View Full Version : blind scan

23-11-2011, 06:20 PM
anyone using it, does it work well, is it in all latest images>?

thinking of buying this box...


23-11-2011, 08:43 PM
anyone using it, does it work well, is it in all latest images>?

thinking of buying this box...


It's downloaded as a plugin on most images but some do have it built in Vix i think has it built in, I currently use DreamboxUK 2.1 because of the newer 3.03 linux code thats used based on PLI.

As for the blind scan it's a bit of a pain to use as you have to do H-Low/High and V-Low/High so 4 separate scans in all.

I believe the new Vix 2.3 when released for this box will incorporate all High/Low scans in one complete scan so no messing about.

01-12-2011, 12:14 AM
thanks, that does sound like a pain tho