View Full Version : new to spiderbox 9000hd

10-12-2011, 05:15 PM
i have for the last 3 years used a fortecstar passion and a diablo cam...now my box has packed up completely...yesterday i ordered from our sponsor...spiderbox 9000 hd...hoping it will arrive on monday.
i will not be connecting the box to net,i my look into that at a later date(running it direct to tv from dish)

straight out of the box,after putting in latitude etc...and scanning satalites in...will my diablo2 cam
still work....(so i can use it like my fortec and diablo set up) or do i need to download anything and install it on box
also...do i even need the diablo cam...
i have read about patchs...that you install by usb pen drive...and that for me is the confuseing part...
i do not know which i should put on box...
at moment i have got...a fortecstar doorstop,1 metre dish,darkmotor.
thanks in advance for any help,advice given

10-12-2011, 06:52 PM
The Spiderbox does use Softcam keys but if using your Diablo cam perhaps it's best to ignore this. You will be missing out on a lot of channels if you don't connect it to your router, it's extremely easy to patch and set up.

10-12-2011, 10:07 PM
I would agree with Mickha using Spider so much easier to do than playing around with Diablo found Spiderbox Box got very hot with Diablo cam fitted with no real benefit. Fitting Spider to router is so straight forward even having to use Homeplugs took no more than half an hour to set up. I would keep things simple m8 turn on gift so simple using guides.

10-12-2011, 10:36 PM
personally I cant see what adding a diablo would give compared to the spiderbox patch and turning on UCAS and adding the spiderbox HDsoftcam

and as mentioned if you add the router cable and turn on ethernet you get the best of both , no need for a diablo cam at all

11-12-2011, 04:16 PM
thankyou guys for pointing me in the right direction...i will do as you have all said...
once again satpimps guys turn up trumps...thats what makes this forum so good

12-12-2011, 12:15 AM
If you cant run an ethernet lead from your router you could use a vonets wifi bridge to run the spider on your wifi signal.

12-12-2011, 09:06 PM
recieved my spiderbox today...followed echelon easy set up guide...got the patchs etc..updated...
connected to router...set my long and lat...box did rest itself...now useing my new spiderbox.and gift
thankyou so much to the people who guided me...and big thanks to the guys who post patchs...
updates etc...
and thankyou to lee at goldwafers for providing such exellant service and sponsoring this forum