View Full Version : S4000HD 1.09.90 Firmware Out

09-12-2011, 08:51 PM
Just found it posted on the Icecrypt site, and its already posted under firmware (thanks to cold as ice).

Haven't tried it yet, but going to later, it has EPG fixes, so fingers crossed.

Anyone else tried yet.

13-12-2011, 05:22 PM
Sorry no Open TV EPG fixes(Only German MHW improvements....surprise surprise).
Now has flash shortcut menu(to switch this menu on go to the display menu and switch the Default Menu Type to Icon).
I hope that the MHW improvements will be used for the Open TV EPG soon.

13-12-2011, 05:33 PM
I had a few problems with the EPG on this f/w together with two failed recordings.

The box froze when it came out of standby to record. I ran Porter Express and loaded f/w .35 again and had no problems since!

Hopefully a fix will be forthcoming.

14-12-2011, 09:14 AM
Hi, I had some issues after loading latest .90 from .35. I used the flash.v3.icecrypt.s4000hdpvr and loaded it using porter. Did a factory reset and then loaded .90 again. All working fine.
Nice to get back to stock firmware. Enigma2 is good but the stock stuff just seems so much better (Just hope they get the epg sorted soon!).

14-12-2011, 05:55 PM
Maximum pressure has been applied for the EPG upgrade I can assure you!

28-12-2011, 10:23 AM
hope they are making the other fixes as well as the epg fix

I still get pixellating on HD channels and eventually a frozen or black screen with audio only

no problems with SD channels however

this was reported some time ago with various suggestions like turning off the auto recording of channels you are watching ( rewind tv ) but nothing has ever fixed it

they start off ok , then gradually get worse and worse until its unwatchable , and as I say its only on HD channels

and no its not the feed , dish or lnb , as the feed works fine if I piggyback a spider onto the ice or connect direct onto the coax cable

29-12-2011, 01:05 PM
I´m trying the .90 f/w again and loaded as in Post 4 above. Loading the EPG is frustrating with freezes and crashes but can be done
if you have an hour or two to spare to load 84 channels! Hopefully the fix is forthcoming shortly.

The timed recordings and playback seem to be OK so far. Fingers crossed!!

Any news yet of recorded files being routed back through the card reader on playback?

15-01-2012, 01:18 PM
I have two S4000s and since loading the latest firmware both keep crashing several times a day - white screen or just not responding to the remote except to turn off/on again. When I get the white screen I have to reboot. It also lost my settings when I updated the channel list (probably because it crashed). We've tried the flash cleaner (which also crashed the box!) and factory reset and reloading again with Porter Express but it's no better. Is anyone else having these problems? The fact it's happening on both boxes suggests it's not a faulty box. Considering reloading the previous software, that was also full of bugs as couldn't move/delete/rename recordings but at least it was stable.

15-01-2012, 01:23 PM
I´ve given up on the latest f/w .90 and am running f/w.35 as it`s the most stable of the recent f/w.

Hopefully there is a f/w on the way to fix the various bugs!

19-01-2012, 06:57 PM
Latest version V1.10.05 now in firmware section.
Hopefully stability issues have now been fixed.

20-01-2012, 08:32 AM
The people with glitches/freezes, have you tried deleting files in tmp directory and hard resetting?

20-01-2012, 11:45 AM
The people with glitches/freezes, have you tried deleting files in tmp directory ?

no , apart from using ftp I wouldnt know how to do this , or if the files could be deleted , so checking with flash fxp I have files in there but would not delete them without knowing it was safe to do so

The people with glitches/freezes, have you tried hard resetting?

no , because I wouldnt know how to do this

the fact is that most users wont do anything unless they know it is safe , and what the safe procedures are to do so

even the new plugins state that the old ones need clearing out before installing the new ones , but again its not something I readily know about , although its probably on this forum somewhere as I remember reading about it on here. doing something once in a blue moon isnt good for remembering and imprinting the facts into a human being , repetition tends to work better ;)

thanks for asking though

20-01-2012, 02:56 PM
Latest version V1.10.05 now in firmware section.
Hopefully stability issues have now been fixed.

my viewing problems are still there , despite updating and then doing a factory reset

I can view HD channels for a short while , then they pixellate badly , until the screen goes black and leaves me with audio only

SD channels are always unaffected

in order to get HD back a full switch off - wait - switch on mains reset is required

I am now on the 1.54 loader and the latest firmware 1.10.05

not tried deleting any tmp files , nor have I tried the latest plugins yet either

I do not think my problem will ever be solved !!


ps:- and dont anyone dare mention going to E2 , because its not going to happen

this is the non-E2 section where the original firmwares are being discussed

thanks again

20-01-2012, 03:16 PM
Echelon, i know you mean me! HAHA! Well, have you thought about going to E2? Haha, just kidding.

Your HD pixelation problem ONLY seems to relate to you for some reason mate.

I can watch HD channels fine, and have always been able too. I just can't record cline HD channels with XCAM as it begins to pixelates badly.

The only channel that i had HD pixelation problems with was with PLTV on 9e (from memory)

Your problem is most strange as i know your other boxes dont have problems, which logically rules out your dish, lnb etc.

20-01-2012, 05:31 PM
I loaded the latest f/w .05 and had problems until I deleted the old plugin bundle and loaded the latest from ICE.(MCas and N**cam)

22-01-2012, 12:12 PM
Search for network address in file explorer, eg Select all files in tmp directorary, delete and reboot.