View Full Version : TomTom Go 540 Live Issues

19-11-2011, 07:21 PM
Hi i've got a 540 Live and im having issues with it and im not sure what the problem is.

I turn on the tomtom and it tells me i have no maps, i attach it to my pc and try and insert maps but it freezes when i tell it to paste and i have to reset the tomtom, alot of the time it wont recognize to connect to the pc either. I've tried alsorts to get it working it was working perfectly fine yesterday and nothing has changed since.

I know its not a pc problem mainly because im an IT Tech and ive tested on 6 unique pcs and 2 laptops.

19-11-2011, 09:43 PM
What version of navcore have you got on it ?
Is it official original or patched version ?
What map & full version number ?
Is is a copied map ?

20-11-2011, 10:24 AM
I know this might sound a daft question, but is there any/enough free space on the device, I noticed you were pasting maps on ?


20-11-2011, 11:42 AM
Hi to both.

Free Space = ALOT as its not showing any maps so roughly 600MB Free as when i was copying maps onto it it stopped and froze after the 2nd .dat file

What version of navcore have you got on it: Im not sure which ever tomtom update last had on it
Is it official original or patched version TomTom was patched
What map & full version number: before the issues one posted by Russell1 (United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland v875.3613 Map)
Is is a copied map ? Yes as above (www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?151121-United-Kingdom-and-Republic-of-Ireland-v875-maps-(Aug-2011))

My Tomtom unit is VERY fragile when trying to do anything like a chkdsk i ran it yesterday and it didnt report any issues but i think it might have frozen.

Full Backup was taken yesterday morning and since that it hasnt worked very well. i can still access the units internal memory sometimes but cant make many changes if any as it freezes

20-11-2011, 12:44 PM
Is the battery fully charged ?
If you can get it working - you can use the latest v880.3810 map
Could try deleting everything, or formatting and starting again ??
Has it got a memory card slot you can use ?

20-11-2011, 02:24 PM
Russell1 using some of my mad IT skills ive already wiped the internal drive took its time aswell and im now using a memory card to load up the new navcore and maps, its going slowly but i am going to beat it, i think the tomtom has a drive issue but we shall see. Battery seems fine to me.

Ill let you know how i get on....

20-11-2011, 04:44 PM
Dont forget, if using any copied maps - the navcore will need patching & the map will need activating. All you need is on the forum.

21-11-2011, 07:51 PM
Hi Roodie
Sounds to me you have a damaged loader formating wont solve the problem as you cant access that part of the memory, but there are three files on the net that needs loading onto a memory card and booting it that clears it from the memory,
this is just my opinion and im mostly wrong anyway so please do some research about this start with the liink below


26-11-2011, 02:48 PM
Hi, I tried using the flash tool first with no success but i did manage to format the card quickly and then a slow format, but to be safe i also have a SD Card in there with the same files on.