View Full Version : AzBox Me RTi Core v1.3.0

06-12-2011, 08:43 AM
AzBox Me RTi Core v1.3.0 - 06.12
What's new:

RTi team decided to use opensat kernel which is released together with OpenSat Neutrino HD ( ), so we can keep compatibility with OpenSat Neutrino HD releases, and people can still use E2 in multiboot.

- New 865xdvb.ko is completely rewritten driver interface and customized to work with AzBox Me and MiniMe ( 8655 and 8653 CPU). Many bugs are fixed, just higlighted are shown in list below:

- PVR and playback of recorded material (.TS files) is fully fixed now.

- Timeshift fully fixed and functional

- Volume ratio fixed.

- Added red led when receiver is in standby.

- New grab allow You to take screenshots of Video.

- Faster zapp speed.

- Fixed audioplayer
