View Full Version : Another Disgusting channel xxx

keith mawer
28-12-2011, 06:38 PM
astra 23.5 EROX HD
FRQ 11.817V 27500 5/6
(Not tested yet,, i think i better !):)

28-12-2011, 06:44 PM
You'll go blind.

28-12-2011, 08:32 PM
Not that disgusting, only seen softcore on it so far..... not that I've watched it that much ;)

28-12-2011, 09:35 PM
astra 23.5 EROX HD
FRQ 11.817V 27500 5/6
(Not tested yet,, i think i better !):)As reported by me yesterday here - > https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?153528-New-Channl-FIGHTBOX-HD-started-on-SAT-BG-AT-ASTRA-3B-23-5E&p=827684&viewfull=1#post827684

Soft-Core "****" rubbish as mentioned Already by Dave5118 .

should be Few other channls Launching soon on Sat BG package ..


28-12-2011, 10:16 PM
As reported by me yesterday [B]here - >

should be Few other channls Launching soon on Sat BG package .

Not so unsual from this member,,,,as he does not read other postings/threads on this forum fully,,, then releases a new thread as if it was brand new and all his own work,,, yeye sh1t happens.

But just my opinion

29-12-2011, 12:09 AM
Its ok not to worry i dont mind and sure it will all be ok when EroXX HD and EroXXX HD begins broadcasting ..i'm Sure they outta be H/Core channls ..bit like Penthouse when it first started with a softcore teaser :smilielol5:
Anyhow no matter SAT BG package really starting to look good and attractive now and 2012 outta be a great year if they do eventually get an EPL HD channl on board as promised .

cheers .

29-12-2011, 01:46 AM
Its ok not to worry i dont mind and sure it will all be ok when EroXX HD and EroXXX HD begins broadcasting ..i'm Sure they outta be H/Core channls ..bit like Penthouse when it first started with a softcore teaser :smilielol5:
Anyhow no matter SAT BG package really starting to look good and attractive now and 2012 outta be a great year if they do eventually get an EPL HD channl on board as promised .

cheers .

and i was hoping the package price would come down a little ,:001_07: no chance there then, :redface:

15-01-2012, 08:28 PM
Frankly I'm grateful to keith. I did see Barney's original post titled 'new channel fightbox' but not being a violent person I did not read it. Keith's heading was much more interesting, friendly and in the spirit of this forum.
Just my views of course - I don't want to offend - but no need for the sniping from some, its ugly.

keith mawer
15-01-2012, 08:43 PM
Fight box and eurox are the same frequency and fab picture quality in hd...
not so fab when the fights are of the ring cage type ( if u get my point)
a bit messy!!!!!!

16-01-2012, 12:42 AM
Yes its pretty hardcore Fightbox HD I Mean ...lol's !! ...can be pretty Graphic but most peeps im sure wouldnt have it any other way ..it was a long time coming this channel IMHO with Decent programming and News Segments ..maybbe a bit Extreme but thats what viewers want and thrive upon these days ...lets face it the world is not all Fantasy and Roses regardless what above poster may be thinking im sorry to say ..

As For EroX HD well good enuff quality picture wise but too Censored and Lame hopefully better things to come ...?
At least these channls have finally at last brought a little quality to our screens so im all for change and it looks like its for the better too ..!!

if you not wanting "messy" TV programs then i mite suggest you watch some Celeb Big Brother or Corrie or Eastenders or sumatt along those lines ..lol's !!
As for me im very happy and pleased with SAT BG for taking thier package to the next level and giving viewers exactly what they want but of course that is simply my opinion .
