View Full Version : azbox NEUTRINO software nearly ready!!bv

27-11-2011, 09:01 PM

27-11-2011, 09:09 PM
Due to Neutrino limitations, only tuner 1 will work, as the second tuner won´t be detected.

I am sure azbug users are going to jump for joy at that news.

Dude buy a decent box and you wont look back. :coolgleamA:

27-11-2011, 09:21 PM
its the only box that does 4.2.2 mate give it some credit, and the E2 is now quite good, and runs all the MIPS plugins

27-11-2011, 09:45 PM
Had Sigma/Celrun/Opensat been succesful with OFW, then we could have said "Well done, innovative, 4:2:2, blindscan, streaming and whatnot"...

Alas, it is all a semi-cooked product, at bests... Sat TV part is kinda OK in E2 but the rest... not really there.... for way too long now...

Neutrino - in the past, don't know about it now - never worked really well in anything, to my knowledge, so will it now?!?

I mean, if it was some serious company like Marusys - maybe...But on the past evidence of Opensat's record....

Nah, I don't think so... I'll test it and still hope for the best but realistically... very little chance...

27-11-2011, 09:51 PM
lol fair enuf mate

im not defending them, just trying to make the most of what i have.

if it wasnt for 4.2.2 id not give the az a 2nd look, but it does keep me interested.

27-11-2011, 10:38 PM
Neutrino has never been designed to manage multiple tuners
Knowing now the Opensat's knowledge, I cannot believe they'll correctly implement something....

27-11-2011, 11:33 PM

They said it was nearly ready in July!! not holding my breath!!

28-11-2011, 12:08 AM
Is this not just another marketing ploy, why release the loader without the software.

Funny how they release this info the day after sigma pull the plug on the android project.

Where does this leave the Mini and Me now ?

Perhaps they are hoping for the RTI team to build Neutrino, or maybe they are.............

28-11-2011, 09:10 AM
The_Ripper is writing the drivers for al of them.

The knowledgeable people say that Neutrino is the GUI on top of Linux OS at the bottom. Another GUI is E2.

As far as I know it was Joseba, another EX-YU guy, who was in charge of Neutrino. Is he still in charge of it? Is he alone in doing it? Initially, it seemed to me he was doing it for fun. Maybe I was wrong?

But in the meantime, it seems a number of other people and maybe some other teams have been assembled to work on various aspects of these different projects. Some clued up, connected and well informed people told me that, for instance, Tideglo, the Italian guy writing drivers for various SH4 machines, is also a part of the larger team...

Some of the members of RTi Team are saying that Android will come out, since Sigma have already done some work and allegedly Opensat have their own team working on it. But what kind of self-confidence is it when they are asking the community at large to do a lot of work for them? I.e. they are saying "here are the tools, now that we lost Sigma we will give you all the code we have - just do something"?!? Doesn't strike me as a calm, confident and reasonable move.

I mean, they (OS) could pump a part of their profits from previous semi-cooked projects into these new units' development and pay people to do what is necessary. They can even offer the same deal to Sigma, if Sigma reneged on the previous deal, having calculated it doesn't pay to do it any more...

There are many questions re. this "promise" from Opensat and their "invitation" to the community to work for them freely now...

To me it's all hollow and given their past conduct - not trustworthy!!!

28-11-2011, 09:15 AM
Btw, I bet my money on Neutrino coming out not yet ready and quite buggy, tardy, a number of things not really working and so on...

Being cynical now, but this will most likely be a forced move, elbowed into the limelight by this setback with Sigma and "trying to do something"....

I'm taking bets now... :D I say a tenner it won't work properly by any means... sadly...

28-11-2011, 10:06 AM
roll up roll up!

28-11-2011, 10:10 AM
The knowledgeable people say that Neutrino is the GUI on top of Linux OS at the bottom. Another GUI is E2.The right description should be "... on top of Linux kernel". The kernel is what sticks together your hardware on the bottom and the software above it. The OS is part of the software. A gui could be a small part of your OS, however this isn't always the case.

Neutrino, E2 and yes even Android are all running on top of a linux kernel.

28-11-2011, 12:13 PM
Jawohl, Herr Splitter... :D Danke! :D

28-11-2011, 01:47 PM
I'm not splitting hairs, I'm only trying to stop the hype build up. In order to build a good system you need the whole package (hardware, software, support etc.). You won't get a slice of the market if you chuck fancy names all over the place, you need to prove yourself and as you already said
To me it's all hollow and given their past conduct - not trustworthy!!!

28-11-2011, 02:34 PM
Indeed, it's about the whole package, not just the ****... :D

01-12-2011, 10:12 AM
Ok, I am stuck with with AzBox Premium on official firmware... Whole year I am waiting for rumors to come true.... what is safest route so far?

This Neutrino, if it is officially supported? (not that official means anything with OpenSat )
E2 and which build is most promising right now?
Stick with this FW for one more year?

01-12-2011, 10:59 AM
****e, innit?

We'll see...

Whoever stays with the box...

02-12-2011, 01:26 PM
Ok, I am stuck with with AzBox Premium on official firmware... Whole year I am waiting for rumors to come true.... what is safest route so far?

This Neutrino, if it is officially supported? (not that official means anything with OpenSat )
E2 and which build is most promising right now?
Stick with this FW for one more year?

Yes official, opensat are releasing it themselves.

SPAZE.v2.0 (RAI1 HD bug, USALS fine tune bug, Picture Change bug, DREAMSET d/l from KOS bug)

I would highly recommend SPAZE E2, V20