View Full Version : I’m upset, I will lose my AZBOX

30-12-2011, 02:21 AM
Getting this error message on my AZBox elite. This is happen when I want to back from E2 (RTI 1.5) to official firmware. I followed this way to process for that

(1) Format USB-stick FAT32, and place in AZBox running E2
2) Use Azup 2.0.1 (no other)
3) In Azup, check 'USB', uncheck 'copy kernel'
4) Press 'Install Official FW'
5) Box comes in rescue mode after reboot, Press 'Install Official FW' again (IP-address should be the same as running E2)
6) Select file 'vmlinux'
7) Select file 'patch.alt' (this is 0.9.5300 fw)
8) Azup continues and several log messages appear, wait till it shows 'FW installed successfully'
9) Wait for reboot, VFD will show this:
* SLEEP 15 S
And the official FW has started, if all goes well the settings screen will appear and AZBox can be configured.

This is working 100% in my box (premium HD). Try another USB-stick when it fails.

Unfortunately, on step no. 9 (while plugging formatted fat32 USB stick) VFD shows in sequences
Power on
USB s...
Update: USB

Those messages appear on the TV screen.





I tried many times to remove the stick and plug again, reformat or change but not work. I stared AZBiox without stick I got this on VFD
Power on
Err:No_Disk connect AS

Please help me , does anyone have any idea whats up?

30-12-2011, 02:51 AM
'Err:No_Disk connect AS'
This error message is the same one i got a few months ago, only way i could solve it was to buy a new DOM. Have a read of this thread, it might help you out.

30-12-2011, 03:35 AM
thanks for you quick reply. This could be one solution however do you try something like that?


30-12-2011, 08:42 AM
If you have this picture as you show here, the box must not recovered I think.

Is on the USB-stick after you tried to install OS firmware in same condition as you plugged it on the box? Sometimes the stick would be formated in 4 section with ext3 partitions. If it so, you must only the first partition (with size about 60 MB) format with fat32 and copy your patch.bin with original firmware to the stick at this partition.

Dig Deep
30-12-2011, 11:23 AM
What is the name of the patch ??

30-12-2011, 01:11 PM
I had the same problem a few months ago.
Then I switched off the power from the box and switched on again after 5 min.
Then was it ok.

30-12-2011, 07:50 PM
If you have this picture as you show here, the box must not recovered I think.
Is on the USB-stick after you tried to install OS firmware in same condition as you plugged it on the box? Sometimes the stick would be formated in 4 section with ext3 partitions. If it so, you must only the first partition (with size about 60 MB) format with fat32 and copy your patch.bin with original firmware to the stick at this partition.

hi there :)

that's right. it's like

I formatted partition (60MB) with Fat32 file system and copy patch 9.5309, but the same message appear :(


30-12-2011, 07:51 PM
What is the name of the patch ??


30-12-2011, 07:52 PM
I had the same problem a few months ago.
Then I switched off the power from the box and switched on again after 5 min.
Then was it ok.

Believe me i switch off for one day .also i removed the swatch battery for one hour.it same :(

30-12-2011, 08:01 PM
I tried all the things you have, nothing worked, you need a new DOM i think. They're not expensive, around £15-£30 if you search on the internet, but i had to order mine from Hong Kong.

30-12-2011, 08:57 PM
hello friend

few weeks ago i had the same, i solved like this:

format the usb stick only in "fat"copy your patch.bin you'll have success for sure try it.


30-12-2011, 10:07 PM
thanks SatSearcher , Money is not important :). I do not want to despair. I want to try to be the most successful.


I will try and I trust you. Will be most successful

30-12-2011, 10:48 PM
Use Partition Master Home Edition (freeware) by EASEUS to delete all the partitions on the USB stick, then create 1 primary partition. Can't remember now, it's been a while - but FAT32 is best...

To return to OFW - not done this for a long time now but... - you need to be in the Rescue Mode and then you use patch.e2 but... The question then is: must it be on the USB stick or can one just do it from PC using AZUp? I think the latter... The file is in the Back2Official Folder of an E2 image. Smallish file, so this is just the official image kernel, I think...

Then, after reboot the usual procedure from USB stick with patch.bin file on it, non?

Correct me somebody, please...

30-12-2011, 10:55 PM
Getting this error message on my AZBox elite. This is happen when I want to back from E2 (RTI 1.5) to official firmware. I followed this way to process for that

Unfortunately, on step no. 9 (while plugging formatted fat32 USB stick) VFD shows in sequences
Power on
USB s...
Update: USB

Those messages appear on the TV screen.





I tried many times to remove the stick and plug again, reformat or change but not work. I stared AZBiox without stick I got this on VFD
Power on
Err:No_Disk connect AS

Please help me , does anyone have any idea whats up?

This is the procedure to install a dual boot FW onto USB stick, it seems to me... Hence "Sleep15sec" message - this is a normal message going to a dual boot FW off the USB stick...

In this case, you should have installed an OFW onto USB stick (whille you have E2 in the DOM)... then it should have worked, you would boot to OFW from the USB stick...

So, it seems to me you're confusing the two procedures...

31-12-2011, 01:01 AM
try this with a new usb do not format it, it should be in fat defalt, then load the patch bin on it then rename it patch not patch.bin just patch
now turn off the power on the azbox and put the usb in the azbox and turn on the power, now when you see checking on the vfd start pressing the ok button 8 or 10 times till you see the window to load the firmware then format the app then load the firmware.

06-01-2012, 10:22 PM
waaaaaaw it's working :)

Thanks all

What i do exactly is as zeini and mx700 mention above
• I just keep the partitions as its.( AZbox make this partition)
• I used partition FAT 56MB to save the official patch.
• First time, AZbox didn’t detect the partition but when i restart it while keeping the USB stick is its place. It detects the partition and loading the patch normally.




Thanks all