View Full Version : F100 [ spiderbox 9900 hd ]

27-12-2011, 02:55 PM
i got the dreaded f100 on my spider box 9900 last night,i had done the latest patch for 30 west
a few days ago.had no trouble at all after the patch.anyway i got f100 and wouldnt do anything,so tday got a nul modem lead from m.plin s and had a go at flashing the box myself,im running xp so all i did was put null modem lead in com 1,start the software choose whitch com you have put your serial nul modem lead in,whitch in my case was com 1,choose the flash bin file,i put mine on my desktop,power the 9900 up and away it went,took about 15 minutes to complete.then it said done and powdered off,well that was it done i was amased,put my backup file on of my pen through the usb,put channel list back on and all up and running again,:respect-055:rgd scrappy

28-12-2011, 10:38 AM
I had f100 appear startered to panic ,checked the unit over & found coax to lnb connect to be bad, repaired it no f100 ,happy chappy