View Full Version : STC6000HDPVR.v2.09.8 7 latest Firmware

14-12-2011, 07:03 PM
Just updated my box with the latest firmware, just brilliant! amongst the many refinements to the operating system you can now use internet TV, have direct access to a well established forum to download plugins directly to the box, also, the next upgrade (88) enables the box to be compatible with Ci+ a technology that Freesat are cosidering using if they add pay channels. Nearly forgot, there are some very good tutorials to help with the new features on the importers website.

Any body else tried this out yet?

29-12-2011, 12:21 AM
Just updated my box with the latest firmware, just brilliant! amongst the many refinements to the operating system you can now use internet TV, have direct access to a well established forum to download plugins directly to the box, also, the next upgrade (88) enables the box to be compatible with Ci+ a technology that Freesat are cosidering using if they add pay channels. Nearly forgot, there are some very good tutorials to help with the new features on the importers website.

Any body else tried this out yet?

Could you please share your experience? Do you recommend to upgrade? HAs anybody upgraded as well?

Should I upgrade plugins as well?

29-12-2011, 10:50 AM
I recomend the upgrade providing you are not into E2 as it does not support that option.
My experience so far has been positive, I have sucessfully downloaded plugins from a German website (where most plugins originate) which makes the whole process very easy. I have not yet been able to use the internet TV facility mainly due to the difficulty of obtaining the correct URL's for what you want to watch (any help from other members would be welcome). My only slight concern at the moment is using Mcas. The box can lock up occasionally, maybe an update of that plugin is required (still under investigation). I know its Mcas because if I switch it off the box is fine. You also have to load the latest webzeal for that to work properly.
You must follow the correct procedure for the update which is well do***ented in the firmware section.
Remember also to do a system and service store before you start. I do it via a usb stick and store it on my laptop.
I did clear out all my plugins before I started the upgrade and then reloaded them afterwards. I am not sure if its good practise to do that but thats what I did.

02-01-2012, 03:13 AM
new hdmi drivers are incompatibles with some tv.
Hdmi dont work fine after update.

02-01-2012, 01:40 PM
No problems with my HDMI connections. Also sorted the Mcas problem (causing the box to lock up), it was an older version, ok with the latest version (as part of the sorglos bungle).

05-01-2012, 02:37 AM
I'm using the latest nov. MCAS and it's not 100% happy with my dragon card and stops updating card after changing channel. Power off the box and back on and pics but not really a solution. I've dropped back to 2.09.49 for the moment.
Plenty of internet TV URL from hxxp://www.austech.info/decoders/66765-ultraplus-internettv.html
(change the xx to tt in the address)

08-01-2012, 11:54 PM
Try the 02/01/2012 version of Mcas, Loaded ok with the latest stc 6000 Fw, no probs so far using white card plus no box locking up issues.
Thx for the tip on url's will give it a go over the next few days (been away for a few days so lots of catching up to do)

12-01-2012, 08:46 PM
Sadly I have the issue with the box locking up. Prior to this upgrade It would lock occasionally if left to record some HD channel. Now it is worse, the analysis is still ongoing but it seems that if I program it to record anything more that a day in advance then it locks up. I guess this is a firmware issue because with the box in its "locked up" state I can still log into its linux system and list the running processes etc.
Does anybody have any advice on how I can find out what has happened when the box is locked or do I just need to sit and wait and hope for a new better firmware.

12-01-2012, 09:16 PM
Still locking up for me too, every 3 -4 days, it occurs when changing channels, so maybe the problem is more fundamental i.e Fw related.
Haven't yet tried recording beyound the current day but I will give it a go tonight

12-01-2012, 11:51 PM
same old problems!


14-01-2012, 01:31 PM
Hmm! didn't lock up after recording a next day HD programme but did lock up a day later when changing HD channels.
Beginning to grate now. I seem to be avaraging 3 days and then a lock up. The only plugin I am using in anger is Mcas at the moment.
Any thoughts!

15-01-2012, 12:32 AM
Well after a bit more time it appears that it is nothing to do with recording, the box with the latest 88 firmware just locks after a few hours. I tried to revert back to the older 87 level using the Flash.v3.ICECRYPT.STC6000HDPVR.ir d but i just get an "err X010" when porter express tries to load the flash clearer.
I guess this latest firmware has turned what used to be a reasonable box into a brick. I'll have to put the humax back until there is some more reliable firmware (lot of money to pay for a brick though :banghead: )
Just found Flash.v6.ICECRYPT.STC6000HDPVR.ir d. Using that I could clear the flash and revert back to the 87 level firmware. I'll leave it a day or two and see if it still hangs, lets hope not.

17-01-2012, 09:52 PM
Well it has been 2 days now without a lock up (sad when you can celebrate that sort of reliability). I cleaned the box out with the V6 flash cleaner above and then reloaded just the 87 level firmware (not brave enough to try the 88 again). So far it has only locked once, while editing channels (I can live with that) but then I haven't really done anything ambitious like watching/recording HD yet either. So I'm still waiting and nervously trying new things (like watching TV).

17-01-2012, 10:02 PM
haha, good luck mate, i remember going through all that with the ICE, ended up converting it to E2.

19-01-2012, 12:22 PM
Please note that 88 is NOT the latest firmware for the STC6000!
It is the CI+ version so unless you are using a CI+ Cam in the CI bay it has NO advantage over 87(and by what wombatch is saying it is locking up a lot more).
If 87 is working for you then if it ain't broke.............

19-01-2012, 06:54 PM
Ok my stc 6000 lasted 5 days before locking up again, so I have taken the opportunity to load the latest plugin bundle from ColdAsIce and deleted the old plugins as suggested (formating user data), never done that befoer despite loading and deleting lots of plugins. I have also done a factory reset before loading the plugins. I have the 87 Fw running so we shall what happens

03-02-2012, 11:06 PM
Just an update,
Apart from the box crashing when using Youtube (a known problem) there have been no freezes or lock ups in normal operation since my last post, so it seems the clean up worked

06-02-2012, 11:21 PM
Keeping up to date with latest MCAS and xcamclient helps with these lock up issues. Make sure when you do a firmware upgrade you delete all plugins and do a system restore to factory default. When loading the plugins, do a Format User Data before loading the plugins.
There is new firmware 2.10.11 and new Webzeal (web browser) plugin 2.51s and it seems to be all working well.
They are a great receiver and better supported than many with regular firmware and plugin updates.

07-02-2012, 10:33 AM
Agree 100% since my last post no hang ups at all, great box.
Considering whether to upgrade to the latest firmware, any thoughts? I always get twitchy when moving from a stable position, all part of the game.

13-02-2012, 06:20 AM
As long as you take note of the current firmware you're on and the plugin version you're using you can always go back to that.