View Full Version : spiderbox purchase or not

22-01-2012, 12:31 PM
HI m8s
thinking of rebuying a new spiderbox,my problem is which one to get, do they still offer the --ft with it,my old spider ran out and cant find any information as to what other uses i can put it to ,if i do buy a new one what channels can i expect to get with the --ft
thanks in advance for your help

22-01-2012, 01:54 PM
The gift has not changed much, there are a few channels like Dolly Busters thats gone so nobody has.
The Spiderbox is more than the gift, but if thats all you want then get one from GoldWaffers at least you will know you will get your fully 12mths gift.
There have been others who have claimed they have not had the full 12 months, this can only be as the machine was actived early, so very important to use a trusted supplier like GoldWaffers.

22-01-2012, 02:27 PM
Hello m8,
The spiderbox has been very poorly supported,far too many hiccups,my advice would be to stay clear
of this box, but at the end of the day its your choice m8


22-01-2012, 03:26 PM
Hello m8,
The spiderbox has been very poorly supported,far too many hiccups,my advice would be to stay clear
of this box, but at the end of the day its your choice m8


having owned a spiderbox for almost 2 years I totally disagree with the above statement , mine has been WELL SUPPORTED

the point about the g*ft is that its a 12 month jobby , and after that you make your own arrangements , the same as you would with 98% of all the other boxes on the market

the difference with all those other boxes is you make your own arrangements from day one , instead of when you decide to do so which the g*ft allows you to do

and the original spiderbox still decodes up the ucas channels using the patches and the HDsoftcam too

so the replacement for the g*ft is find your own s*rv*r , or sh*re a c*rd with friends , using the cccam and/or newcamd options listed in the menu

obviously we dont allow cs talk on here , but that is the option for the older spiderboxes

or if you buy a new spiderbox you get a 12 month g*ft once its patched and registered online , and you can add your own cccam or newcamd if required too, or instead

the channels you will get are the same as before , although some have changed or disappeared or new ones added , that list changes almost every week

but the basics are you get similar to what you had on the old box when it could login , all the new box does is allow a new 12 month login

should the OP wish to stay clear as per the previous answer , he may as well use hid old box and research the ways it can be utilised , as a new box wont give him anything extra over his old one

22-01-2012, 03:44 PM
Sorry Echelon I totally disagree,

Mr Daniels allready has a spiderbox, so if he wishes to persue the c/s option thats entirely up to him, however the specific question he asked was about
the gift, I personally lost three months gift when the shower selling the spiderbox went **** up when the shop
in london was raided,I personally have no time whatsoever for these people...


22-01-2012, 03:49 PM
how can you tell if your new box has been connected t o the ethernet

22-01-2012, 04:35 PM
totally agree with tr8....i asked on this forum first...guys on here guided me...purchased spider 9000hd from goldwafers...very pleased with box...and the service i got from goldwafers...
buy from trusted source...and you know you getting a unactivated box...
oh and as for gift...its what it says a gift...(hope i get 12 months)
and as echelon states...other ways to do stuff...when gift gone i need learn how...lol
till then totally happy:hurray:

22-01-2012, 04:58 PM
Sorry Echelon I totally disagree,

Mr Daniels allready has a spiderbox, so if he wishes to persue the c/s option thats entirely up to him, however the specific question he asked was about
the gift, I personally lost three months gift when the shower selling the spiderbox went **** up when the shop
in london was raided,I personally have no time whatsoever for these people...


you already said you disagree earlier , as you made your statement plain for all to see

my experience is different and so I explained my positition for a more balanced viewpoint

the OP already stated he owns a spiderbox and it would appear he was happy with that purchase for the period of time the g*ft was running

the point here is that he either explores other options , or buys a new box

you have your opinion , I have mine , neither agree with each other , but my experience is over 10 years here , not a few weeks like you , and I have had much more involvement in the spiderbox than you have , as a quick search of the forums here will show if you bothered to actually look

the ethernet g*ft issue is a point about cs , and cs is not guaranteed on any system you care to mention , its a bonus , not a right , and you may hope it lasts for 12 months but it may not actually do so. you have no rights in law to actually benefit from this and would be laughed out of any CAB if you tried it , its not even on the box when you purchase it !! you takes your chances like everyone else , and if it fails , its tuff t***y

the g*ft is not tangible goods , you had no rights, and so you are one of the few who lost out due to cir***stances beyond anyones control

we also have a forum here dedicated to issues with the g**t , as its not really relevant to the spiderboxes themselves , its an added bonus through the patch. the boxes work perfectly well without it

we will have to agree to differ on this issue , as you have had your say ( twice ) , and now so have I

22-01-2012, 05:58 PM

Does the fact that the shop was raided and that you and many others members lost 3 months out of the 12 months initial g**t channels (btw almost all of the people who lost out during that period, had the 12 months period extended), make the Spiderbox a bad receiver, or are you just one of those people that cannot see good in anything connected with that shop, or the support given since that period. ???

