View Full Version : F100

25-11-2011, 12:35 PM
Like others on here my Spider 9000HD has locked up on this. I've read all the posts on this and have downloaded all relevent repair solutions.
My question is about the null modem cable ... should it be straight or crossover ... I have an old dell lappy with a 15 pin female and a compaq lappy with the same plus a 25 pin female. The spider has a 9 pin male. The compaq runs windows xp and the dell vista.

Sorry if this has been answered before but I did do a search



25-11-2011, 12:41 PM
Like others on here my Spider 9000HD has locked up on this. I've read all the posts on this and have downloaded all relevent repair solutions.
My question is about the null modem cable ... should it be straight or crossover ... I have an old dell lappy with a 15 pin female and a compaq lappy with the same plus a 25 pin female. The spider has a 9 pin male. The compaq runs windows xp and the dell vista.

Sorry if this has been answered before but I did do a search



a null modem is always a crossover cable , with female both ends

there is no such thing as a 15 pin serial port , what you have got there is a 15 pin VGA port to connect to a pc monitor or tv

also , the 25 pin port on the pc or laptop is a parallel printer port , not a serial port

a straight wired 9 pin cable is purely used as an extension lead and will be male to female , not female to female

you need a 9 pin serial male port on the pc or laptop ( 9 pins showing ) , and a null modem cable to the same port on the back of your spiderbox

my advice to you is look up these ports on wikipedia and ensure you know what they are , and what they are used for , as clearly you dont at this moment in time

good luck

details and images below


null modem cable

An RS-232 cable used to connect two computers in close proximity for file transfer.
It attaches to the serial ports of both machines and simulates what would occur naturally if modems and the public phone network were used.
It crosses the sending wire with the receiving wire.

25-11-2011, 01:04 PM
Cheers, would a male/male gender changer for the lappy work along with the cable


Sorry forget it

25-11-2011, 01:09 PM
If neither laptops have a 9 PIN RS232 port then you'll need a USB to Serial adapter.


25-11-2011, 01:16 PM
Cheers, would a male/male gender changer for the lappy work along with the cable

Sorry forget it

I would also recommend you read this thread too


as although you say you have done a search of the forum , I would say you did not read that thread

no , a gender changer wont work , but the usb 2 serial adapter hda5 posted about MAY work , depending on drivers and os

my advice is use a proper pc , with standard com port , running XP as an os

25-11-2011, 01:43 PM
I did read that thread and all I got from it is get hold of an old pc or lappy with a com port running xp, the usb adapter is crap and you don't have any patience with anybody who doesn't have your technical knowledge. The whole point of a forum like this is to help others less gifted not to belittle. I try to gain as much knowledge from people like yourself as I can, but christ you do make it hard.

25-11-2011, 01:47 PM
I did read that thread and all I got from it is get hold of an old pc or lappy with a com port running xp, the usb adapter is crap and you don't have any patience with anybody who doesn't have your technical knowledge. The whole point of a forum like this is to help others less gifted not to belittle. I try to gain as much knowledge from people like yourself as I can, but christ you do make it hard.

well I tried to help , but some people just wont take the advice when its been offered , rabby included

my advice comes from years of experience , either take it or dont take it , I dont care either way , but I do know what i am talking about as a qualified comms engineer who has also built or repaired dozens if not hundreds of pc,s and laptops in his time , as well as offering thousands of advice posts on this forum and other forums too , unlike yourself who has made 3 posts here in 7 years and never helped out anybody at all

I do not have to justify myself , but I will not be offering YOU any more advice from now on with an attitude like yours , your opinions of me are not wanted , werent asked for and are completely irrelevant to the question posed in post 1

and next time you decide to slag off somebody who was genuinely trying to help you , it will be the last time you post !

