View Full Version : AZBOX ME & Android - now dead in the water - confirmed

27-11-2011, 01:12 PM

27-11-2011, 02:19 PM
Hardly a surprise, Azbox has been a disaster since day one.

27-11-2011, 03:50 PM
But some say it is not to be discussed and "criticised"... Crickey...

Talk about sheepish...

27-11-2011, 06:44 PM

Here again the professionalism of OPENSAT. :D
I think they should sell coffee machine and RTI Team grind the coffee beans.

I'm happy to have sold my Azbox percolator HD. :smash:


27-11-2011, 07:24 PM
Do you have any more willing victims, please?:D

15-12-2011, 05:14 PM
I had an Elite for a while and it was superb in regard to SAT & Mediaplayer but it was so obvious that it was released before it was fully developed as Timeshift and PVR functionality were all but non-existant.

AZBox promised the world but delivery Mars instead.

I was hoping the Me would finally be the box for me but sadly not it would now seem. :)

15-12-2011, 05:30 PM
yer me too mate, disappointed

17-02-2012, 10:54 AM
Just a quick update on the AzBox ME front. As you all know, this receiver is not yet being sold yet in North America as ourselves along with the other distributor over here don't feel that the current AZTrino software that comes with the unit is suitable for use in the North American market. Unfortunately, after examining the current Neutrino/AZTrino source code, it would be almost impossible to overhaul it so that it at least matches the current level of functionality as found in the current firmware that comes with the AzBox Elite, Ultra and Premium Plus.

This is why that we at AzBox Canada are currently working with Opensat in getting the Android operating system functional with the AzBox ME. The advantage of having Android is that we can easily leverage existing Android applications in order to provide enhanced multimedia functionality to the unit. Already, we have the Android web browser running smoothly on the ME which runs a LOT better than the existing web browser found in the current AzBox models. Currently, we are working on having the DVB demux interface operating on Android which is the "bridge" between the tuner backend and the video display frontend in order to be able to view satellite TV channel video and audio in Android.

We will keep everyone posted on our progress as updates are available but rest assured, we are working very hard in bringing you a receiver that won't disappoint!

At this point, we would like to keep our timeline as open as possible so technically, it will be launched on or before the end of summer which is September 21st 2012. We will eventually release an official launch date as we approach the end of pre-launch development in order to reduce the possibility of having to delay the launch.

However, we are designing the AzBox Me Android edition with the feedhunter in mind so some of the workarounds that are currently required with our existing receivers won't be needed anymore. For example, we will reduce restrictions when adding frequencies in order to allow closely spaced TP's to still be added. (i.e. SatMex, NSS806, etc...)


AzBox Canada



17-02-2012, 11:29 AM
great stuff!!!

aztrino os is absolute pants!!!

17-02-2012, 11:54 AM
All the hype and marketting BS for the ME has been going on for over a year and still it is not fully developed and yet they are out there for sale. Typical OpenSat!

They can do what the fook they want I will NOT begin even thinking about buying another Openshyte box ever again.

17-02-2012, 12:25 PM
if they didnt do 4.2.2 i'd be the same as you.

Dig Deep
17-02-2012, 08:24 PM
Try to sell a car without a gearbox !

Good luck.

17-02-2012, 08:30 PM
a car without weels or a bicycle without the pedals to push on. Dream on OPS, we where fooled once but not twice from same companies.
A friend of mine buy this box and boy did i got the hammer in the end, a total waste of money

18-02-2012, 10:15 PM
The engineers at the public-sector enterprise Open Sat will continue to write flaky software since public sector engineers cannot be fired

The bailout imposes new austerity measures on the debt-burdened country but doesn’t seem to include cuts to the minimum wage or reductions in public-sector jobs, requirements that were unpopular in earlier deals for Ireland and Greece. It is almost impossible to fire someone from a public sector job in Portugal, regardless of performance (or lack of it).