22-01-2012, 06:04 PM
As echelon says ,there are other things you can do with the spiderbox once the gift runs out.Now it has with mine but using it for what is not discussed on the forum my box has a new lease of life and very easy it was to set up for that and I am seeing more channels than I ever saw with the gift.

22-01-2012, 06:10 PM
total agree with echelon .in this game if it's boxes,cams or cards you always take a gamble. i got my spiderbox about 8 months ago i knew the g*ft was not a right and the lenght of time of it could have been anything .so i did a bit of weighing up . what do i need box for ,easy of use ,software support ,price , even my location (dual turner pointless for me). i did a little bit of trawling the net found servers even free ones ( can be hit or miss but fun tring out). i now love my little 7000hd .the funny thing is i did'nt notice the g*ft had gone .

even without the g*ft if you spend a little bit of time online you'll be amazed what you can still do with the spiderbox ,come to think of it most modern boxes .

22-01-2012, 07:28 PM
well for me.the gift ending was a blessing,i had become lazy.prior to the spiderbox i had a tm6800hd which i used to its full potential,cs.but when gift ended i had a choice,new spiderbox or go back down cs route,cs won,now i have more channels than ever before,ok not all channels are glitch free,but neither was gift.if you al-ready have spiderbox then use its potential,decent receiver for the price and now i watch the channels i want and not what the gift gave me


22-01-2012, 07:36 PM
When my Box got disconnected from Ethernet, I Bought a new one from the sites sponsor.
Works great, and with homplus I might buy a third before the ethernet times run out.


22-01-2012, 09:35 PM
My Spiderbox HD9000 is over 2 years and so far i have enjoyed nothing but perfection from it, the support has
been about the best for any receiver, but like everyone else i was a little disappointed in the way the gift was ended.
But we all new it would happen at some stage, but there is still plenty of life left in this box if you do a bit of research.

But unfortunately there are many Spiderbox owners that want everything done for them instead of doing there own
research into what else the box can do.

I had no help at all, i done all my own research during the lifetime of the gift so i was ready the day the gift ended.
As i have said many times before on here i am enjoying the best possible viewing ever on my Spiderbox thanks to all
my research, gift what gift i don't need it unless i get my second Spiderbox

22-01-2012, 09:37 PM
When my Box got disconnected from Ethernet, I Bought a new one from the sites sponsor.
Works great, and with homplus I might buy a third before the ethernet times run out.


That's obviously your choice M8, but a very expensive way to go about things.

22-01-2012, 10:08 PM
@Aldo wrote " (btw almost all of the people who lost out during that period, had the 12 months period extended), "
Aldo I must have been one of those that did not, I lost a total of 5 months ( 3 still to go until Feb 2012, plus 2 months approx server was down ), all I was told that the box must have been activated before I got it, don't think our sponsor would be happy to hear that!!!!!!

22-01-2012, 10:25 PM
My father was in the same boat as you Maurice he did not get 10 months from his spiderbox the server was off for 2 months of that m8.

22-01-2012, 10:35 PM
ok , ok , we know about the g*ft issues , done to death in many threads in 2011 and its now hi jacking this thread off topic which is expressly banned in the rules here

lets put the g*ft issues aside as we have a special forum for that aspect of the spiderbox , called the ethernet forum in the spiderbox section

this particular section is about the spiderbox 9000 HD , not the g*ft , so lets see posts on the aspect of should he buy a new one or not ?

any more posts in this section or this thread including the g*ft aspect will be deleted straightaway as its now a separate issue with its own forum

anyone who has bought items from peacocks or woolworths or rover etc gets caught out if something bad hits

buy a pc from evesham with a free 1 or 2 year warranty , and evesham goes bust after 9 months , you got no warranty

and as I stated earlier , software is not a tangible goods , neither is the g*ft , its an added bonus and not a right , and you takes your chances when you patch a box , or program a diablo cam or trex cam , or a gold wafer or a funcard etc. many people have been bitten by buying something that only lasted a few days , or weeks , or months , some members here have got drawers full of obselete stuff that didnt last , get over it

