View Full Version : PVR Glitch No Plugin Assigned!

11-01-2012, 04:25 PM
Been replaying movies from my HDD. No problem until today. The movie records but on playback no action! I get a "No Plugin Assigned message." The screen is blank but the movie is listed on the HDD.

Any advice!


11-01-2012, 04:38 PM
You messed something with plugins or with remote control xml file.
Did you download anything lately on the box?

11-01-2012, 05:56 PM
Thanks Snakie. I accepted the Auto Update for firmware but it didn't complete stating "errors collected".

No contact with the Remote files!

Still problems!

11-01-2012, 06:03 PM
Check if the hdd is mounted correctly !
Which image ?

11-01-2012, 08:05 PM
Newnigma 2 is the image. The HDD is mounted alright. You see it was working just fine, then the glitch. Snakie asked if I downloaded anything. Other than a failed Firmware upgrade no change.

I can record without a problem, it stores it in the movie list, no proble. Just won't play it!

25-10-2012, 12:12 AM
Back to this problem again. I'd like to restore my DM800SE hard disc to playing recorded programmes. The recorded files show my list of recorded progs. But, I can't play them because of a Plug-In issue about which I know zilch!

Can anyone offer a solution or a diagnostic process to eliminate the problem?

Regards to all
