View Full Version : Satellite.xml

26-11-2011, 06:16 PM
Hello Folks,
Finally managed to get xcam configured and working, but i noticed some channels are missing from my list (bbcHD and others) I know on a dreambox you can simply ftp a satellite.xml onto the box, can't find any folder in the icecrypt box. Could someone tell me if it is possible to update the tp list using a sat.xml and if it is how to do that.
Kind Regards

26-11-2011, 06:42 PM
if your using the ori firmware, no.
(not that i know of)

u can convert your box to E2, and use a proper EPG with CrossEPG.

guides can be found in this forum.

26-11-2011, 06:44 PM
if your using the ori firmware, no.
(not that i know of)

u can convert your box to E2, and use a proper EPG with CrossEPG.

guides can be found in this forum.

reading his other posts its not a 4000 but a 3500 , so that may change your answer ;)

26-11-2011, 06:51 PM
im gonna flog my icecrypt mate.

26-11-2011, 06:54 PM
im gonna flog my icecrypt mate.

I am happy with mine if they fixed all the little niggles I have posted about in other threads

but I dont think the s3500 has files like a dreambox or an s4000 box has , although some stuff like plugins are universal for a few of these boxes

26-11-2011, 07:05 PM
beleive it or not, the azbox E2 has come a long way now, and im really liking it, plus the fact it does 4.2.2

so, gonna try living with that for a while.

the s4000 was ok, but the updates are sooo minor, i like the quick zapping, and the blind scan, but the EPG is a massive letdown, dont know why they dont make a crossepg type plugin for it, which writes the EPG info to the HDD.