View Full Version : E2 Booting Issues - Help Guide

25-01-2012, 10:22 PM
Hi All.

Just to pass on some gathered information.

When using any of the stock FW plugins to flash to a E2 bootloader, if your lovely fresh E2 doesn't boot, may be because:

When using an internal sata hdd, the new flash-able bootloader under stock FW needs to see the hdd. (before the flash).

Otherwise the boot arguments don't see the hdd and are changed during the flash, and don't ask me why but E2 wont load (after selecting the USB option after --Flash--, just sits on Booting).

To combat this make sure the hdd is formatted and available in the stock firmware before flashing with the plugin, then you should be good to go when it reboots and looks for the USB "Flash" E2 stick.

When E2 has booted up, you will then need to re-setup the hdd for E2, ie EXT3, Mounted and Initialised etc, so recording / time-shifting and crossepg work properly.

I found this out recently due to booting back to stock FW and it automaticly asked me to format the hdd (I didn't), then used the E2 flash plugin, and as above sat there displaying "Booting".

If using AFF, you get the options to choose boot arguments, so not applicable.

If you need to format the drive in E2 try the AFF recovery tool, also a must for putting images onto USB sticks.

If the hdd fails to initialise in E2 try this:

FTP in.
In the /etc folder find the fstab file.
Add the following to the very end.
/dev/sda1 /media/hdd ext3 defaults 1 2
and save and restart box, now the initialise should work, if not you may need to format the drive in EXT3 then try again.

Hope it helps ...