18-02-2012, 10:54 PM
Usa and uk have different needs for this box. Usa want a feedhunter box thqt.can do 4.2.2. Uk and europe want solid e2 for.cs

18-02-2012, 11:46 PM
Usa and uk have different needs for this box. Usa want a feedhunter box thqt.can do 4.2.2. Uk and europe want solid e2 for.cs

Plenty of Feedhunters in the UK who want it just for 4.2.2, me included. I'm not interested in You Tube etc... I know what will be going in my box when it's available, in the meantime, AZtrino with the blindscan suit me fine.

19-02-2012, 12:17 AM
U got a plus?

19-02-2012, 01:24 AM
U got a plus?

Yep, and ME

19-02-2012, 09:24 AM
u running aztrino on plus, does that have blind scan/?

what u running on ME?

19-02-2012, 08:57 PM
u running aztrino on plus, does that have blind scan/?

what u running on ME?

AZtrino 1.6 on the ME with blindscan and PB VX on the plus with AZtrino 1.1 on a USB stick, no blindscan on the plus yet.

19-02-2012, 10:30 PM
is bscan quick with aztrino? stable?

19-02-2012, 11:54 PM
is bscan quick with aztrino? stable?

Yes quite quick and thorough. The only downside you have to reboot after every scan else it screws up, not sure if this is a bug or not.

19-02-2012, 11:58 PM
would u say its better than the plus with ori fw at bscanning?

20-02-2012, 10:25 AM
would u say its better than the plus with ori fw at bscanning?

Oh it's a lot faster than the official firmware. At this stage though on AZtrino you have to scan the whole band, you can't select a range say 10.900 to 11.500Ghz like the official firmware. I await the fixes in E2 to see what that is like. I do like the look of that Andriod firmware though..

21-02-2012, 08:41 PM
And what if this won't work. Make a new box and forget about all promises to former customers. Bleeh promises, promises.
Com'n Opensat quit the bull**** and deliver your former box buyers a decent firmware before starting something new
with all promises again. Man.

Sorry just my 2 cents :).

22-02-2012, 02:23 PM
Not convinced I'd want Android on my STB if my Andriod Tablett is anything to go by. Especially as Openshyte are saying they intend to use what is already out there on Market for media play etc. It's already a pain in the ass on a Tablett to get NAS/LAN shared media to work. First you have to use a finder app to reach your media & only then another app to watch it. Why so feckin complicated. All I want is something to work right out of the box without all the farting around. Yes, I'm a cheapskate and DON'T want to pay extra for it. :nopity:

I don't expect to have to pay for Market apps to get stuff to work that IMHO should come as standard.

Have to admit it looks cool and promises a lot. Deja vue anyone? :)

22-02-2012, 03:18 PM
Not convinced I'd want Android on my STB if my Andriod Tablett is anything to go by. Especially as Openshyte are saying they intend to use what is already out there on Market for media play etc. It's already a pain in the ass on a Tablett to get NAS/LAN shared media to work. First you have to use a finder app to reach your media & only then another app to watch it. Why so feckin complicated. All I want is something to work right out of the box without all the farting around. Yes, I'm a cheapskate and DON'T want to pay extra for it. :nopity:

For me being a feedhunter as long as the satellite part of the receiver is stable with blind scan I will be happy, I personally am not at all bothered using it as a media player etc, though for some this is important.
Neutrino for me is nearly there and does what I want it to do without all the frills.

I don't expect to have to pay for Market apps to get stuff to work that IMHO should come as standard.

Have to admit it looks cool and promises a lot. Deja vue anyone? :)

For me being a feedhunter as long as the satellite part of the receiver is stable with blind scan I will be happy, I personally am not at all bothered using it as a media player etc, though for some this is important.
Neutrino for me is nearly there and does what I want it to do without all the frills.

22-02-2012, 03:47 PM
does it auto lock onto 422 hd channels?

22-02-2012, 03:50 PM
does it auto lock onto 422 hd channels?

Yes, no problem there

22-02-2012, 06:59 PM
Android, it will be for AZbox Me+ then :driving:

22-02-2012, 07:49 PM


07-06-2012, 11:52 PM
Andoid really over now? __http://azboxnews.blogspot.nl/2012/06/android-and-me-azbox.html