View Full Version : problem with al jezeera card and 1500ci

15-01-2012, 09:20 PM
hello for the last 2 years have been using an al jazeera card in the card slot in my 1500ci
with no problems.the card expired on the 12 jan,so i had it renewed.they send me an activation signal
works for a day then the following morning its scrambled.i have had to ask for 3 activation signals
in 3 days.the software i have on my box is august 18 2010. sw 3.12p.do you think i need a different receiver
or just update the software.

15-01-2012, 09:55 PM
Maybe something to do with this :

There a lot of info about this on google

15-01-2012, 10:46 PM
i was on their website before i renewed,apparently somebody has been sabataging
their signal.
i have the signal ok,even when the card is scrambled.
last week when there was problems i didnt have a signal,
but as soon as the signal returned so did my picture.

16-01-2012, 12:20 AM
All ok here all 10 Jsc sport channels working as i type ..
i did Request +9 and +10 to be added to my card last April but unfortunatly i lost them since Jan 2012 but still works for other 8 channels ...
So i was left with little choice but to purchased a new JSC 10 Channel Via 4.0 card ...
there was some transmission issues indeed ..but... not signal problems just Jsc Sport channels were apparently being illegally blocked by hackers ..
but since last Sunday everything is as normal now and All 10 Channels are now stabilized again .

Last year i wasted an awfull lot of time on thier website using proxy ip's etc..to get in ...but ..Site was so slow and frustrating i had enuff in the end and was a lot easier just to buy new card .
Your TM1500ci should be just fine to keep card updated ive used that box last year a lot myself for activation signals etc.. and it was excellent i must admit .
hope that helps you a little .


16-01-2012, 02:20 PM
hi barney,
could you tell me which version software you
are using.