View Full Version : Mount NFS Problem

19-11-2011, 05:19 PM
Hi All, I am going crazy. Before to update E2 Spaze 2.0 my script to mount in NFS external Qnap NAS worked fine! Script in /DISK2/etc/start.d, easy command : "mount -t nfs /DATA/movie/Qmultimedia -o rw,nolock,intr" run fine.

Some days ago I installed Spaze 2.0 and try by GUI and command line in telnet to run mount command but the command is not executed (on't give me the prompt) ! I thought problem in the Spaze image, an I installed fw Opensat on usb key, put the script but same problem ! If I run command by command line same behavior, the comand remain in hanging. Have anybody an idea what appen and I can solve it ?

Grazie Piappapeppa

19-11-2011, 09:54 PM
Does the directory /DATA/movie/Qmultimedia exist?

19-11-2011, 11:58 PM

192.168.x.x:/volume1/video /media/net/filmovi nfs nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,in tr

192.168.x.x:/volume1/music /media/net/muzika nfs nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,in tr

192.168.x.x:/volume1/photo /media/net/fotke nfs nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,in tr

-192.168.x.x = NAS IP address
-volume1/video = the path to the shared folder with movies I stored on my NAS
-media/net/filmovi - folder to mount it to in your AZbox HD with E2
-nfs = type of protocol used by my Linux based NAS
-the rest is standard, re. the data transfer limit.

20-11-2011, 02:55 PM
Does the directory /DATA/movie/Qmultimedia exist?
