View Full Version : Latest patch connection problems

27-11-2011, 04:18 AM
Can anyone tell me if they are experiencing conection problems with the latest patch (Ver 1.20.RM nov 15), I have never in the last two years had any issues with any patches ,always do a factory reset before and after flashing , but this latest patch struggles to connect whereas all previous connected without even registering this latest requires me to manualy register, sometimes several times and still struggles , any ideas welcome

27-11-2011, 09:59 AM
I would suggest you didnt follow the instructions and turn off ucas and the g*ft before the first factory reset was done (a common mistake)
turn them both off , factory reset , reflash , and factory reset yet again before switching them both on and loading a channel list
if you have a netgear router its also worth using a fixed ip instead of using dhcp

27-11-2011, 01:07 PM
Since the new patch , mines the same . Switch on and the channels are there , other times I switch on ,no channels and no ID in the menu .I just have to turn off the network , save , go back to the settings and turn on , press OK ,it says.......connecting and the channels re-appear .Most strange , but I just put up with it as it's OK most of the time .

27-11-2011, 01:32 PM
Since the new patch , mines the same . Switch on and the channels are there , other times I switch on ,no channels and no ID in the menu .I just have to turn off the network , save , go back to the settings and turn on , press OK ,it says.......connecting and the channels re-appear .Most strange , but I just put up with it as it's OK most of the time .

that is a common symptom of what I said in my earlier reply , hence the turning off of ucas and ethernet (s+) BEFORE patching , factory resets both before AND AFTER patching , before turning back on again at the end of the process

it can also have trouble using dhcp on netgear routers so ideally you should set a fixed ip and authorise it and its mac code in the router admin panel

I would say the majority of people ignore most of what I have said above , possibly as it seems too complicated , or because they cant be bothered

I would suggest you save your channel list , and do exactly as I said above , as it does tend to cure this login issue

27-11-2011, 02:58 PM
I Also have a fixed [ip ] But I Have no problems when in [ NetworkSettings ] Leave on [ AUTO ]???? Some say leave it on [Manual ] Seems to cause me Problems?Everyone to there OWN:king-041:

27-11-2011, 03:14 PM
those of you who set their routers up correctly and authorise the mac address and fixed ip address in the router admin panel , and having chosen a suitable lan IP address away from the first 10 logins using DHCP should have no problems accessing the router from the spiderbox

when using DHCP the spiderbox asks the router for a login ip and gets the first available one
( like the next ticket available on the dispenser when you go to give blood )

this can vary according to the order you switch your equipment on

so on day 1 it could be


on day 2 it could be


the fact is you have 254 ip addresses on standard routers , so why are you allowing all your equipment to fight over who gets first dibs at it ?

its even worse when linux boxes , tv,s , consoles and everything gets added into the mix , especially when those using linux boxes need fixed ip,s so they can use ftp programs that have a set ip for each box login

like I said , those too lazy , too ignorant , or simply too inexperienced will always be lazy and use DHCP on auto instead of manual , long as it works

they are also the first to complain when it fails as they havent a clue what to do , or why

add to that that netgear routers can be temperamental on adding mac codes on different ip addresses all the time and it makes sense to allocate mac and ip addresses on a permanent basis and authorising it in LAN SETUP in the router admin panel itself , so its pre-authorised

after all , if the post office just sent mail to manchester or glasgow , first come , first served no mail would get through , hence all the allocated pigeon holes

I am sure some of you store mp3,s in music , divx in avi films , mkv in HD films , docs i a docs folder etc

your pc would soon fall over if everything was stores in the root directory on a first come , first served basis ;) ( that changes daily ) NIGHTMARE !

nb:- note , I am not talking here about your allocated isp IP address from your isp like sly or vm or talk2 , its a router issue , not internet issue

it also tends to be those who dont know what they are talking about , that talk or type gobbledegook :D

27-11-2011, 03:16 PM
I just wonder how many of the people who have experienced problems after the latest patch have failed to follow ALL of the instructions that were posted on this forum,

Thnx Boxer26

1,Turn services off (ethernet and UCAS)
2, back up channel data UDB only (menu / usb green button)
3, factory reset.
4, load latest patch S/W only.
5, factory reset.
6, menu > network turn back on
7, press 1111 to expand other options.
8, to turn ethernet back to on hit register
8, load your channel data back on (STB_DB.UDB).
9, enter your long. & lat. if using usals
10, go to key edit turn ucas back ON.
11, reset key data.
12, load latest softcam.

27-11-2011, 06:07 PM
think you could be adding one more to that tally at this rate ( from THE ALMIGHTY ;) )

27-11-2011, 06:24 PM
Can anyone tell me if they are experiencing conection problems with the latest patch (Ver 1.20.RM nov 15), I have never in the last two years had any issues with any patches ,always do a factory reset before and after flashing , but this latest patch struggles to connect whereas all previous connected without even registering this latest requires me to manualy register, sometimes several times and still struggles , any ideas welcome

hi markinstein , sorry about that

if you need any further help or info please post back pronto


27-11-2011, 10:21 PM
Having read the OP's post again I am a little bemused by this (Ver 1.20.RM nov 15), I've looked and cannot see any Spiderbox 9000 patch with that reference number, unless of course he has installed a 5000SD Patch.