25-11-2011, 01:58 PM

25-11-2011, 02:14 PM
just to explain this further , I have several laptops and also several pc,s here , running xp , vista and win7 in various flavours

some have com ports , some dont , most laptops dont as rabby found out

I also have about 4 or 5 of these usb to serial adapters , and also a couple of shop bought null modem cables as well as several null modem cables I made myself , I also have various straight wired extension cables and some gender changers as well

I have tested various combinations of the above using a serial mouse , and samsung 9500 viaci sat box , tm1500 sat box , clarketech 1500 sat box , icecrypt 4000s sat box , netgear routers and a tm9100 sat box too thinking about it

generally speaking I have failed to flash any item in windows 7 , very few in vista , and never a problem using xp from what I remember , especially when the XP items have standard com ports

the serial mouse has always worked in all cases and in all windows versions too

I specifically have 2 old laptops running XP with 9 pin male serial com ports that work on all devices , as well as a tower pc running xp , and several HP or COMPAQ desktops that also run XP and have standard built in 9 pin com ports and will flash all the devices with no problems

many coders including people like coldasice who posts files here , will tell you to use proper pc,s running xp and not usb adapters due to driver issues and sometimes timing issues caused in the conversion process

had you connected up and used the ports you talked about you could have damaged both the laptop and also the spiderbox too , possibly irreparably

so I have done all the tests so you dont have to , and to prevent you damaging your equipment through ignorance or inexperience

you have a £200 spiderbox and a laptop worth between £50 and say £500 , and I do not want you breaking these items through a lack of knowledge on your part , so gave you as much info as I could including linking to other relevant topic or topics that I have posted over the years here

which is why I have no time for the silly methods put forward by those trying a "work around" like rabby

do a job correctly , with the correct tools , and it should be fine ( a bad workman always blames his tools )

ask for help from experienced users , and then to ignore it or call that advice into question , beggars belief

my answers to yourself were courteous , informative , provided links or pictures , and were designed to prevent you falling into the same trap as mr rabby-knows-best , he is somebody who posts here a lot , belittles others a lot , likes to take on mods and admins , and never ever helps anyone except himself , ie:- all effin talk , mr I am , with no evidence to back him up , who has been banned from more forums than you or I have had hot dinners

so I will leave my advice here , take it or leave it , that is your choice , but do not try to call into question the advice being given or the credentials of those offering it or you run the risk of never being answered on the forums again , one point about a forum is that those who dont know are fed the correct info by those that do , so you are bound to get somebody more experienced than you answering your questions , and its quite right that those offering it expect that advice to be heeded and followed , sometimes to the very letter and exactitude

ie:- never bite the hand that feeds you

nuff said

rant over

25-11-2011, 02:32 PM

It does not necessarily have to be an old Tower PC, as long as it has an RS232 Com Port, and it could be running Windows 7 Pro or Ultimate as opposed to Windows XP, as posted in the thread that echelon linked you to, and further more you were totally out of order to make such an outrageous comment about echelon, the person who has done more to assist and guide members of this forum than you could ever dream of, and I just wonder if your opinion was based on the thread that you were linked to:


25-11-2011, 02:38 PM
I never came on here to question your input or expertise. Over the seven years that you mention, I have not had many occasions were the advise that you and all the knowledgable posters on here have not answered my questions or issues by me reading the relevent posts and I thank you all for that. I have not got any technical ability to answer posters problems hence not helping other people (blind leading the blind) I realise that you get ****ed with people asking the same questions and I can't blame you at all, but some of us do genuinely appreciate all the work you put in to help. Again, sorry but your reply did come accross as condiscending although I realise now that it wasn't meant that way. Am I forgiven :respect-050:

25-11-2011, 02:46 PM
no lol


25-11-2011, 02:49 PM
in this thread I did not have a go at you , or try to belittle you , or to take the p*** of any ignorance on your part

the details I gave you were highly relevant to your problem , and in that other thread I sought to make you aware of others who had tried and failed and not taken heed of my advice , I gave him the correct answer in my first reply in post 2 , and yet he went on and on goading me about it , what do you expect ? gifts and flowers ?

