View Full Version : have to turn sound up when playing dvd

04-12-2011, 11:29 PM
why do i have to turn volume right up on tv when playing a dvd through a bush bluray player , sound is up at max on the bluray and have to turn it up to near max on tv , can someone help rectify this or explain why this is ? thanks

05-12-2011, 02:25 PM
Maybe the sound is being output in 5.1, so you may only be getting the front surround outs. Have you tried changing the sound settings on your bluray player.

05-12-2011, 03:39 PM
Go into your bush bluray player settings m8, sound is set-up wrong ?

05-12-2011, 07:41 PM
ok thanks what should settings be , ive not got surround sound , just hdmi to sony tv . dynamic range control is set to off.dialogue normalisation is disabled. pcm downsampling is off. digitaloutput is set to pcm stereo , other options for digital output are pcm 5.1, pcm 7.1 , bitstream hd , bitstream legacy , bitstream mixed . thanks for your help

15-07-2014, 06:18 PM
From my limited experience most TVs have a shut off point
when playing DVDs & files. Seems you need an additional amplifier. Sometimes there is a TV setting for Films.

It's often a sore point when on a legit DVD the audio is too quiet.
When raising the volume after a certain point it doesn't make any
difference. Had this problem with last 2 TVs, last one is a 2 year
old 40" Samsung Smart TV. The DVDs vary so much on the audio
level. We don't want to run extra surround sound due to lack of
space, but... it may be your only solution.

As I do quite a few DVDs, I up the audio level on the quiet files
via the software before converting.

Regards catoro.

16-07-2014, 10:54 AM
when playing a dvd can you select audio or language as there may be a stereo audio track . also turn downsampling on.