View Full Version : Foehn & Hirsch GPS35LS - Having trouble

28-11-2011, 09:59 PM
Hey guys,

I've just received a Foehn & Hirsch GPS35LS from eBuyer which is running Windows CE 5.0.1400. The stock system menu on the device reports:

System Ver: 0.7DA.0276
Platform: Samsung S3C2416
FLASH: 2G Bytes
RAM: 64M Bytes
HW: C40F2P04G756_L12A V1.5
SW: a12.b910.c0.d0.e1.f0.g1
Compiled: Oct 27 2010-18:52:33

I've spent a good few hours now following the CERegEditor guides to update init and shell values, copied echelon's menu builds to the ResidentFlash directories, etc. but can't for the life of me get this damn thing to boot into anything other than the stock menu.

Every time I make a change in CERegEditor, the registry is rewritten to the original values after I boot. Anyone have any advice? How do I flash this damn thing?

My main aim is to run SkyDemon (an aviation GPS app written for CE 5.0), but I'd be happy to boot into explorer or MioPocket if I could - anything with a way to start up a custom .exe file.

Video of what's happening (warning LOUD SOUND!)

- Nick

/ed: I did some more digging and I believe these new version units have RAM based registry enabled. You can see this if you look in the init\App keys (HKLM). On boot, the registry is restored which is why my updates are being overwritten. See:_http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms885989.aspx

I can't find a way to edit the Windows folder directly (and I suspect it's actually held in RAM too) to change the \Windows\Restore.fdf file. However, I have created and extracted an ActiveSync .stg backup and can confirm that this file does exist and contains the offending Launch50 key. Hexediting the .stg backup to change the key and restoring it to the device doesn't work either. The restore succeeds but it's simple overwritten on boot again (both registry and .fdf).

I'd say this unit is now a good candidate for ebuyer returns :( Shame as clearly older units are perfectly hackable! Well done to the manufacturers for turning a useless unit that could be made useful into just a useless unit.

- N

02-12-2011, 11:00 PM
Hi Nick,

I read through your post and was also trying to edit the registry on these things.

After much playing around and pulling of hair - I have a solution for you!!!

Before going any further - ensure you make a copy of the "\PocketMory" folder (as this contains ramconfig and calibration data) - (You will either need to restore this folder (to return to normal) or delete the contents (to factory defaults) - Should you wish to get back to original functionality).


Now for the shock - This unit has an ability to "autoboot" any exe file on boot up - this functionality is within the standard menu of the item!!!

Basically go into "settings" and then all the way right through the standard menu - until you get to Navipath.

Go into Navipath and click the magnify icon - now browse through to the location of your exe file + select navigation autorun at power on. - JOB DONE!!!! ;-)

if you need to return to standard functionality just restore your "\PocketMory" folder - or delete contents (as above).

One big big warning - do not select "usb storage mode" otherwise you would not be able to gain access to the "\pocketmory" folder EVER AGAIN - whilst in this mode (unless you selected "explorer.exe" as your "Navipath" exe.

Have fun and let me know how you got on!



17-12-2011, 03:41 PM
Hi Nick

I've the same model and SW version.
I've found a simple way to drop in into explorer without activesync or reg editing, based on Rikski's reply above.
I found an old copy of GSFinder (It's an exe which I'd used on a previous CE4 GPS hack I'm sure it was freely availably then but if you want I'll have a look around see where you can get a copy )

I copied GSFinder to a SD card and set it to fire up using Rikski's advice above. Once that's fired up navigate to windows\program files and launch the Windows explorer.
Probably worth copying the GSFinder to the resident flash and setting it to boot launch from there.



28-12-2011, 09:14 AM
Hi Nick,

I read through your post and was also trying to edit the registry on these things.

After much playing around and pulling of hair - I have a solution for you!!!

Before going any further - ensure you make a copy of the "\PocketMory" folder (as this contains ramconfig and calibration data) - (You will either need to restore this folder (to return to normal) or delete the contents (to factory defaults) - Should you wish to get back to original functionality).


Now for the shock - This unit has an ability to "autoboot" any exe file on boot up - this functionality is within the standard menu of the item!!!

Basically go into "settings" and then all the way right through the standard menu - until you get to Navipath.

Go into Navipath and click the magnify icon - now browse through to the location of your exe file + select navigation autorun at power on. - JOB DONE!!!! ;-)

if you need to return to standard functionality just restore your "\PocketMory" folder - or delete contents (as above).

One big big warning - do not select "usb storage mode" otherwise you would not be able to gain access to the "\pocketmory" folder EVER AGAIN - whilst in this mode (unless you selected "explorer.exe" as your "Navipath" exe.

Have fun and let me know how you got on!



Thanks, but I tried that one one given me for Christmas 2011, so a recent model. It seems to ignore whatever I put in Navipath. Yet if I select navigation autorun at power on it runs GPS at power on, if I deselect that it goes straight to apps menu at power on, so it is saving and acting on some of the settings, just not navipath. I am using Toshiba 2GD microSD in case that makes a difference? Yet in can browse my exes on the card quite happily. Any views please? How hack MS RAM based registry?

29-12-2011, 07:08 PM
Hello Folks,
Just joined the forum, and I'm a sat nav novice. I also have a F & H GPS35LS, purchased about 3 months ago, and it has the same info as Nick's unit:

System Ver: 0.7DA.0276
Platform: Samsung S3C2416
FLASH: 2G Bytes
RAM: 64M Bytes
HW: C40F2P04G756_L12A V1.5
SW: a12.b910.c0.d0.e1.f0.g1
Compiled: Oct 27 2010-18:52:33

All the info I can find on this device says it is running Windows CE Core 6.0. Nicks one is running 5.0.1400.
As I'm completely new to this, can anyone tell me how you find out which version it is running, before I dive in and have a go at installing TT7 on it?

Thanks guys,........DEAN.