View Full Version : How to stop a recording!

08-12-2011, 06:11 PM
I have a single tuner 800SE. If I want to watch something other than the programme being recorded. How do I stop the current recording? I have read and reread the manual but the reciver doesn't offer the menu the manual says it should.

This is a first for me as its a step up from the DM500!


08-12-2011, 06:28 PM
hi on my 500hd i hit the red button and on the list u will see stop recording

08-12-2011, 06:39 PM
go into timer menu and delete recording

simon 2003
08-12-2011, 07:46 PM
I have a single tuner 800SE. If I want to watch something other than the programme being recorded. How do I stop the current recording? I have read and reread the manual but the reciver doesn't offer the menu the manual says it should.

This is a first for me as its a step up from the DM500!


if you want to watch something other than whats bein recorded goto sat list and choose current transponder,these are only channels watchable on single tuner db800 while recording,

08-12-2011, 09:30 PM
Thanks guys.

I tried both of the suggestions but I cannot get a Stp Recording option. I can get a delete recording but it doesnt do that. I am still left with the light flashing on the front of the box and all other channels except that transponder unavailable.

I am going to record a short programme so I dont lock up for an hour or more. Themn I'll test the menus to see if I can get the stop record instruction which would solve the problem.



08-12-2011, 09:36 PM
go into timer menu and delete recording

This is the answer to your problem but you must access it via menu >Timer

08-12-2011, 09:42 PM
Okay Got It! The instruction in the manual says "Press the red Options-Button." Because its my firswt run at this I was pressing the first of the four coloured option buttons Red, Green, Yellow and Blue. It was not illogical to think that they meant "that" Red button but No! They meant the Record button on the PVR controls for fast forward etc. Its the standard record button to be found on most remotes.

Problem solved.!

Thanks for your suggestions. I am still enjoying this hobby at nearly seventy and managing to cling to the new technologies.

Regards to all


08-12-2011, 10:59 PM
Okay Got It! The instruction in the manual says "Press the red Options-Button." Because its my firswt run at this I was pressing the first of the four coloured option buttons Red, Green, Yellow and Blue. It was not illogical to think that they meant "that" Red button but No! They meant the Record button on the PVR controls for fast forward etc. Its the standard record button to be found on most remotes.

Problem solved.!

Thanks for your suggestions. I am still enjoying this hobby at nearly seventy and managing to cling to the new technologies.

Regards to all


fair play mate!!

08-12-2011, 11:20 PM
On all previous DBs that I have played with, just hit Video (to bring up the VCR like display) then hit Stop (the solid square) a couple of times.

On my 600 (single tuner) changing channel brings up a requester, "Do you want to stop recording, Yes or No".

I'm using Darkstar 2 but am about to change to the one that flashes the red led when it is recording - I've inadvertently left it recording for ages without knowing in the past :D .