22-01-2012, 10:46 PM
must admit it wasnt handled well at all from a customer service point of view. but as echelon said there are alternatives to buying extra boxes (and maybe suffering the same). google servers, cccam, newcamd, and all is revealed with a bit of searching. you tube even show you 'HOW TO' with screen shots every step of the way.

as mardavia40 says some people want everything doing for them. ive looked after a couple of friends for years and encouraged them to learn. updated codes, cams etc for years.

before i installed their spiderboxes last november i told them 'if you dont want to learn how to use your spiderbox, dont get one' ' you must use pc to update softcams, patches etc'
gave them the web address of satpimps and al sat and have just found they havnt even bothered to register, 14 months later, let alone take part in our community. now they find they dont know anyone, and ive decided theyve hung on my coat tails too long.
once the gift expires and you learn another way you wont look back. btw mine is still going but i never look at it with the extra choices available.

dont buy another use what you have

22-01-2012, 11:28 PM
I dont think anyone is knocking the spiderbox but if the member was specificly buying it fot the g**t it maybe a bad idea. I just think its a valid point for him to look at.

22-01-2012, 11:57 PM
I dont think anyone is knocking the spiderbox but if the member was specificly buying it fot the g**t it maybe a bad idea. I just think its a valid point for him to look at.

How can you catergorically state that it is a bad idea to buy a spiderbox for the gift only, do you know something that no else does, as to what may or may not happen in the future with the spiderbox.

23-01-2012, 12:17 AM
he states in his first post he already has a spiderbox with no gift and wants to no if we think its a good idea to buy another for the gift, the way it is up and down all the time i personally dont think it is worth it as cs is an easier and cheaper option for the spiderbox he already has at the moment. 12 months if hes very lucky, or less, he will be in the same boat again if he buys a new one

23-01-2012, 01:15 AM
That's a load of nonsense. It's far from up and down all the time. It's been extremely stable for months, so please get your facts straight.

CS is as good on the spiderbox as any other box and the free channels complement the cs while users get to grips with sharing. The free channels themselves are worth more than the price of the receiver.

Some of you need to leave your prejudices and pet hates behind you and move on.

Any users who have expired spiderboxes and haven't learned how to use the CS are now stuck with only UCAS. One would presume that they would have learned the lesson now and even if they get a new spiderbox, they will still have channels to watch while they learn. Hopefully they will take the time and trouble this time around to find out what a magnificent box this can be when used to its full capacity.

23-01-2012, 10:33 AM

That is a typical statement coming from the site that first advertised this box, let us not forget that
they probably SOLD THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of these boxes on the fact that it had a one year gift.
Or should I say in my case 9 months, total hypocracy coming from these people, one has to ask oneself
why was the shop raided in the first place m8ty's


23-01-2012, 10:49 AM
and did you let them know druid53. as for your last comment, didnt you know that the hobby we choose is probably the wrong side of the grey area.lol

23-01-2012, 11:19 AM
@ Anrakh im not here to tell lies the gift was terrible always freezing and almost never there for 3pm football or the ppv fights ive spoke to many members on msn with the same problems so its a fact, other members have posted on another forum your affiliated with and had there posts deleted it seem you and your spider team cannot take constuctive critacism or the truth if you want us to move on fix the problems instead of raking members hard earned cash from them and talking bull**** im not afraid to speak out im not afraid of been banned as other members are i dont have to lick anyones ass here i just gave a member an honest opinion about how i feel about the spider box, i dont make money from these posts.

23-01-2012, 12:09 PM
Franner. I don't make any money from this hobby either, and never have. There have been no reports of freezing since the server rebuild was finished in September. Whether 3pm games are available on the free channels or not has nothing to do with the quality of the service. Unfounded accusations about what happens on another forum is not appropriate here, and I am not going to lower myself to your level by responding to your nonsense any more.

keith mawer
23-01-2012, 12:11 PM
if i may add my bit... over the years have had diffrent models and types..
but make no mistake the spider is fantastic... the best and easiest i have ever had...
i wouldnt swop ever,

23-01-2012, 12:14 PM
this seems to have turned into a catfight raking over old coals , so its being closed and there will be no further discussions allowed into the 2011 saga from the raid onwards

the next member to bring up the events of 2011 or issues with the other forum , its staff or the shop will face a 12 month ban

I do not believe the OP asked for this wound to be reopened and the thread is now off topic

you were all told to get over it , so GET OVER IT !