you had also said you had searched for the info and failed to find it , well I know for a fact that I and others have posted this info hundreds of times on satpimps and satdudez as I have been here over 10 years

that info never changes , but the tools members use do , which is why rabby is failing , I didnt want you to fall into that same trap as its quite clear he had done his utmost to prove me wrong ,and failed miserably , but I did not have a go at you and sought to give you every possible guidance from post number 2 onwards

a sensible person would look at the failures of others and seek not to repeat those failures , and not spend money unwisely on the wrong items , and not "blow up" his equipment in the process either by incorrect connections

as for forgiveness , that remains to be seen , but I hope you and others read this and accept theat a forum also helps those who dont know , by those who do , and as I have been here over 10 years and have a lot of experience at this , I believe I can be allowed to put that info on here in the knowledge its 100% correct , but assuming you are a photographer ( of which I know nothing at all ) , I would expect you to impart your vast experience to me by the same standpoint

25-11-2011, 03:18 PM
I will be off to a car booty tomorrow to try and get the pc you mention. I will also try a usb to serial adapter.

anyone know the best place to get one Asap


25-11-2011, 07:06 PM
computer fairs , electronic shops , auction sites , all over the place m8

and if it does work , fine , no problem from me , I sincerely hope it does , but my experience with them says it doesnt , and believe me I have tried

25-11-2011, 07:33 PM
Some have had success, probably most havn't. It's a case of doing something while I'm trying to source an older pc/lappy.



25-11-2011, 07:36 PM
Some have had success, probably most havn't. It's a case of doing something while I'm trying to source an older pc/lappy.



agreed , so dont spend too much money on it when an old pc off a car boot for a fiver , or free from gumtree , will do the job ;)

25-11-2011, 08:08 PM
Already orderd from Am**on. Null cable £1.74, USB to RS232 converter £2.98, free delivery.
If it don't work hey-ho, only the cost of a pint.


25-11-2011, 08:17 PM
fair enough , and I hope it works too , but if not go to plan b and get a proper pc with 9 pin com port running xp , thats all I ask of you ( and all I asked r*bby to do too )

25-11-2011, 08:26 PM
Oh, I'll still get an old pc even if it does work, "Belts & Braces"


25-11-2011, 08:43 PM

I no you no a lot m8 ??? But I have in the past had them working ?? Just been on the phone to my mate [ He is not into SATS ] Before you go to the next level ? But he is TO TRADE [ Electronics @Electrical ] Telling him was not getting a connection via [ Null modem cable ] Think My one is Fooked ?? Hopefully get a new one tommorrow!!!Anyway telling him the problem, he is telling to make my own one up ? As you said [ Crossover ] He thinks it Pins [8@9 ] That causes the problem ?? He had that in the past [ It his Lappy that i have got ] Just on Trial ?? So with your no Everthing ? IS HE RIGHT [ He is just Quessing at the problem ??

He will make me a cable up ??



25-11-2011, 09:00 PM
As you said [ Crossover ] He thinks it Pins [8@9 ] That causes the problem ?? He had that in the past [ It his Lappy that i have got ] Just on Trial ?? So with your no Everthing ? IS HE RIGHT [ He is just Quessing at the problem ??

For a null modem cable only pins 2,3 and 5 are needed... You should try what echelon has already said instead of your friend. And even if pin 8 was needed, it would connect to pin 7, so...

25-11-2011, 09:11 PM

My mate is not into this **** ?? [SAT STUFF ] He uses RS 232 ? For Other things ?? Anyway ? Thanks for your reply ?




25-11-2011, 09:58 PM
RS 232 isn't sat stuff. _http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-232#History

25-11-2011, 10:06 PM

RS 232 isn't sat stuff

He uses RS 232 ? For Other things ??

