View Full Version : PKTeam 3c (E2) EMU Locking Up.

22-01-2012, 10:11 PM
Any help Guys.

I'm having issues with my S4000 and PKTteams 3c E2.

The EMU manager 1.0.6 seams to lock up (frozen picture), randomly over a day (seams to be after a good few hours or if left on over night).

Stopping the EMU and restarting fix's straight away, but rather annoying and not to mention that it also effects recordings.

HDFreaks E2 Bootloader from USB plugin.
PKTeams E2 ver. 3c.

Haven't had time yet to see if it happens on FTA or just OSCAM, as it takes a while to occur, but anyone else had / having the same problem.

Please post if yours is ok, as at least I'll know the fault is at my end, Tar.


PS OSCAM was from here:


22-01-2012, 10:26 PM
yes mate, i was getting that....i would go back to 3b if i was you - 3c doesnt really offer anything too noticeable anyhow.

22-01-2012, 10:39 PM
Thanks Mate, I jumped from 3a to 3c. I will try 3b.

I never had 3a on long enough to find this issue, so fingers crossed.

Please keep replying Guys (just in case).


25-01-2012, 09:54 PM
Still persevering with 3C, done loads of tinkering and still the same issue.

ManikM. please, a bit of help, I've been looking for ages now and cant find 3b, did they withdraw it ?.

Put 3a back on tonight and will leave on overnight to see if it is just and image issue.

May start to look around for different images, as just found a few recent images for different makes of our box.

Got to admit mind, this is the last hurdle, before it takes over the Sly box, and takes pride of place under the telly, :respect-050:


25-01-2012, 10:35 PM
sorry mate, maybe i meant 3a, there was an image that fixed NDS cards in OSCAM...i need to have a think