss about TM and TM product live the Spiderbox out of this story...is not the Spiderbox fault to TM company...But is the HARD competition Technology the TM company can not follow More. Full Stop.

I don't get the point of this post of darkman
All GrumpyDave did was post his opinion about the latest patches wich are crap for the c.s. hd models and should never have been released by the phanth0m crew GrumpyDave never said a bad wurd or any blame about spiderbox or this forum he only said that he has one in his collection of stb's