View Full Version : Satnav users in France-read this

10-01-2012, 12:36 AM
The law here in France changed the beginning of January and it is now illegal to have any satnav loaded with French speed camera positions.
Vehicle checks are commonplace and if caught you face a hefty fine and confiscation of the satnav or if the Gendarme happens to be in a bad mood your car impounded.

Tomtom have issued updates for this to comply with the law so if you haven't updated your satnav and intend to drive in France-do it now.

This also applies to ALL satnavs,both stand alone and factory fitted,and all brands.

18-05-2012, 04:47 PM
Hi Plantpot,
Will be driving in france (Lot) in June in hire car. Never used a satnav before but they are cheap now. Have heard horror stories of where they send you! I presume there will be a lot of small country roads where we are going. Do you think a satnav will be useful? I was in the army and can read a map OK if that would be more useful?

18-05-2016, 12:48 AM
Just to update this very old thread: many satnav files for France now have a traffic hazard poi file.

Most of the hazards also seem to have fixed radar cameras :D