View Full Version : Seca RAI / Telespazio Hungary Funcard (for Diablo & Others)

27-12-2011, 04:08 PM

FunSECom file based on Secom 3.x model (Diablo, Dragon, Matrix, magic (penta 1,20) compatible)

Update January --> RAI (I) 13°E
Update January --> Telespazio (H) 4°W

thx Hilton

15-01-2012, 01:05 PM
Diablo CAM compatible RAI fun Card
(tested on Diablo Light v2 Rev3.9 CAM on "RAI 4" 13°E 10992V 15/01/12 11:50am)

RAI Key0D Jan 2012 & Next0C Feb 2012 - Key Posted 3/12/11 & 4/01/12 - Edited with FunMagic FunCard Editor v1.50 [v1.40 also ok](Remember as well as updating Key0C or Key0D as required, to edit card expiry dates when required, current card expiry date changed to 31/12/2012 from 31/12/2008)

Also Telespazio Hungary 4°W Key0D (Active Jan2012 & Next0C, Feb2012), untested as I can't receive 11560H @ 4°W.

03/12/11 RAI 13°E Key0D [Seca Active, Jan2012] (for Diablo use RAI card or Fausto Emulator) - thx EL_MaEsTrO_41 (TESTED)
04/01/12 RAI 13°E Key0C [Seca Next, Feb2012] (for Diablo use RAI card or Fausto Emulator) - thx EL_MaEsTrO_41