View Full Version : TEKNIKA LCD TV 40-270 universal remote codes ?

17-01-2012, 09:10 PM
TEKNIKA LCD TV 40-270 , does anyone have the universal remote 3 digit numbers for this tv , I have tried about 2 dozen already without success , its for a matalan jumbo universal remote control and they dont have it and suggest contacting tesco or teknika

I have tried 000,001,004,005,008,009,013,042,0 46,053,058,076,105,109,170,174

its for an elderly neighbour of mine who was bought it for xmas

it works ok on sony and toshiba , but the net search gave me those codes above but none work

both items are brand new



23-01-2012, 02:52 PM
Hi Echelon

I have a 15inch Technika LCD and I found the code through auto search on one of my 'One for all' Remote bought from the car boot sale. I couldn't find the code initially myself by putting them manually. For me the auto search method on the remote worked. Try the Auto search method on that perticular remote you are talking about it may work. Good Luck

23-01-2012, 05:00 PM
Just seen this info on another forum:

Try 0081 worked when I did it for my friend the other day

worked perfectly for my Technika TV - thanks very much

CODE 0081

This code also worked for the Technika lcd 40-270

I hope that this maybe of some use to you.