Saying no more

25-11-2011, 10:14 PM
null modem cable is as simple as detailed below

9 pin to 9 pin female dsub connectors ( one at each end )

pin 2 to pin 3
pin 3 to pin 2
pin 5 to pin 5

and that is all that is required , no pins 7 and 8 ( as jimrare pointed out )

there are the very old 25 pin versions , and most commercially made null modem cables have a 25 pin and a 9 pin connector at each end , I have a couple myself but I only make the 9 pin versions for less than a quid :D

and yes it could be that your cable is foooked , that is always a possibility

on the other hand I have made my own and tested commercially made cables here , and generally the details that I post on this forum are correct and having owned a tm1500 sat box for maybe 6 or 7 years that was wired to my desktop pc at the time and was used for updating keys and channel lists and flashes , its always been the case ( same applies to netgear adsl routers too )

on the other hand , this sony vaio 17 inch lappy running win7 ultimate wont do anything with any of them , except operate a serial mouse with no problems whatsoever ;)

unsure as to why some members always wish to argue these points with their peers ? I didnt trade in medicine so dont purport to be a doctor

and as stated , none of this is sat stuff , is communications and electronics , of which I gained qualifications in both with a very good career

nowadays I take faulty laptops that owners have plugged items into they shouldnt have , strip them down , try and repair or replace faulty components and then put back together once more , including this 17 inch sony laptop I am typing on , which I reassembled into a new shell

I have replaced numerous power sockets due to broken power pins , soldered in new usb port sockets , and replaced motherboards and other components , also built dozens of pc tower systems , repaired dozens more , built flashing light systems for discos , mixers , small amps , wired ethernet into the whole house run from a 16 way netgear lan switch in the loft , built those season interfaces we used to use to plug into cams and connect to a COM PORT on a pc and run software to decode channels , and usually have half a dozen lappys and a dozen pc,s knocking around here at any one time

I run a dm800 , 2 spiderboxes , icecrypt , sly HD box , tm9100 , tm1500 , clarke 1500 , and a few other sat boxes I wont mention

but I know nowt and do nowt either , never help anybody at all ................................. amazing isnt it

25-11-2011, 10:29 PM

Remember in the past soldering SCART CABLES [ Ect ect ] Make things happen [Hacking ] Ondigital [Put them out of the game ] Dreambox [ Making IMAGES ] That Worked [CODES ] Doing ALL THAT?? Hacking the Music system[ Goes on and on ]


25-11-2011, 10:34 PM
ah but a lot of us know different:respect-057:

to make it work use xp and a serial port = job done

25-11-2011, 10:35 PM
oh I do m8 , I do , I also remember making the interface to plug into the old v-crypt readers and running voyager on an old 386 pc in dos to open some "channels" on the old ( very old ) 19 east astra 1 ( sent by you know who ) , fooked if I can remember the name of it but was developed by marcus kuhn

EDIT , remembered it was called a SEASON INTERFACE

I have also made the funprom programmer run from a 25 pin parallel port , and made and sent out free of charge to members here the jtag adapters to reflash faulty tm9100 boxes , never mind the samsung 9500 viaci jtags I made 10 years ago which I still all have here somewhere :)

ps:- I would just like to say that there are some vip,s on this forum who can knock me into a cocked hat

the abilities that some have on here are extraordinary , especially with linux , compiling , computers , operating systems , equipment and devices , and I wouldnt know some of the stuff I know without these unsung heroes , we all have peers , we could help one another , but the great british public just likes to knock others off their pedestals nowadays and not contribute in any other way except by knock , knock , whinge , moan

25-11-2011, 10:48 PM

Still got everthing [ season interface ] Also ? Sky [When they first went on air ] They were HACKED ?? Voyager[Remember that ]

25-11-2011, 10:54 PM
" never mind the samsung 9500 viaci "

Trusty old work horse ( easy to patch ) use it today when setting up dishes for friends, they align the dish and i control the reception with this box ( pity it`s not HD ) also have the conax version samsung dsr9500 YA.

Sorry bit off topic.