27-11-2011, 10:33 PM
Having read the OP's post again I am a little bemused by this (Ver 1.20.RM nov 15), I've looked and cannot see any Spiderbox 9000 patch with that reference number, unless of course he has installed a 5000SD Patch.

my 9000 shows that

F4.40 LDR 00.31
Ver 01.20.FM ptc (ok)
nov 15 2011

so I believe he is correct in his post


27-11-2011, 11:01 PM
hi markinstein, I have got this problem with my 7000 & 9000, it only started today, I have switched my boxes to standby on a couple of occasions today and when rebooted have lost connections and it takes sometimes 3-4 attempts to connect after manually exiting ethernet and rebooting cold (switch on the back ). It is very similar to the problem I had before the last patch, some people had the problem and others did not?? but since loading the latest patch all was OK until today.

27-11-2011, 11:39 PM
my 9000 shows that

F4.40 LDR 00.31
Ver 01.20.FM ptc (ok)
nov 15 2011

so I believe he is correct in his post


Sorry I did not check the receiver details, only the forum.

28-11-2011, 12:47 AM
hi markinstein, I have got this problem with my 7000 & 9000, it only started today, I have switched my boxes to standby on a couple of occasions today and when rebooted have lost connections and it takes sometimes 3-4 attempts to connect after manually exiting ethernet and rebooting cold (switch on the back ). It is very similar to the problem I had before the last patch, some people had the problem and others did not?? but since loading the latest patch all was OK until today.

I now have this problem with my 9000 after a reboot , and the login id is blank too

I know its not my router or internet connection as a c line works fine and clears quickly

turning off the box and rebooting , or a soft reboot through the menus didnt work either

its finally come back on similar to your symptoms above , same time frame , and has cleared itself

so I would say its a login problem again

28-11-2011, 11:12 AM
Well I'm glad that I have been following this thread, (even if Markenstein might not be after causing 'all the trouble'!!), as has just happened to me too for first time. (9000). So I am assuming that is it just a case of waiting / hoping for 'connection' to Ethernet. Answered my own question! Yes it just cleared a channel after about 5 mins.

28-11-2011, 12:45 PM
Members often report no internet connection even when their receiver has happily worked in the past.
If this happens to you try switching off both the Spiderbox and the Router at the mains.
Allow about a minute then switch on the Router, and wait two minutes or so for the ADSL to Synch up.
Now switch on the Spiderbox and it should connect within 30 seconds to 1 minute.
This is simple and basic but in about 90% of posts with this problem it's all that's required. This is if all else fails.
I do feel there is a connection problem, I also feel sure it will be addressed in a future patch very soon, but in the mean time, there is a work around or two.

28-11-2011, 12:56 PM
Members often report no internet connection even when their receiver has happily worked in the past.
If this happens to you try switching off both the Spiderbox and the Router at the mains.
Allow about a minute then switch on the Router, and wait two minutes or so for the ADSL to Synch up.
Now switch on the Spiderbox and it should connect within 30 seconds to 1 minute.
This is simple and basic but in about 90% of posts with this problem it's all that's required. This is if all else fails.
I do feel there is a connection problem, I also feel sure it will be addressed in a future patch very soon, but in the mean time, there is a work around or two.

agreed , I tried all that last night myself and still had the problem on 2 boxes after testing so I concluded this problem lay elsewhere, not everyone has the equipment to do this , I realise that , but as a trained comms engineer I came to the same conclusion as maurice after trying all the above , especially as C lines were ok

as for the OP markinstien , its not his fault when a n*mpty with an axe to grind decided to target forum staff with mind games like he has done on other forums in the past , making it personal instead of just dealing with the issues raised by the OP and the posts made by that OP. I left a lot of it in here so that others can see the sort of problems I get when attempting to help an OP , even if that n*mpty is the same OP who had F100 on his 9900 spiderbox , and even when its the same n*mpty OP that couldnt understand a word on his onscreen menus either until explained by me

there is only one outcome when taking on staff , and that is that the perpetrator will always lose

in the meantime I would appreciate the OP markinstien reporting back on his initial problem , if he still has it , so we can analyse it in more detail , and it makes no difference how detailed the answers have to be , as long as they sort out his initial problems , that is what a forum is for , dealing with the issues raised , not the people or personalities or detail involved

28-11-2011, 04:36 PM
May I give an update please:
For the last 30 min I have re-booted my boxes (7000,9000 & 9900 ) using both the remote and rear switch and have to report that each time even from 1st cold boot my boxes connected 1st time. Regards, hope yours respond as well as mine did.