View Full Version : Icecam Plugin bundle

19-01-2012, 12:58 PM
Latest Updated Icecam Plugin Bundle for Icecrypt S3500, S4000 and STC6000.

This updated bundle contains the updated Xcam client and Xcam Config, MCAS including Mclient, Mgcamd and Mgcamd Cinfig and Nascam.
Mcas Keys and Coconut keys are also updated.

It is recommended to install these plugins with the latest firmware for your model.
Please delete your old plugins using the format user data option before installing newer plugins.

26th Jan 2012 update: Xcam minor bug fix:

We found a bug in Xcamconfigure.
If the user sets "Start" type of Xcamconfigure to "Auto" and reboots the STB, A Live Screen will show Xcamconfigure Server List.
This has been corrected in the 26Jan version as attached. Xcamconfigure will now only operate in the Plugin menu.
Xcamclient is updated as well due to version sync.

31th Jan 2012 update: MGcamd Config added

15th Feb 2012 update: Mcas and Xcas minor bug fix:

Changed priority settings.
Keys upgraded.
Nascam contact details now viewable in plugin menu.

6th Mar 2012 update: Mcas, Xcam, Nascam, EMu and Coconut Keys updated

16th Mar 2012 update: Viaccess functionality improved in Mcas, updated EMU and Coconut Keys

1st May 2012
update : Plugin_Nasscam_1.0.24B_CS & keydata.tmp

- update : XcamClient & XcamConfigure
--> Tricolor improved
--> DreCrypt improved
--> Cryptoworks improved
--> Minor bugs fix.
--> Enter C line PW : 0000

- update : Mcas, Mclient, Coconut
--> Tricolor improved
--> DreCrypt improved
--> Cryptoworks improved
--> Minor bugs fix.

- update : Spcs 2.5.71 api I.II - Nasscam 1.0.24B
--> New Api
--> Database update

- update : MGcam and MGcam configure
--> New Ico
--> New Prority and Ignore List
--> Minor bugs fix.

02-05-2012, 03:57 PM
Updated bundle for all Icecrypt models S3500, S3550, S3600, S4000 and STC6000
To be used with firmware is V*.10.57 or later.
If your are using earlier firmware then upgrade before using this bundle.

17-08-2012, 12:34 PM
Updated bundle for all Icecrypt models S3500, S3550, S3600, S4000 and STC6000
Plugin API 1.13.1 update for use with firmware V*.10.57 or later.

22-10-2012, 05:18 PM
Icecam plugin bundle 21102012

Updated bundle for all Icecrypt models S3500, S3550, S3600 and STC6000
Plugin API 1.13.1 update for use with firmware V*.11.01 or later.

08-11-2012, 12:50 PM

For Icecrypt Models S3500, S3550, S3600, and STC6000

With Firmware v2.11.11 or newer

update :


18-03-2013, 03:12 PM

For Icecrypt Models S3500, S3550, S3600, S4000 and STC6000

With Firmware V*.11.30 or newer

Updated: Mcas, Xcam and SPCS

25-02-2014, 02:48 PM

For Icecrypt Models S3500, S3550, S3600, S4000 and STC6000 only.
DO NOT use this plugin for the S3700 model.

Other Icecrypt models do not use plugins.

With Firmware V*.11.70 or newer

Updated: Mcas, Xcam, SPCS and EMU keys