View Full Version : Difficulty loading Sats!

10-12-2011, 12:11 AM
Just in to the second day of the 800se. Sorted the Favourites set up. Sorted the PVR installation of hard disc and editing the recordings.

But I'm having a problem adding Sats. I would welcome any suggestions as to the best procedure to use. For example:- I want to add 16 East. So If I go to Satfinder and select satellite it doesn't lock on to 16 East. If I use the positioner setup I dont know if I'm finding 16 East or some other sat! is there any way to know that you are getting a specific sat. Other boxe show the image behind the progress bar but this is blind!

Would love to get it right!



10-12-2011, 02:07 AM
Service Search.
Manual scan.
Type of scan = single satellite.
Satellite = use the left or right button to select 16 east.

DM will now do a scan, when it is finished press OK, then exit using the RED button.

Don't forget you can create "bouquets" and add channels to the selected location.

Hope this helps.

Regards eXpat

11-12-2011, 01:05 AM
Thanks eXpat. I have loaded 19 east, 13 East, 28.2 East. All of them locked on to their best signal vaalues. But with 16 East it doesn't lock! If I try to fine tune I cant see what's happening. You have to switch menus and the dish defaults to the previously found satellite. I'm obviously missing a trick. Will try again!



17-02-2012, 04:04 PM
use usals m8... its a whole lot eaiser..!:respect-050:

20-02-2012, 04:01 PM
You're wasting you're time trying to use the DM to find and load sat positions and channels, it's totally useless.
Load up Vhannibals setting for all satelites.
Then do as apriliarsvr says and use usals.
You only need to get one position setup in usals, then just go through each position without changing anything and just saving each position.