View Full Version : Cannot connect Vu control ceentre

28-11-2011, 09:54 PM
Cannot connect VUCC to my stb! Dreambox cc connecting ok ,using the same ip on both control centre but vucc not connecting
username:- root
web control port:-80
ftp port:-21
telnet port:-23
password left blank

28-11-2011, 09:59 PM
Have you tried giving your box a password and then connecting ?
Leaving it blank really is not a good idea.

28-11-2011, 10:08 PM
Thanks for reply im using latest black hole image how do you give your box a password?

28-11-2011, 10:16 PM
You say you can connect with DCC so open this program and click on telnet in the menus on the left hand side.
It will ask you to login so type root

Next type passwd note the spelling or copy and paste it.

Now type your new password and then again to confirm, sometimes DCC will skip and you may have to try it again.

28-11-2011, 11:12 PM
Thanks for your help but when i open the telenet menu i cant see where it asks me to login

29-11-2011, 01:36 AM
Check your firewall is allowing VuCC access to your network.

29-11-2011, 09:43 AM
Thanks for reply turned firewall off still no joy,was working ok 2 days ago and i havent reconfigured my system protection, all i use the vucc is to update catseye channel list, is there another method of doing this?

29-11-2011, 09:48 AM
Have you managed to change the password ?

29-11-2011, 09:58 AM
no followed your instructions opened DCCC went to click on telenet cannot find where to login

29-11-2011, 10:09 AM
First, Reboot your router then wait for it to properly boot up again.

Second, Reboot the receiver then go into the receiver Network Menu and select Network Browser. It'll display the IP address of your receiver and any other remote devices on the network.

Now enter the receiver IP address from the network browser into VuCC and it will connect.

If it doesn't then go into windows command prompt (click windows start button and enter "cmd" without the quotes into the search programs and files box)
Click on cmd to open up command prompt then in command prompt type ping followed by the IP number you got from the receivers network browser, for example ping then press return.

If your network is OK you should see the following in your command prompt window.


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 2ms, Average = 1ms


If you can't ping the receiver IP address then there is something not right in your network.

29-11-2011, 11:10 AM
He's managing to connect with dreamboxedit so his network must be setup okay. No point chasing that dog. The problem is Vucc.

29-11-2011, 11:34 AM
He's managing to connect with dreamboxedit so his network must be setup okay. No point chasing that dog. The problem is Vucc.
Many programs will not log in with a blank password which is why I suggest he allocates one to his box, not just for this but also for his own safety.

I worry that if you can not assign or change the password with a linux box then maybe this is the wrong box for him.

29-11-2011, 11:35 AM
Zeke, In post 7 Charlie says VuCC was working OK 2 days ago, so I don't think the problem is VuCC.

I'm unable to duplicate the problem on my network.

29-11-2011, 11:39 AM
VuCC will connect to the receiver without a password if no password has been set on the receiver.

29-11-2011, 11:54 AM
I downloaded the latest VuCC yesterday and it works just fine.

29-11-2011, 12:05 PM
Here is a video which will help, remember that the video shows a default of dreambox but yours is left blank.
The guide uses a program called putty which you can download for free but as you have DCC connected that will do the same job.


29-11-2011, 12:09 PM
Many programs will not log in with a blank password which is why I suggest he allocates one to his box, not just for this but also for his own safety.

I worry that if you can not assign or change the password with a linux box then maybe this is the wrong box for him.

One problem is some people think they have a blank password when they have a space a tab or other hidden char. Not going to admit that's ever happened to me -)

What port does VuCC use? Could he have the port blocked?

29-11-2011, 12:16 PM
It uses default ports which on a home network would only be blocked by a firewall either windows or his AV.

29-11-2011, 12:22 PM
checked network as Lee advised all ok set a password in my reciever still cannot connect dccc still ok thanks for all your help

29-11-2011, 12:29 PM
Charlie, Are the following ports set correctly in VuCC?

WebControl Port: 80
FTP Port: 21
Telnet Port: 23

29-11-2011, 12:37 PM
message im getting when im trying to connect "Access violation at address 005ACB5 in module VUCC.exe read of address 00000000

29-11-2011, 12:46 PM
That's the message I get when I enter the wrong IP address into VuCC.

Click in the IP address field and delete the IP address and close VuCC.
Now reopen VuCC and enter the IP address again then try and connect and see if that cures it.

29-11-2011, 01:13 PM
get an AZBOX mate! proper E2

29-11-2011, 01:21 PM
get an AZBOX mate! proper E2

That's a damn good impression of Keith :biggrinjester:

29-11-2011, 01:36 PM
I don't get that exact error (different address) but I get the same sort of access error with the wrong password or the wrong IP number

29-11-2011, 01:39 PM
I think my router is playing up!going to borrow my mates to try

29-11-2011, 01:48 PM
Are you using windows or what? Even windows has a basic telnet program built in. At least I think all versions do.

