View Full Version : so, who can help me, i've put E2 into Flash, how do i go back???

03-01-2012, 07:08 PM
so ive installed AAF into flash last night, using the AAF recovery tool...there is an option to install origiinal image, but i dont think it means the .IRD files...i think it means a proper ICE image (or ATEVIO 7000 in my case)

where does one get these images of ori firmware????

do i choose the recovery image option, or install oringinal image option?


03-01-2012, 09:36 PM
Hi Mate.

I'm going to check, but if memory serves me, porter express will allow stock FW to be loaded back to the box, may also have to load stock bootloader 1.54 for later fw's, then normal route (maxiboot or simular, then e2 from usb etc, with AFF). I think there is a easier option now, if HDFlasher is modded it can change the bootloader to 1.54 but with boot options, like maxiboot, but a bit more streamlined, but with less options (first boot etc).

You must have been feeling lucky last night, putting E2 straight to flash, gulp. USB or HDD fine for me at the moment.

Anything better in the new AFF summer, or is it back to PKTeam 3a.


Just Checked and edited, in forun under tools ColdasIce has a sticky for Porter and yes it will re flash, the flash with your choice of stock fw.

04-01-2012, 12:54 AM
the main point of me doing this, is that i have a massive issue with all E2 images on the ICE, and that is, if i change HDMI connection on my TV, eg, if i go to XBOX, and then back to Icecrypt, the picture is frozen, and if i click info on remote, signal is 0.

if i play a recording, and then stop it, my signal is back.

only happens on H transponder channels (or V) which ever RAI1 is.

i thought it might be because the image was on HDD that might be the cause, as this issue didnt happen with original f/w.

but alas, same problem! so that was it really, ive been wondering for ages if installing e2 into flash would get around this massive ball ache.

ALSO get this, if i change AV setting within E2 setting, from say 1080i to 560i or anything else, and after it says "IS THIS VIDEOMODE OK" and then click ok, the SIGNAL dies, and is on 0 (just like when HDMI signal changes on TV)

DO YOU get this issue - try it?

Change your av setting, from 1080i to 560i, does your sat signal die (do it on both a V tp, and a H tp)


05-01-2012, 09:50 PM
Tried that for you.

Running PKTeam 3a from USB.

Tried all AV resolutions, excepted the "Is this VideoMode Ok", used box for a bit, and sorry to say all ok, no freezing or locking up.

Also tried unplugging the HDMI lead while box on and on various channels, left it out for a few minutes then plugged back in again, and again no issues, just as it was left. I didn't plug the HDMI into anything else ie XBOX, but cant imagine it causing an issue with the ICE.

Sorry mate.

06-01-2012, 01:50 PM
Tried that for you.

Running PKTeam 3a from USB.

Tried all AV resolutions, excepted the "Is this VideoMode Ok", used box for a bit, and sorry to say all ok, no freezing or locking up.

Also tried unplugging the HDMI lead while box on and on various channels, left it out for a few minutes then plugged back in again, and again no issues, just as it was left. I didn't plug the HDMI into anything else ie XBOX, but cant imagine it causing an issue with the ICE.

Sorry mate.

its so stange mate, even after you say VIDEO MODE OK, i know menu's still work, but does the SAT signal drop to ZERO ??

did u try on RAI1 on 13e? the FTA one...?

08-01-2012, 03:39 PM
SAT Signal didn't drop at all, but I've just read other post and know you now have it licked. Good fix mate.

08-01-2012, 06:52 PM
nah its fixed the issue with 0 signal on e2 with no ori firmware installed, but on E2, still get the issue if i change res or turn my xbox on, im gonna use my Azbox as main box for a while now - again sick of the ice. lol fits and starts!

08-01-2012, 11:34 PM
Glad your sort of sorted.

Daft suggestion but, I know there has been many revisions with stock and E2 for panel (TV) types for compatibility. Could it be that your ICE and the TV are sync'd in some way and hence problems when you disconnect them, with that in mind, a HDMI switcher may work. A posh one with electronics inside and a remote control, not just a box with buttons (you know what I mean).

I may not be able to reproduce the problem as my ICE is on a little 19" hdtv TV.

You never know, just a hunch.

09-01-2012, 12:38 AM
cheers for suggestion mate, i currently use a splitter, if i take this out of the equation, it still happens if i switch my main HDMI1, to watch Virgin TV, and then back again, its any HDMI interference really.

unplugging and pluggin in the hdmi cable causes it too, but only on H tp's.

i guess i'll never know the cause.