View Full Version : recording 2 channels at same time - sorted (c line)

19-12-2011, 12:15 AM
i realised today, that MGCAMD was stopping me recording two channels received by c-cline

as soon as i switched to OSCAM 5866 - it can now record both at same time


21-12-2011, 09:02 PM
Mate your a star.

Trying it now.


31-12-2011, 09:02 AM
did it work...?
what image r u using thesedays mate, i tried the latest AAF and came home to a crashed box...the PK Team defo always seems to be more stable.

shame we only have a choice of 2 support groups.

Midnight R
31-12-2011, 10:48 AM
MM can you empty your PM box a bit mate :)

31-12-2011, 08:43 PM
Hi .

Tried loads now, still go back to PKTeams 3a, working very stable for weeks now.

I did get Oscam working and clearing 2 lines with no issues, did get it to record 2 lines and watch a third, but the box was on the edge and spat its dummy out when recording 3 and watching one (using different transponders etc).

Heard there is a new e2 image out for Christmas by one of the usual suspects, I'm going to see if I can find it now.


03-01-2012, 07:06 PM
do u mean AAF public beta? If so, i tried it, and i got a frozen picture after about 5 hours...weird, screen just froze, menu's and that worked still, even a GUI reboot, didnt fix, had to do a full one.

i'm trying AAF again, as PKT kept forgetting timers, and was glitchy with OSCAM.

having said that, i tried on the AAF image last night to record two HD channs at same time, but it showed no signal on 2nd channel...

so, i put on sly sports1 hd, and hit record, went to sly sports3 hd, and NO SIGNAL, repeated test on SD versions, and worked ok.


i really do spend more time fookin around with these poxy boxes than watching TV, my bird thinks im nuts.

03-01-2012, 09:58 PM
Think I'll give that one a miss then.

My PKT 3a with oscam is ok for glitching, no worse than to be expected or with just cccam by itself.

Mate have you a good tutorial for oscam, as I want to have a good play with it, and most info I found was by example, rather than fact, Tar.


22-01-2012, 10:53 PM
Just to help, and aid my last post.

This is the oracle for OSCAM info:


And this works: (Many thanks to the poster).
