View Full Version : Timer function randon

29-12-2011, 11:25 AM
Ive been using the timer function rather than using the EPG to setup recordings over christmas (EPG seems abit of a waste of time many channels missing).
Should I leave the unit on rather than put it into standby as it seems totally random when it decides to record one of the programed timers.
I have checked the timers and they are valid.
I have missed so many programs witch I have setup but its has failed to record.
Anyone else had this problem.

keith mawer
29-12-2011, 11:45 AM
interesting post Bnc,,,
the only way ( as for me) to record anything via my western hdd . is to leave the menu-OSD to off...(top line)
in otherwords your not saving the electricity...and spider will have power into it.
although i do switch it back to on afterwards...Not forgetting to ensure.. the spider is on the actual
saterllite you want to record and the timer is set up correct ,,,

when possible i do use the red button on the remoate to record from the EPG. although its just now and next channels...
If i dont use the osd... and unless i leave the spider actually on,, it wont record..
anyway thats ,, what happens to me,

01-01-2012, 02:20 PM
Does the spider have a "quick start record" function with an end time option on Hard Disc recording ? for years this was a standard feature on vcr's so if you were watching something and had to go out you could press record to get it started and then press the record button as many times as needed to add half hour increments for the end time.

04-01-2012, 08:39 PM
Only just seen this so here goes . .

I have a USB powered drive attached to USB 1 (of 2)
The 9000HD records like this -
In menu select PVR function

Then you have 2 options,
1. use PVR to record normally or
2. Live TV pause.

If using normally there is an option to set the record time or duration of recording. The available options are in chunks of time rather than any great finesse and the options are 1 hr, 2hrs, 4hrs, 8hrs, 12hrs, 24hrs.

If you press the red record button for instant recording the PVR will record for the time set and then stop. Press stop button at any time to end recording.

You can also record from EPG by scrolling to prog, press record button, a note on top bar will confirm the instruction.
When that program is due the spider will switch on, even go to the appropriate satellite if you have moved off it, record only for the duration of the prog and then go into stand-by.

I don't know what happened to you keith, this seems to be the opposite of what you are saying. Can you try the above and see if it works for you ?

keith mawer
04-01-2012, 08:46 PM
well what you said is really what i said,,,
if my receiver is ON!!! I RECORD FROM THE EPG or SET THE TIMER ON to set time..,,,,
however if the receiver is in standbye ( with red light on) it never seems to show rec on the front,,,
this could be that encryption is still in place.
the only way I FOUND is have menu-osd set to off..

04-01-2012, 09:04 PM
keith I was describing the Record functions / options from PVR part of memory.
You are talking about the TIMER function which I have used only once or twice and can't remember how it works, but I'll have a go later and get to grips with it. I think last time I tried I failed....

04-01-2012, 11:04 PM
Ive been using the timer function rather than using the EPG to setup recordings over christmas (EPG seems abit of a waste of time many channels missing).
Should I leave the unit on rather than put it into standby as it seems totally random when it decides to record one of the programed timers.
I have checked the timers and they are valid.
I have missed so many programs witch I have setup but its has failed to record.
Anyone else had this problem.

repeatedly, I can not find a pattern to it for a workround.


05-01-2012, 10:51 AM
I have tried out the timer function.
There is no need to leave power on when recording using the timer.
here's what I did to test:

Test 1
go to 26e Badr4 on MBC3 11919.
Start time - about 5 mins into the future
Duration 00:03 mins
spider says saving data.
go to another sat - Noord on 23.5e for me.
Leave spider on watching Noord.
At the appropriate moment, spider takes dish to 26e, tunes in MBC 3, recording begins.
Spider does say REC on front during the recording and press OK to watch other channels on same transponder during recording.
At the end of recording, spider stays tuned to MBC3 and stays on unless you also set a sleep time, which I didn't.
Make sure you set RECORD not WAKE UP or there won't be any recording.

Test 2
same as above but when you go to Noord, then power off into standby.
At appropriate moment spider will power up, travel to 26e and record for your duration then after recording, goes back into standby.

You can have 7 such events.

As Keith said, make sure auto power is set to OFF in the OSD part of the Menu. I don't know what this does exactly but the advice in another thread was to turn them off.

Have a go when you've got 15 mins.