View Full Version : DB HD Movies/clips?

09-12-2011, 09:31 PM
just noticed Dolly Buster HD channels movies & clips on 13 east 11200 V 27500 both not clearing though internet shows on info button?
The other 4 DB channels clear ok

11-12-2011, 05:03 PM
its the ethernet,
db HQ channels not clearing
softcam will clear first 4 channels not HQ pair

see notes editied in first post here

13-12-2011, 04:20 PM
thanks slapper, they are both down

11200 V 27500 (DVB-S) on Ethernet
DB HQ Clips <------ down since 11/12/2011
DB HQ Movies <------ down since 11/12/2011
Dolly Buster Media
Dolly Buster Secret
Dolly Buster Classic
Dolly Buster Five Star

13-12-2011, 05:06 PM
Probably ran out of old 70/80s clips and movies.

13-12-2011, 08:20 PM
its the ethernet,
db HQ channels not clearing
softcam will clear first 4 channels not HQ pair

see notes editied in first post here

Wrong advice slapper,

11200 V 27500
DB HQ Clips
DB HQ Movies
Dolly Buster Media
Dolly Buster Secret
Dolly Buster Classic
Dolly Buster Five Star

are opened via Ethernet (not Spiderbox Softcam)

13-12-2011, 09:43 PM
with respect

11200 V 27500
DB HQ Clips
DB HQ Movies

are DOWN, follow my ealier link, see its addendum, they agreed.
also, your softcam did in fact open the other 4, when ethernet was working, and clearing others bit not them before

perhaps you dont realise how good your softcam is

13-12-2011, 10:12 PM
with respect

11200 V 27500
DB HQ Clips
DB HQ Movies

are DOWN, follow my ealier link, see its addendum, they agreed.
also, your softcam did in fact open the other 4, when ethernet was working, and clearing others bit not them before

perhaps you dont realise how good your softcam is

DB HQ Clips
DB HQ Movies
Yes I'm aware there down on Ethernet, there also down on my share.

Dolly Buster Media, Dolly Buster Secret, Dolly Buster Classic & Dolly Buster Five Star are encrypted in Irdeto 2
& Viaccess 4.0 No Keys have been included in the "Spiderbox softcams" to clear these channels. there only available on Ethernet or a private share or a Subscription Card.