Go to the command line and run telnet

Then type

open IP number

Obviously insert the right IP number in after open.

This should show if you can connect to the box.

29-11-2011, 02:08 PM
i can connect to the box with DCCC using the same ip the VUCCC wont connect,tested my connections all showing ok

29-11-2011, 02:26 PM
You say DCC works but you can't telnet the box to change the password ?

Can you also clarify that the box has a fixed IP address ?

29-11-2011, 04:43 PM
You say DCC works but you can't telnet the box to change the password ?

Can you also clarify that the box has a fixed IP address ?

Yes i cant telenet the box never needed password before, box ip is fixed

29-11-2011, 06:20 PM
Try enabling DHCP and reboot the receiver so a new IP address is assigned to the receiver.

If telnet isn't connecting to your receiver using DCC then you've got a network issue.

01-12-2011, 12:24 AM
Ok thanks for all your help iv'e now deleated the latest version of the vucc,and reinstalled version 3 and all is working i can now connect to my stb,everything is working smoothly now!

15-12-2014, 01:54 AM
Can I join in this discussion please. I have been able to use VUCC with no problems until today. I can conect to my box and can upload catseyes. However FTP will not work. I have entered the IP address, user name: root, password:Blank; WebControl Port: 80, FTP Port:21, Telnet Port: 23. I have FileZilla running. If I put in the IP address in FileZilla Host and root in the username I can get access to my box so I tried to send the Cccam file to the etc file. The transfer went OK but I had to edit the Permissions and set the Attributes to 755. The problem is NO Cccam showing installed in the box. If anyone can tell me how to get VUcc and FileZilla to talk to one another it would be a big help and I can then install the Cccam using VUCC. I am using the latest Blackhole Image. The box is running free to view programmes with no problems.

15-12-2014, 06:23 AM
In Black Hole you need to manually install the Cams, prior to editing the CCcam.cfg file.
You do this using FileZilla, first download the cams you wish to use, if using one of the latest Black Hole images, 2.11 - 2.14, stick with CCcam 230:

Download this, plus any other cams, you want to install, then place the unzipped file on your computer desktop, to make it easier to find. So you end up with a file:

You then start up FileZilla, and connect to your receiver, then transfer this file into the tmp folder.
Next go to your receiver, press the green button, followed by the yellow button, and select manually install ipk packages.
Let this run, it takes a little time.
Once installed activate your cam, by pressing the Blue button and use the < > buttons and the OK to select Cam 2.30.

Now go back to Filezilla, on your PC, and go to the var folder, and etc sub folder.
In the bottom right pane scroll down and locate the CCcam.cfg file. Right click on this and click on the view/edit option.
Now select all the text, in the file, delete it, copy/paste in your lines, then save the file.

You can find this information in the VU+ help section, just check out Lee's, from Goldwafers, Guides.

15-12-2014, 11:02 AM
Thanks Mickha. Cccam is now working fine. Now regarding the other bit of my question. As I said I have been able to use VUCC without any issues until yesterday. VUCC connects to my box ok but when I press FTP nothing happens. I can connect FileFilla to my box Ok (I have just used it to activate my Cccam) but I can not get FileFilla to work with VUCC. ANY ideas? I have deleated both and downloaded and run the latest files.

15-12-2014, 12:23 PM
I'm not sure I understand your post, FileZilla is the FTP program that VUCC runs, all that happens when you click on FTP is that FileZilla opens.

15-12-2014, 02:21 PM
When I press the FTP button in VUCC nothing happens...it does not open Filefilla. The way I loaded the Cccam this morning was to open FileFilla, without using VUCC, putting in my IP address and username and connect to my receiver. It worked fine but I would like to be able to use VUCC, it makes thing so simple. So my question is how do I get VUCC to run FileFilla when I press the FTP button?

15-12-2014, 06:22 PM
Try downloading VUCC 08 again, although as I uise FileZilla, more than the VUCC, I find it easier to have Filezilla downloaded, and run, separately from VUCC.
You could also check your anti virus software, and temporarily disable any spyware, pop up blocking software.

15-12-2014, 09:57 PM
its probably a fault with your windows os (you never said what version you were using)

it may be something needs installing like netframework or some other MS product ?

vucc0.8 works fine on my win8 laptop, also ok on my win7 laptop too

once I connected to the linux box using the correct name, password and ip address, all the options stopped being ghosted out, click ftp and filezilla opened ok (then wanted me to update it)

so I would think its a fault with your windows os, so try it on a different pc or laptop, to double check

16-12-2014, 12:03 AM
Thanks Mickha and echelon. I did as advised and deleted both VUCC and Filefilla and then reinstalled VUCC. All is well again apart from the fact that when FileFilla is opened it keeps telling there is a new update even though I have installed the latest version. Still that is no great problem. Thanks again to you both.