View Full Version : Channel list "E2" keeps changing.

14-01-2012, 10:54 AM
Bit of a silly question, but now starting to drive me mad.
I have 2 Linux recievers
DM800HD-se running ICVS this has been stable and not made any changes to it for over 12 months.
VU+ Uno running Blackhole 1.7 only had few weeks and lots of playing about with images and plugins.

Problem: I put my channel list from my DM into my VU+ with help of dreamedit all runs well.
What I wanted 2 box's same channel list.

But now the problem the VU+ keeps gaining channels I dont want, all the time, so every few day I re-dump the original list via VUCC.
The channels I am gaining are Radio, Shop/selling, God, ***,test, Data etc etc.
How do I get it to not update the channel list but stay fixed till I update, I cannot remeber if i had to do something to the DM but its getting annoying.

Its probably something simple I have done wrong.


14-01-2012, 10:59 AM
I have read of other users with this happening but I have never managed to replicate this, I use the same settings on two of my VU's with no problems.

14-01-2012, 11:26 AM
There is an option called disable background scanning in menu/system/customize (thats where it is in the ViX image anyway) set that to yes and it should solve you problems i think

14-01-2012, 02:49 PM
There is a setting inside opendbedit.

Go to tools, options, advance, and then untick "Add new transponders to bottom when updating Satellitles.xml"

Then reupload your channel list in opendbedit and it "should" stop it.

14-01-2012, 03:50 PM
On VIX 2.3 image. You need to switch off background scanning. Settings/system/customize/ Disable background scanning. maybe the same on other images.

14-01-2012, 03:52 PM
On VIX 2.3 image. You need to switch off background scanning. Settings/system/customize/ Disable background scanning. maybe the same on other images.

BH image doesn't have that option.

14-01-2012, 05:11 PM
Been looking all over and no luck so far.
My be not an option on Blackhole do may have to switch back to VIX

Thanks for all reply's

14-01-2012, 06:07 PM
Been looking all over and no luck so far.
My be not an option on Blackhole do may have to switch back to VIX

Thanks for all reply's

Have you tried what I posted above with opendbedit ?

14-01-2012, 06:18 PM
OK Not yet, will give it a try later today.
The reason I did not like vix was the image took ages to get screen position right on my tv. but I did not run it long enough to see if as stable as BH as a new BH cam out and got loaded found it stable just the channel list issue as i am happy with the rest.

14-01-2012, 07:10 PM
Fingers crossed it will sort it out for you.

I have tried the ViX images a few times (on my old Duo and my current Ultimo) and it's not a bad image, I just find it a bit "fussy" and cluttered compared to BH images (but then i've been a BH fan for years).

16-01-2012, 09:21 PM
There is a setting inside opendbedit.

Go to tools, options, advance, and then untick "Add new transponders to bottom when updating Satellitles.xml"

Then reupload your channel list in opendbedit and it "should" stop it.

Thanks but it did not work.
Over the weekend I gained over 1000 extra channels,
will keep playing for a few days but looking like i may need to switch to Vix and see what happen then.

16-01-2012, 09:56 PM
Thanks but it did not work.
Over the weekend I gained over 1000 extra channels,
will keep playing for a few days but looking like i may need to switch to Vix and see what happen then.

Only other option I can think of is if you copy all your channels into a favourites list, then it shouldn't ever add any channels to the list, only the main channel list, if you know what I mean.