View Full Version : HD Quality dm800 v dm800SE

30-12-2011, 09:23 PM
Hi all,

I have purchased a new fandangle 3D LED tv from the sales but am now recieving problems with the HD quality. The tv i have bought is an 46" LED 3D tv Samsung ue46d6530wk.

I currently have a DM800 pro with the new style tuner running the dreambox uk image.

i had no prblems with the 32" lcd i had before but i am realy noticing the problems now.

I realise that 1080i is an only equlivilant to 520/780p so there will be a lack of quality versis 1080p. The real problem is that i keep getting juddering in the images and it acts as like a delay or lag.

Is this more to do with the processor not coping with the quality that the tv demands?

I have been looking at the dm800hd as its true HDMI dose this mean that it runs at 1080p and not 1080i?

Also with the faster processot will this cure the lag/ juddering problem?

any help would be much appreciated :)

Thanks ian

30-12-2011, 09:31 PM
You may want to look at avforum to see if anyone has the same tele as you and see if there are some optimised settings for the tv you have bought. It usually means switching off the so called video enhancements movieplus and the likes.

30-12-2011, 09:47 PM
yea tried all setting changes, what forum do you suggest to loook at?

30-12-2011, 10:08 PM
"avforums.com" I used it to set up mine, tis an elderly tele by todays standards 3 years old. But initially i was getting some ghosting while watching football and films looked awful. It's worth a try before you spend any money.

simon 2003
30-12-2011, 11:03 PM
no broadcasts yet (i dont think) in 1080p mate only blueray and console games i use 1080i though ive got a plasma 1080l better for faster sports type images,HDMI is just the interface name high def media interface has no bearing on output type,and yea there maybe a thread on your screen on av forums,hope you did your homework before you got it as it maybe a known isue

31-12-2011, 12:17 AM
Hi all,

I have purchased a new fandangle 3D LED tv from the sales but am now recieving problems with the HD quality. The tv i have bought is an 46" LED 3D tv Samsung ue46d6530wk.

I currently have a DM800 pro with the new style tuner running the dreambox uk image.

i had no prblems with the 32" lcd i had before but i am realy noticing the problems now.

I realise that 1080i is an only equlivilant to 520/780p so there will be a lack of quality versis 1080p. The real problem is that i keep getting juddering in the images and it acts as like a delay or lag.

Is this more to do with the processor not coping with the quality that the tv demands?

I have been looking at the dm800hd as its true HDMI dose this mean that it runs at 1080p and not 1080i?

Also with the faster processot will this cure the lag/ juddering problem?

any help would be much appreciated :)

Thanks ian

First off make sure you turn off all video processing features of your TV, Your DM800 pro will output 1080i through the DVI-HDMI anyway and as you asked the only difference between 1080i and 1080p is one is interlaced 'i' and the other one is progressive 'p' they both output the same number of pixels 1920x1080 so unless you sit around a foot away from your TV you would be very hard pressed to see the difference between the 2.

As simon 2003 said plasma is the best for sport there is no LCD or LED yet that can compete with the refresh rate of a plasma for sport.

here are some settings from AVforums to start you off

Contrast 88
Brightness 45
Colour 53
Shadow +2
***** -1
Tone Warm2

For some reason the forum filter has filtered out the word G.A.M.M.A

13-01-2012, 03:56 PM
I have had the same problem with my Samsung 7000 series smart tv which had this amazing judder which was like watching a slideshow. It was far worse on standard def Dreambox rather than HD terrestial and Dreambox.

Tried every setting under the sun until I realised it was only on satellite.

If it is the same for you then make sure the refresh rate in the Menu/Setup/System/AV settings is set to 50Hz or multi.

Mine was set to 60Hz now set to multi and there s little problems now, hardly noticeable.

Hope this helps.