View Full Version : Spaze Experts

15-11-2011, 08:16 PM
Just wondering does spaze image supposed to show 'moving to selected sat' when switching from one sat to the other, the current channel is displayed when switching position.
Lastly - I dont see 'Scrambled' when a channel is not FTA Or is this by design.

PS - this is my first E2 installation as such trying to understand how things are after years using the OFW


15-11-2011, 09:00 PM
Yes, the report for new channel is late, if you change.
On scrambled channels you see a $ - symbol

15-11-2011, 09:52 PM
I dont see any $ sign and no message when dish is moving. If you are say 28.2 and wanted to change to a channel on 19.2 - the screen should show 'moving to 19.2' but not sure if E2 does display the message

15-11-2011, 10:43 PM
I don't have a motorized dish.

If you press OK, you see the $ sign.


16-11-2011, 01:24 PM
mate - I dont see any $ sign. This should appear even within the channel list, unless its as design with spaze E2 image. Please can someone comment -
and also about this 'If you are say 28.2 and wanted to change to a channel on 19.2 - the screen should show 'moving to 19.2' but not sure if E2 does display the message'


16-11-2011, 06:24 PM
when moving to another satellite there is no message - can't remember if Spaze 1.0 did or didn't (think it had a piccy of a satellite when moving sat).

16-11-2011, 07:02 PM
thanks for the input beamobhoy! That is not properly then - all you see on the screen is a frozen previous channel and 'tune failed' message for some seconds and then the selected channel from a different sat will show. It could have been more user friendly to display message of a moving dish postion as opposed to the frozen channel. - any idea what the stroy is with the 'Parental control' it reverts to 'no' on reboot, that's after enabling and selecting the bouquet option and locked some few channels, it goes to disabled on reboot.

16-11-2011, 09:09 PM
That is not properly then - all you see on the screen is a frozen previous channel and 'tune failed' message for some seconds and then the selected channel from a different sat will show.

The RTI Image does the same

17-11-2011, 10:25 AM
The tune failed messages are very annoying but have always been there on every e2 image. Have never used the parental control on any of the e2 images so can't really help on that.

17-11-2011, 01:34 PM
that's fine beambhoy - I have sorted out the parental control issue. So far enjoying the image with limited plugin installation as all I want is basic functions to watch and enjoy my viewing. Slowly am going to grabs with the E2 spaze image as this is my first. So far so good with the basic things I want. Keep up the good work spaze team. Croosepg downloaded and works OK, although see the location in two places - /mdeia/hdd and /media/usb. Also picons working OK.

The only 2 things I don't like currently is the non mesage displayed when changing channel on a different sat position and the tune failed message - all in all, am happy I waited to spaze new image before trying out E2. Hope in future they might consider addinga message when moving dish, its more user friendly

thanks for the hard work SPAZE team and long may it contiune!