View Full Version : 9900HD & Viera Link

21-11-2011, 11:07 PM
Hi all,

I have noticed my viera link between my Panasonic plasma and surround sound (SA-PT470) no longer works.

I have done some searching and it appears some $ kyhd boxes have the same issue causing a conflict with CEC pin 13 of an hdmi cable.

Before I go and attempt to wreck a cable by removing the pin, does anyone else have a problem like this and has found a way around it?

21-11-2011, 11:18 PM
Viera link is for Panasonic components ONLY ?? Do not think it will Like the Spiderbox

21-11-2011, 11:25 PM
Think you will have to connect The spiderbox with AUDIO Cables

22-11-2011, 08:26 AM
Hi Rabby, just to explain - the vierra link essentailly lets you control the volume to the surround sound through your tv remote, and also the dvd buttons etc. Also it automatically turns on the dvd surround sound when the tv is switched on. all this is now not working and the only way to get surround sound is to turn the volume down on the tv and manually turn the surround sound up. a massive pain when you've gotten used to the viera link!!

I have seen on several websites of people complaining that their viera link does not work with $ kyHD+ boxes as the box uses pin 13 of an HDMI cable (unnecessarily). I do not get this problem when plugging in my laptop and using the remote for it, or my ps3 and using the remote for that so it must be a similar problem with the box.

I'll report back today when i've removed the pin. If anything it will help anyone else who may have the problem in the future.

22-11-2011, 09:33 AM
Hi I have two pieces of Panasonic equipment TV and Surround sound system connected through HMDI cable to arc sockets "arc" compatible cable and I cannot get the systems to communicate with each other even though viera link switched on. These are the latest models in the Panosonic range. I have emailed Panasonic customer services 3 times, no reply. Telephoned 4 times, put on hold, then cut off, Letter sent to Panosonic UK (Bracknell) explaining the situation, guess what no reply. So I would'nt hold my breath as far as any help from Panasonic are concerned, they do'nt want to know, once you have purchased there equipment. If you get any joy from removing pin 13 of hdmi cable let us know.

22-11-2011, 10:10 AM
problem solved!! I used a very thin piece of sellotape to cover pin 13 on the HDMI lead going into my the box and viera link works perfectly. :woohoo-022:

hope you find this useful Chalkster!